Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts

Thursday, 24 January 2019

How to fix limit google drive

Google Drive is popular platform for saving and sharing file because you can make it as easy, and of course Google Drive give u maximum download speed. But, sometimes you got Limit Download in Goolge Drive, so you need waiting 24 hours to download it again. That's problem can be fixed using making copy at drive we have, after that we can download it. How to fix google drive limit:

1. Login to your Google Drive Account at link download has been limit. change url "uc" to "open" and delete "&export=download" after that, click enter and u can will be open that file.
2. See at upper right, u can see the Google Drive Logo, click "Logo Google Drive+" after that, close it.
3. After that logo has been change, click again, and click "My Drive"

4. Right-click the file that has been moved into your drive and then right-click the file and select "Make a Copy".
5. Then a new file will appear with the name prefix "Copy - file name"
6. Right click on the file, then click "Download". Wait for the download process and finish.
7. Enjoy your file

Friday, 7 December 2018

Cara Mudah Melewati Short Link Yang Menggunakan reCaptcha

berhubung di blog ini saya menggunakan pemendek url (short link) dari untuk menuju ke link download yang saya sediakan jadi saya akan memberikan tutorial bagaimana cara melewatinya. Ok langsung saja simak tutorial berikut ini.

Cara Download
  • Gunakan browser seperti chrome, uc browser. Karena akan verifikasi recaptcha google dan iklan pop-up yang akan membuka tab baru (iklan dari pihak owr)
  • Pertama klik link download tujuan kalian lalu akan masuk ke halaman dan setelah itu klik kotak disebelah tulisan "saya bukan robot".
  • Baca petunjuknya dan ikuti intruksinya, jika kita disuruh memilih gambar maka klik gambar yang diintruksikan, setelah itu klik verifikasikan. Jika kalian salah dalam melakukan verifikasi gambar maka ulangi lagi dengan petunjuk selanjutnya.
  • Jika verifikasi berhasil kalian akan dialihkan ke halaman selanjutnya dan tunggu 7 detik lalu klik get link. nah disini akan ada iklan pop-up yang muncul dan membuka tab baru, kalian hanya tinggal menutup tab tersebut dan kembali lagi kehalaman sebelumnya dan klik GET LINK, Setelah itu kita akan langsung menuju ke link downloadnya.


Atau kamu bisa melihat video berikut ini:

Demikian tutorial Cara Melewati short link, semoga bermanfaat.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018


OneLoad is a universal telecom balance which can be used to purchase Pre-paid vouchers and Mobile Load for all major Telecom Service providers in Pakistan. Users can use OneLoad for prepaying for mobile phone and broadband services

Free Balance Sharing for Friends and Family irrespective of their mobile service

Top up your Friends and Family’s mobile balance or send them e-vouchers

Thursday, 14 June 2018

How To Add Category Widget?

1. Sub se pehle ko open kar ke layout pe click kre

2. Ab sidebar-right-1 me Add a Gadget pe click kre

3. Iske bad aik new window open ho gi uss me labels par click kre

4. Ab title me labels ki jgha categories likh ke save pe click kar de
5. Phir jub bhi new post karni ho to right side me labels pe click karna hai

6. Labels pe click karne ke bad aik box show ho ga

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Know the Benefits of Apple for Health

Know the Benefits of Apple for Health

The key to success and one’s health is to maintain the portion and type of food intake every day. We know that a healthy diet can make your body strong, healthy and fresh. According to nutritionists, the key know the Benefits of Apple for Health

The way to progress and one's well-being is to keep up the bit and sort of nourishment allow each day. We realize that a solid eating routine can make your body solid, sound and new. As indicated by nutritionists, the way to solid and fit living is to expend the kind of sustenance that is totally perfect, adjusted nourishment, and in addition to the right bit. In any case, as per specialists, there are 12 vital sustenance varieties that are very prescribed to help the physical movement of the sportsmen, and one of them is apples. The advantages of apples for wellbeing and eating routine are high

Apples are regularly utilized as a symbol of solid and sound nourishments. Nearly we meet each day that in each promotion that reflects sound and fit life must be the model getting a handle on or notwithstanding eating apples. Furthermore, to be sure it isn't an illusion. In light of different examinations that have been distributed on the planet wellbeing diary, apples contain imperative fixings that the body needs to expand digestion, increment perseverance, and furthermore effectual for keeping up heart wellbeing. Also, the apple is extremely nutritious to keep up sound skin and hair.

What're more apples, some other organic product is extremely compelling and helpful in supporting wellbeing and eating routine program individually. So on the off chance that you experience difficulty getting a crisp apple and can not get the advantages of apples to keep up wellbeing and eating regimen at that point, there are still some elective natural products that you can attempt. What is that organic product? Here's an illustration:


This natural product contains a great deal of vitamin E. As indicated by specialists if everybody devours sustenances containing vitamin E can help the utilization of glucose for vitality needs in the sensory system and cerebrum.

– Mango

Next is the product of mango. Mango is a standout amongst the most well known organic product among Indonesian individuals. Much the same as the advantages of apples for wellbeing and eating routine, the mango organic product is likewise rich in vitamins and supplements that are useful for keeping up a sound body. Mineral and vitamin content in apples can keep up the resistant framework, enhance mind work, keep up assimilation and can avert malignancy.

– Strawberries

Strawberries are rich in vitamins A, B complex, C, E and K are used for the body. Notwithstanding exceptionally scrumptious, if expended specifically, you can likewise include strawberries into serving of mixed greens dishes and smoothies. Not just that, you can likewise utilize it as a reviving organic product juice.

– Banana

Everybody must be comfortable with this one organic product. Bananas are rich in fiber so they can keep you full more. Not just that, fiber can likewise keep up stomach related wellbeing. With the goal that the stomach will feel level and not enlarged. For everybody bananas are the best natural product utilized for abstain from food.o healthy and fit living is to consume the type of food that is completely clean, balanced nutrition, as well as in the correct portion Still, according to experts, there are 12 important food variations that are highly recommended to support the physical activity of the sportsmen, and one of them is apples. The benefits of apples for health and diet are very high

Apples are often used as an icon of healthy and healthy foods. Almost we meet every day that in every ad that reflects healthy and fit life must be the model grasping or even eating apples. And indeed it is not a figment. Based on various studies that have been published in the world health journal, apples contain important ingredients that the body needs to increase metabolism, increase endurance, and also efficacious for maintaining heart health. Not to mention the apple is very nutritious to maintain healthy skin and hair.

And besides apples, some other fruit is very effective and useful in supporting health and diet program person. So if you have trouble getting a fresh apple and can not get the benefits of apples to maintain health and diet then there are still some alternative fruits that you can try. What is that fruit? Here’s an example:

For Better Sex, 8 Hints No Couple Ought to Do withou

For Better Sex, 8 Hints No Couple Ought to Do without 

Push the reset catch on your sexual coexistence

In case you're coupled and stuck in a sexual trench, you're not the only one. While droughts are an ordinary piece of any relationship, it's still no comfort for couples encountering one. "Commonality is the demise of the sex drive," Allison Moon creator of "Young lady Sex 101," told Healthline. "The more we get used to somebody, the less energizing sex moves toward becoming."

1. Free your body's vitality recently 

"Go moving or attempt yoga," says Moon. "When you insist your association with your own body, you can attest your association with your accomplice's body." One review found that coupled however sexually dormant individuals were inclined to sentiments of misery and felt ugly. Recover your sexual power by finding better approaches to move and get settled in your body.

2. Reignite your dopamine with a new ordeal 

"Experimenting makes a feeling of holding and closeness. Think outside about the container and complete a movement that may alarm you or energize you, similar to an entertainment mecca ride or an escape room," exhorts Bright Megatron, sex instructor and co-host of the American Sex Podcast. "You will make dopamine and copy similar emotions you had in the special first night period of your relationship."

Specialists say dopamine and different chemicals in the mind are straightforwardly connected to physical fascination and sentimental energy, which is the reason holding over another action together could help start excitement.

3. Timetable a sex "truth discovering" night 

"Take one night to have a crude exchange about what you do and don't care for sexually, investigate new sex moves, and discuss your concealed dreams," Megatron told Healthline. "Try not to weight yourself to be hot, simple test to perceive what you like and say what you ordinarily abstain from saying out of dread of humiliating yourself or sounding harsh."

A 2016 online research study on 1,200 men and ladies ages 18-25 demonstrated that men and ladies have fiercely extraordinary sexual desires. These desires are probably not going to change overnight, so couples must convey their preferences in bed keeping in mind the end goal to have a commonly pleasurable ordeal.

4. Take a sex class and utilize your end of the week to hone

"Taking a couples' sex class can open up a radical new road of sex play," says Megatron. Finding a one-night sex class is as simple as bouncing on Eventbrite or Facebook. Couples can find out about new sex positions, procedures, and toys and props for sex play, in a learning domain that is fun — not threatening.

When I took a servitude class with my accomplice, the sex instructor was inviting and influenced us to feel good. I prescribe it to any couple that needs to have a great time while adapting new traps.

5. Go on an attractive overnight escape (or not) 

"Leave to explore different avenues regarding [a] little pretend. Make up backstories for your characters early, spruce up, and play around with it," says Megatron. The U.S. Travel Affiliation even reports that couples that movement together has better sexual experiences.

However, a few couples working their way back to closeness may locate a provocative meet testing. "Going on a sentimental escape can make excessively strain to perform," says Moon. "You will profit regardless of whether you get to know one another in ways that are non-sexual. Go climbing together or visit another neighborhood spot."

6. Get comfortable and chill with a sensual motion picture 

"Become acquainted with each other's understanding of titillation," says Moon. "There is porn that is couple-accommodating." For porn destinations that offer female-accommodating, eccentric well disposed, and couple-accommodating options, Moon recommends Sssh, Crashpadseries, and FrolicMe.

For couples that need to go out for a stroll on the wild side, Megatron proposes going to an end of the week sex tradition. "There are sex traditions year-round in relatively every city. They offer sex classes and you can watch sex play without partaking. Hold those thoughts for when you return home later." Sex traditions are recorded in social locales including FetLife and Kasidie.

7. Delight yourself before your accomplice 

"Stroking off enables your accomplice to see you appreciate joy, which can manufacture closeness," says Moon. Enabling your accomplice to witness how and where you jump at the chance to be touched is honing a level of defenselessness that empowers closeness. Masturbation additionally has various medical advantages, including enhancing your state of mind and alleviating repressed pressure, which is an awesome preliminary for more sex.

For brave couples, Megatron has an all the more brave recommendation. "Wear a remote-control sex toy on your date and let your accomplice hold the remote control. Utilize it as a type of stretched out foreplay to put your charismas in overdrive before you achieve home."

8. Have a balanced converse with freshening up a seeded pressure 

The absence of correspondence is regularly what prompts sex dry seasons in a relationship. As indicated by the Watchman, a current overview found that couples who contended much of the time were 10 times more joyful than those that maintained a strategic distance from strife. "Work on having hard discussions," says Moon. "Encouraging closeness can frequently be as basic as having a discussion you have been maintaining a strategic distance from."

Try not to get disheartened by what your accomplice says. Simply recollect that finding what's wrong in your relationship is a piece of trying to enhance it. "There are arrangements in the event that you will bargain," says Megatron. "Regardless of whether you are sexually crisscrossed, you can get imaginative and settle those imbalances."

Clashbot VIP version v7.15.1

Free Download Clashbot VIP  v7.15.1  untuk Hack COC (Clash Of Clans).

Cara Instal dan Menggunakan ClashBot :

  1.  pertama-tama, Sobat harus download dan instal versi terbaru dari BlueStacks.
  2.  lalu instal .net Framework 4.5.2.
  3. Jalankan Clashbot.exe sebagai administrator (caranya, klik kanan lalu pilih Run As Administrator), ini dapat akan membuat bluestacks berjalan secara otomatis. Tapi seperti yang DMA21 katakan sebelumnya sobat harus menginstal bluestacks terlebih dahulu.
  4. membuat akun di dan login ke aplikasi melalui akun yang sobat buat tadi. (sobat tidak perlu membuat akun di versi crack)
  5. jika ini pertama kalinya sobat menjalankan aplikasi ini, itu akan mengubah ukuran layar bluestacks, saya menyarankan sobat untuk me-restart sistem sobat agar perubahan ukuran layar dapat diterapkan. Jika perubahan ukuran tidak bekerja, robot tidak akan bekerja, dan itu akan menyebabkan stuck di tingkat otentikasi.
  6. Tetapkan pengaturan kustom dan sekarang sobat dapat menjalakan Clashbot.

Cara konfigurasi Clashbot VIP:

  1.  pertama download dan instal VCredit 2013.
  2. Jalankan Clashbot.exe.
  3. Login dengan akun yang sobat buat tadi dan enjoy it. (jika melalui versi 7.9.0 yang sudah dicrack, kalo sobat mengalami error "Error You have selected ‘build’ but not created a troop-set yet! Go to the build tab" sobat harus men-download versi gratis 7.9.0 dan hanya mengganti  ClashBot.exe crack dan jalankan ClashBot.)

Semua fitur dalam versi VIP (gambar 1)


  •  ClashBot sudah diuji dan banyak yang menggunakannya di seluruh dunia.
  •  aplikasi ini memiliki dua versi: gratis dan berbayar, yang versi berbayar perbulannya 10 dollar. DMA21 menyediakan dua versi untuk sobat.
  •  dalam beberapa kasus, server Clash of Clan akan mengetahui bahwa sobat menggunakan ClashBot  dan akan  memblokir akun sobat. 

segala resiko yang dihasilkan adalah tanggu jawab pengguna!
saya tidak bertanggung jawab untuk akun yang diblokir!

Konfigurasi aplikasi untuk menyerang dan mendapatkan sumber daya maksimum di versi gratis 7.9.0  (gambar 2)

Konfigurasi aplikasi untuk menyerang dan mendapatkan sumber daya maksimum (gambar 3)

Download Link :

Monday, 1 January 2018

How to apply for Google AdSense

Steps to create an Google AdSense account

Step 1

Please copy the link and paste into in the link bar of your desktop or click on the below link

After click or browse by this link you a get a page like this

Step 2

Please click on the Sign in button if you already have a Gmail id other wise click on the Create account button to create a new Google

Monday, 6 January 2014

Code Combat: Open Source Javascript Tutorial Gamification (In A Good Way)

Code Combat is a javascript programming learning IDE wrapped in a delicious cute RPG/2D RTS packaging that runs in the browser without any plugins. They recently announced their open source/free art release.

The current set of Code Combat tutorials starts with directional movement and activation of pre-programmed behavior, continues with coordinate movement and targeting and conditional behavior and continues towards prediction calculations.

Editor GUI

There is an editor, officially described as "broken". I can confirm that the text editor was slow when I tried using it. :)

All in all, a very exciting project. I have noticed a few possible drawbacks so far:
  • It's not yet clear which parts will not remain proprietary. It looks like the excellent humor (writing) unfortunately will do so (legal page).
  • The music tends to be too exciting to code to.
  • There's a CLA requirement for contributing.
What do you think? Persuaded to work on a HTML5 game yourself perhaps, seeing that this performs okay? :)