Showing posts with label Social Networking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Networking. Show all posts

Saturday, 31 December 2016

Putting a badge for a Facebook Page into your Blog

This article describes making a Facebook badge to promote your page, and putting it onto your blog.

What is a Facebook page

This article is about how to make a badge to promote a Facebook Page.

This is an example of the "follow me" approach to linking your blog and the social networks, although for Facebook pages your reader becomes a Fan rather than a Friend.

Many people are confused about when they should use each of the types of "thing" in Facebook, ie
  • Profiles - accounts for flesh-and-blood, living, breathing, individual people
  • Pages - for websites, brands, and organisations that don't want to approve all their Facebook members
  • Groups -  for organisations that want to approve individual members who join (and in return, group-owners can send private messages to individual members.
The most common "thing" for blogs to have is a Page - and a Badge is the tool which Facebook provides to help you to promote a Page on your blog or other website.

How to make a badge to promote a Facebook Page

View all your Pages using the arrow drop-down at the very top right of Facebook's toobar.
(Facebook chance the place for actions like this from time to time - you may need to look around to find your pages.)

Copy the URL for the Page you want to promote
(One way is to right click on its name, and choose copy-link-location- or whatever phrase your browser uses.   Another is to to go the page, and copy the URLfrom your address bar.)

Come back to this article and click  here --- Facebook Social Plugins, to reach Facebook's tools.
(I used to have instructions to launch this from Facebook - but I cannot find any link to it from my Pages page any more.)

Choose Page Plugin  / Web.  

Scroll down the page, and set the options for your badge.  The first one is critical - the others optional:
  • Facebook Page URL - this needs to be changed to the URL of your page (which you copied earlier)
    If you have less than 25 Fans already, then your page's URL will be something like and you can get it by copying the link from the list of Pages for your account.
    Once you have more than 25 fans, you can choose a  page-url on the Edit Info > Username screen.
  • Tab - the tab on your page that is shown
  • Width - choose a value that suits the space on your template where you want to put the box.
  • Show faces, show header:  choose options that suit your purpose and blog template
  • Show stream:  this controls whether you show posting from the Page inside your blog
As you choose options, the preview at the bottom updates to show what the button will look like:

When you are happy with the selections, choose Get Code.
  • Currently, there are options for an iframe or Javascript SDK:   I recommend using the iframe, unless you are comfortable with the two-part installation needed for the Javascripit, and you are sure that the visitors you want to target will have Javascripti enabled. 

Copy the code provided

Install the code into your blog - there several options for installing the HTML, depending on where you want to put the badge or button.

Job Done!   Your blog will now display a gadget that promotes the selected Facebook page - people can view and like your Page from within your blog.

What your visitors will see

People who visit your blog through a web-browser will see a Facebook area, including a Like button and whatever other options you have chosen.

This can be quite a powerful tool:  you can easily use two or three different combinations on different parts of your blog:  one that has no border, no faces and no header but does show a Stream can effectively look like a "live" feed from your Facebook page to your blog, while another one with different options can show off the size of your fan-base.

Be aware that the Like button shown in this button gives people the option to Like your Page in facebook  - not your blog directly, and not the current post that they are reading.   If you want them to be able to Like your blog or blog-posts, you need to provide this option separately (and many of your visitors are likely to be confused by the different).

As always, people who read your blog via a feed reader (Bloglines, Google Reader, etc), or by email subscription (eg having used follow-by-email) may not see the Facebook item, depending on where is places and what options their email program has.

Customizing the code

You can change the characteristics of the box without having to generate the code from Facebook again.   For example you can later the width and/or height - just remember to do it in both of the places required if you are using the iframe option:
<iframe src=";width=160&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=false&amp;border_color=purple&amp;stream=true&amp;header=false&amp;height=395" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:160px; height:395px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

fyi, I could have just quoted this code, and said to use it on your blog.  But I don't usually do this when I'm describing how to link Blogger and any third party product, because it's likely that Facebook (or whoever) will change their code in the future:  it's always safest to get the most up-to-date copy of the code from the source-site when you need it.

The facebook page where you get the code from also has more information about controls you can set in the code, too.   Check it out for more information.

Do you need to own the page you want to promote?

No - not any more.

At one stage, the first step in these instructions was to
"Log into Facebook with a profile (ie personal account) that has administrator rights for the page you want to promote."

But that's no longer necessary.   You can promote any Facebook page that you want to, on your blog.

But be aware that if you show the page-feed on your blog, and you don't own the page, then you have no control over what is shown.   It's possible that a feed from someone else's Page will show material which breaks Blogger's terms and conditions - or which you simply don't want on your blog.    For this reason along, I'd recommend only promoting your own, or closely trusted, pages on your blog.

Related Articles

Putting HTML from a third-party into your blog

How the data in Blogger blogs is organised

Linking Blogs and Websites

Tools for linking Blogger and the Social Networking sites

Putting a Facebook "share this" button on your blog

Copyright, Blogs and Bloggers

Why RSS / Subscribe to Posts is important for bloggers

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

How to set up Twitter's "view summary" cards to work with Blogger posts

This article shows how to install Twitter Cards into Blogger - and explains why you might do this if Twitter could be an important source of visitors for your blog.

What are Twitter Cards

Recently, Neil Patel explained why having social sharing tags installed into your blog can be important, and I've written a little more about it specifically for Facebook and Blogger here.

Twitter, for reasons best known to themselves, have developed their own version of social media meta-tags, called "Twitter Cards".    (Apparently they do make some use of Open Graph tags - but not for Twitter cards displays.)

Two things happen inside Twitter when someone tweets a message including a link to a website or blog that has Twitter-cards installed.  

Firstly, the message has the words "View Summary" under it, instead of just "Expand".

Secondly, when someone in Twitter clicks the View Summary link, more information (ie a "Twitter Card") is shown about the contents of the link - like this:

In his post, Neil Patel also stated that if you don't use Wordpress,
"you’ll need to manually generate meta tags for each page on your site"
but fortunately for Blogger users who are brave enough to edit their template that's not quite true.

How to install Twitter Cards into a blog made with Blogger

There are two simple steps needed to set up Twitter sharing tags for your blog:
  • Adding the code to your template, and then 
  • Asking Twitter if you've got it right.    
The 2nd step is necessary because (for whatever reason) Twitter won't use the tags you have installed until you've tested them in Twitter's own validation tool.

Step 1   Add the Twitter Card meta-tags to your template

Edit your template in the usual way.

Find the   </head   statement, and just before it add the following lines of code:

<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary"/> 
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@YOUR-TWITTER-ACCOUNT-NAME"/> <meta name="twitter:domain" content="YOUR-BLOG-URL"/>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><meta name="twitter:title" expr:content='data:blog.pageName'/><b:else/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.homepageUrl' name='twitter:url'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle' name='twitter:title'/></b:if>
<b:if cond='data:blog.postImageThumbnailUrl'><meta name="twitter:image:src" expr:content='data:blog.postImageThumbnailUrl'/><b:else/><meta name="twitter:image:src" content='URL-FOR-IMAGE-YOU-WANT-TO-USE-IF-THERE-IS-NOT-A-THUMBNAIL-PHOTO-IN-THE-POST' /></b:if> 
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription'><meta name="twitter:description" expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription'/><b:else/><!-- Still looking for a way to use the post snippet if there's no description --></b:if>

<meta name='twitter:url' expr:content='data:blog.canonicalUrl'/>

Except, you need to replace a few items with your own values:
  • YOUR-BLOG-URL - with your blog's address (eg for me, it's
  • YOUR-TWITTER-ACCOUNT-NAME - with the Twitter account name for your blog. (This line is optional)
  • URL-FOR-IMAGE-YOU-WANT-TO-USE-IF-THERE-IS-NOT-A-THUMBNAIL-PHOTO-IN-THE-POST - with the web-address of an alternative picture to use if the post doesn't have a thumbnail image.

Save the template changes.

(Twitter also have a code-generator - but it's for websites in general, while I have configured the code above to use some of the values that Blogger makes available to us.)

Step 2   Validate your domain

After you have done the first step, go  This is Twitter's validating tool, where they check if your code meets their requirements.

Log in using your Twitter account.  
You do need to have a Twitter account yourself - or at least one that is dedicated to the blog - to use the validator and thus to install Twitter Cards.

Click the Validate and Apply tab.

Enter the address of a post from your blog and press Go.

If you're using a browser that supports showing Twitter Cards, then a preview of the card for your post will be shown in the right side of the screen.   Check that this looks correct.

Look at the list of results of your Twitter-card values shown on the left of the screen.   If any of them show a red-dot, then there is a problem that you need to fix.   Typically this will be because you've accidentally left out a quote mark when you were adding your custom values.

Fix any problems, and enter the blog-post URL again - keep going until you get a green dot at the top of the list.    (Some of the twitter card values are option, so it doesn't matter if they show as grey because they're irrelevant for a Blogger site.)

Enter the URL of your blog overall  (ie not a specific post).
  • If you do nothave a custom domain (ie your blog is, then make sure you enter the URL, not the country-specific one (eg   This is important later in the validation process.
  • Fix any problems for this as well.   (There shouldn't be any, but I think it's worth double-checking, especially if you modify the twitter-cards code in any way.)

Press the Request Approval button at the top of the left hand sidebar.

Confirm the administrative details on the screen that opens - by default it will be filled in with details from your Twitter account.   You may be asked for:
  • Contact information for the person responsible for administering cards on your website (name, email address, Twitter handle)
  • Website information:   the URL (ie the domain), and a description.   Note:  if you are based outside the USA and don't have a custom domain, then most probably your country-specific address will be shown here.    Change it to the   address.
  • Whether your site publishes images or videos that may contain sensitive content (eg nudity, violence, or medical procedures) - so that Twitter can warn viewers before showing them.
  • The website's Twitter-name.

Press Submit Request.

After a moment, if your details are correct, Twitter shows a message saying 
"Thanks for applying to be part of Twitter's cards service. We'll review your request as soon as possible. Expect a few weeks for turn-around time. You will receive an email when your request has been reviewed."

I'm not sure if they apply this to all (or indeed any) countries or Twitter accounts:   when I installed Twitter Cards for this site, I got an email in a few minutes saying .
Your Twitter card is ready!
We've activated the summary card for
If you want to use other kinds of Twitter cards (and we know you do), please make another request.

And the cards themselves were activated on a test-tweet that I did a few minutes after that.

What your readers see

If you have installed the Twitter Cards correctly, your current readers should see nothing different when they visit your blog or when they read your posts via email or and RSS feeder.

But when they include a reference to your blog in something that they send out inside Twitter, the content that they (and their followers) see is a nicely formatted card rather than an ugly-url.


Search Descriptions

Twitter cards will only work properly if you have enabled Search Descriptions for your blog, and if you have entered one for every post that is tweeted.    I looked for ways around this using the post-snippet, but haven't found a way to make this work yet.

Country-specific redirects

Neil Patel suggested one tag that is not included in the standard Twitter Cards documentation: twitter:url

Using it gets around the problems associated with country-specifc URLs for blogspot domain blogs, by changing any Tweets of them to the page, instead of having your tweets split across multiple urls.

I've included it in my list of tags, customized to take its value from Blogger.    However I'm not yet 100% sure if it will work - and will update this article accordingly.


I've set up the image tag to use the thumbnail picture for each post - because that is the only one that you can access on a systematic way for each post.

Twitter's rules say that pictures must be less than 1mb in file size, at least 60px by 60px, and that ones larger than 120px by 120px will be resized.    However Blogger may have a thumbnail photo for some of your posts that is less than 60-by-60.   For these it is likely that your default image will be used instead.

The only way to over-ride this is to use a post-specific Twitter meta-tag which points to a larger photo like:
<b:if cond='data:blog.postURL == &quot;URL-OF-THE-POST&quot;'><meta name="twitter:image:src" content='URL-FOR-IMAGE-YOU-WANT-TO-USE-FOR-THIS-POST' />


Twiter's documentation was initially a little sketchy about which specific domain should be validated. Some people reported having to validate all three possible URLs, ie
although it is possible that this has now been resolved.

What other problems have you encountered with Twitter Cards?

Related Articles:

Adding Facebook's Open Graph tags to your blog

How to edit your template

Thursday, 12 September 2013

How to automatically share every Blogger post you publish on your Google+ page or profile

This quick-tip is about Google's new feature for automagically sharing every Blogger post to Google+

This post explains how to do it:

(How did I do that? Using Google+'s new embed feature. Do you like it? Should I make more quick-tips like this?)

Something I haven't been able to figure out yet is whether this happens for all posts (including edits of existing posts) or just for newly published posts. If it's the former, then getting your posts right before you publish them is probably more important than ever.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

What is Google Friend Connect

This article describes Google Friend Connect, and how it can be used at the moment.

Google Friend Connect (GFC) was one of Google's earlier social-networking attempts, introduced in 2008.

Originally (you can still see the full description here), GFC promised a range of social features that website-owners, including bloggers, could include on their sites. including:
  • Add GFC features to a website by installing snippets of HTML code onto the site, or or using the  API.
  • Users sign in to your website, using GFC with an existing account (e.g. Google, Yahoo, AOL)
  • Users can create or import profiles (e.g. Twitter), discover other users, and send private messages to each other.
  • Social gadgets, eg for posting comments and links, rating and reviews, that you could add to your site, which your visitor could use once they had logged in with GFC.
  • Website owners can set up questions to be asked when a user used GFC to join their site. The idea was for them to find out their member's interests - and that the information would be on the member's GFC profile.
  • Tools to create, manage and send website newsletters, which could be personalised, based on the answers that members gave when joining the community.
  • Matching AdSense ads on shown to users looking at your website site to the interests they had listed on their GFC profile.
  • Tools to look at your user's interests and your site's membership statistics.
Effectively, Google Friend Connect was a group of tools, and some stuff in the background to make them work together:  The tools were for website owners who wanted to grow a community, and for "information consumers"  (that means people who read blogs and websites) who wanted to sign-up to their favourites sites.

You can find out more about how they were supposed to work in this video - for as long as it's still available on YouTube:

What happened

Less than four years after the launch, Google announced that Friend Connect would be "retired for all non-blogger sites in March 2012".   Their announcement was light on details about what exactly this meant, but reading various blog posts it seems that:
  • The GFC dashboard, where users could manage their profiles was turned off
  • The site where website owners could get the code to install the GFG gadget  (and do other things like send newsletter or get statistics) was turned off.
  • Blogger users could still add teh GFC gadget to their blogs   (until the widget was removed in ... not sure exactly when, but it's not available now).
  • Updates from non-blogger sites were no longer sent through GFC.
  • Updates from Blogger sites were still send through GFC, and users could continue to get them through Google Reader (until it was turned off in July 2013) or the Blogger Dashboard.

Google didn't provide give any options for moving GFC user or relationship data into any other tools.

And why?

Overall, my guess is that GFC didn't get enough users - or perhaps it just didn't give Google with enough of a platform for the social features that they wanted.  Possibly this was because:
  • The things which Google Friend Connect promised a number of privacy / security questions. I can't put my finger on exactly what worried me - but somehow it just sounds wrong to me..
  • People asked "Why would I want to share all my interests with someone just because I read their website? I can maybe understand it for a blog, but not for websites in general."

So why did anyone bother - and why is the GFC Followers gadget still on some blogs.

Obviously there were problems with Google Friend Connect:   Personally, I never quite understood it, despite using Blogger long before GFC was introduced.   Even when I started Blogger-HAT in late 2009, GFC just never stood out as something that was important-enough for me to understand.

But some people did use it - and in particular enough Blogger users that Google decided not to turn it off for Blogger.

I noticed that other people had a GFC gadget on their blogs, so I added one to Blogger-HAT - as much as anything because I use it as a test-site to try out features to see how the might work on my other sites.

Finally today, the penny dropped when I saw this a comment "some people that they used their GFC/Blogger Dashboard in place of something like Google Reader" here while I was researching this article.   What it means is that if you signed up to a blog/sites using the GFC-Follow gadget, then you can use the bottom part of the Blogger dashboard instead of an RSS reader.

Today, readers can still sign up for websites which have the Follow on Google Friend Connect gadget on them, but the gadget cannot be added to any new sites, at least not using Blogger's standard tools for adding a gadget to your blog.

The Blogger-dashboard is still being updated with posts from Blogger-based sites that you've signed up to using GFC.

Lots of people are speculating that sooner or later this will be turned off, but no one knows exactly when that will happen.

Related Articles:

How to add a gadget to your blog

Where to find the HTML code for popular gadgets

Linking your blog to the social networks

Putting a Facebook Page badge into Blogger

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Stop Blogger offering to share your posts to Google+

This article describes Blogger's share-to-Google+ feature, and shows how to stop Blogger offering to share to your Google + circles every time you publish a new post, and what you cannot (yet) do with the feature.

Automatically updating Google + from your blog

If you have linked your blogger-account to your Google+ profile, then by default you are shown a pre-filled Google+ share box with details of your post in it, every time that you publish a post, including times when you edit a post that has already been published.

The share box has a snippet and thumbnail picture  based on your post, and section where you can add a comment, remove the description, choose the circle(s) to share it with, and say to also email people who are not in your circles.

You can change the picture associated with the shared post using the arrows (hover over the top left of the suggested picture - the arrows circle through the other available pictures. Or you can remove it using the cross button (hover over the top-right of the suggested picture).

The top right corner shows whether the post is being shared to your personal profile to the the Google+ Page that you previously linked with the blog.

This is one of the easiest ways of sharing your blog posts with any of the social networks: it lets you customise the content of the message and target it carefully, without having to leave Blogger to do so.

Don't bother me: stop Blogger offering to share to Google-plus

If you don't want to see the "share on Google+" option every time post, you can turn the feature off for individual blogs. To do this:

1   Go to the Google + tab.

2   Untick the "Prompt to share after posting" button, currently found underneath your list of Pages

(Unlike some tabs, changes on this tab are automatically saved.)

Why would you want to do this?   After all, if your accounts are linked, then surely you want to share your posts to Google+?

Actually there are a number of reasons why you might want to disable this feature.   Some that I can think of are:
  • If you make frequent edits to existing posts it would probably annoy the people in your circles if you shared all of them - and it slows you down, because the share screen takes a few seconds to load every time you publish.
  • You might just want to do the share, but at a later time than the initial post, to spread out the new-post impact.

Even if you've turned off the "offer to share" option, you can still Google+ share individual posts by selecting "share" from underneath the title in the Blogger Dashboard > Posts tab.

Troubleshooting the Google + share option:

You only see this option if when you publish a post, if:
  • You have not previously turned it off for this particular blog
  • Your blog is not private.
    If you try it on a blog with restricted readership, instead of an error message you are given the not-very-helpful option to share the Blogger sign in screen, like this:

error message saying To access you blogs, sign in with your Google Account.  The new Blogger requires a Google Account to access your blogs.  Haven't switched yet?   Sign in using your old Blogger account instead.

Doing more with the Blogger / Google-Plus share feature

Currently there is no way to:
  • Totally automate the share, so it happens without you pressing Ok in the "Share this on ..." box.
  • Show the labels from your post in your shared item
  • Schedule the share
  • Automatically share posts published with mail2Post or which are scheduled to Publish in the future.
  • Change whether the post is shared to a selected Google+ page or your personal circles
    This is controlled by a global setting that you can edit on the Blogger Dashbaord > Google + tab, but you cannot alter it on the fly.

Related Articles:

Post-snippet and post-thumbnail: where do they come from

Linking your blog to the social networks

Prepare Posts in Private, so you can Publish when they're Perfect

How to edit posts that you have already published

Mail2Post: post to your blog without using Blogger

Using Labels to categorize blog-posts