[+] ESSIDs Observed
Show Command
The show command displays the contents of a table, specific information across all tables or the available modules, using the following syntax:
>> [demo]# show table AP
| 1 | HoneyPot | c4:6e:1f:##:##:## | TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. | 4 | -17 | WPA2 | TKIP | MGT |
| 2 | Demo | 80:2a:a8:##:##:## | Ubiquiti Networks Inc. | 11 | -19 | WPA2 | CCMP | PSK |
| 3 | Demo5ghz | 82:2a:a8:##:##:## | Unknown | 36 | -27 | WPA2 | CCMP | PSK |
| 4 | HoneyPot1 | c4:6e:1f:##:##:## | TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. | 36 | -29 | WPA2 | TKIP | PSK |
| 5 | BELL456 | 44:e9:dd:##:##:## | Sagemcom Broadband SAS | 6 | -73 | WPA2 | CCMP | PSK |
>> [demo]# show SSIDS
The query command can be used to display a unique set of data based on the parememters specificed. The query command uses sql syntax.
Inscope: The inscope <SSID> command can be used to add a SSID to the inscope tables, loading all related data to the inscope_AP, inscope_proberequests and inscope_proberesponses tables. To view a summary of all inscope SSIDS run the SSID_Info command.
Modules can be used to analyze the data contained in the workspaces or perform offensive wireless attacks using the use <module name> command. For some modules additional variables may need to be set. They can be set using the set command set <variable name> <variable value>:
>> [demo]# show modules
Available Modules
[+] Auto EAP - Automated Brute-Force Login Attack Against EAP Networks
[+] Auto PSK - Automated Brute-Force Passphrase Attack Against PSK Networks
[+] AP Hunter - Discover Access Point Within a Certain Range Using a Specific Type of Encrpytion
[+] Captive Portal - Web Based Login Portal to Capture User Entered Credentials (Runs as an OPEN Network)
[+] Certificate Generator - Generates a Certificate Used by Evil Twin Attacks
[+] Exporter - Exports Data Stored in a Workspace to a CSV File
[+] Evil Twin - Creates a Fake Access Point, Clients Connect to Divulging MSCHAP Hashes or Cleartext Passwords
[+] Handshaker - Parses Database or .pcapdump Files Extracting the Pre-Shared Handshake for Password Guessing (Hashcat or JTR Format)
[+] Mac Changer - Changes The Mac Address of an Interface
[+] Probe Packet - Sends Out Deauth Packets Targeting SSID(s)
[+] Proof Packet - Parses Database or .pcapdump Files Extracting all Packets Related to the Inscope SSDIS
[+] Hidden SSID - Discovers the Names of HIDDEN SSIDS
[+] Suspicious AP - Looks for Access Points that: Is On Different Channel, use a Different Vendor or Encrpytion Type Then the Rest of The Network
[+] Wigle Search SSID - Queries wigle for SSID (i.e. Bob's wifi)
[+] Wigle Search MAC - Queries wigle for all observations of a single mac address
>> [demo]#
>> [demo]# use Captive Portal
>> [demo][Captive Portal]# info
Globally Set Varibles
Module: Captive Portal
Template: Cisco (More to be added soon)
>> [demo][Captive Portal]# set Interface wlan0
>> [demo][Captive Portal]# set SSID demo
>> [demo][Captive Portal]# set Channel 1
>> [demo][Captive Portal]# info
Globally Set Varibles
Module: Captive Portal
Interface: wlan0
SSID: demo
Channel: 1
Template: Cisco (More to be added soon)
>> [demo][Captive Portal]#
Once all varibles are set, then execute the exploit or run command to run the desired attack.
Export: To export all information stored in a workspace’s tables using the Exporter module and setting the desired path.
Acknowledgments: Sniffiar contains work from the following repoisoties: