Ull is played by DeLaRosa Rivera, who is an awesome actor and awesome guy.
Udam Provocation
Since their scenes overlap, I'm reposting the Udam provocation here from our discussion of Sayla's scenes.
Winja wantar pacha, Udam shanti hasa.
Wenja hunter see, Udam near to-be.
Wenja hunter saw Udam nearby.
(Literally, "Wenja hunter sees, an Udam nearby to be.")
Gwamarsh ha waykarsh. Ma Winja chimashta.
Come-they so-that attack-they. But Wenja ready.
They come to attack. But Wenja are ready.
May malshashar Winja mana. U laykwa! Shuta marita!
Don't soft-blood Wenja stay. COMMAND leave! Or see-you!
Softblood Wenja can't stay. Leave! Or you die!
(The word "softblood" is a compound of malsha "soft" and hasar "blood". Note that Ull is speaking directly to Takkar here by saying marita [vs. maritan "y'all die"])
U say salway gwan!
COMMAND them all kill!
Kill them all!
(This is curious -- the Udam lord is using an super archaic salway for "them all". In normal Wenja, the only pronoun that makes a difference between singular and plural is sa / say "he, she, it" / "them")
Palhu Udam!
Many Udam!
Lots of Udam!
Palhu hasmas! Nu Takkar masi-ha yawda!
Many are-we! Now Takkar us-with fight!
We are many! Now Takkar fights with us!
(Note once again Sayla is using the "high" or "prestigious" form of Wenja by saying masiha "with us", vs. the more normal masha)
Prison Scene
Let me begin by saying: I LOVE THIS SCENE. One of the best in the game in my opinion.
You'll note some differences in Ull's language (and in the Udam's in general).
Udam have trouble saying "sh" sounds, and they usually pronouncing them as "ch" -- "mal-chah-sahr" (for malshasar).
Their rhythm is extremely staccato and broken. Ull has no problem throwing words together (i.e., making contractions) if it results in the staccato rhythm that he likes. Hence "N'Udam" and "T'Ull".
Izila prisoner.:
Sakwi me. Ke ne godeimi! Ke ne godeimi!
Help me. Here not belong-I! Here not belong-I!
Help me. I don't belong here! I don't belong here!
(Our first Izila. Note that the word for "help" in Izila is the same in Wenja "sakwi". Ke ne godeimi in Wenja would be "Na cha gadayam.")
T'Ull malshasar damshasu pacham.
Then-Ull softblood home-in see-I.
I see you in Wenja softblood home.
(Remember the rule from last time that damsha-su should be damshu? Well, the Udam don't. In fact, they "violate" all sorts of rules in their language. This is because we had originally conceived of their language as being a creole based on Wenja)
N'Udam dijamim gwashta.
Now-Udam land-throughout walk-you.
Now you walk in Udam land.
(Literally "throughout Udam land")
Udam kapalpurha swarga. Udam cha mari.
Udam skull-fire-with sick. Udam here die.
Udam sick with skull fire. Udam die here.
Ayshta Ull Udami pan. Malshasar krawhas Udam bal daha.
SUBJUNCTIVE Ull Udam-to feed. Softblood flesh Udam strong make.
Maybe Ull feed you to Udam. Softblood flesh make Udam strong.
(Literally "Were-you Ull to-Udam feed", this is a common use of the "subjunctive marker" aysh to mean "maybe")
T'Ull Winja malshasar gwijar.
Then-Ull Wenja softblood destroy.
Then Ull destroys Wenja softbloods.
Ull's Death
(This was a word that DeLaRosa made up in our rehearsals. It literally doesn't mean anything other than "Now in order to!" Sounds cool, though.)
Nu Ull mari. Udam putila miha gwama.
Now Ull die. Udam child me-with comes.
Now Ull dies. Udam child comes with me.
Udam swargatibi mari. Winja palhu mansim gwayfa.
Udam sickness-from die. Wenja many months-for lives
Udam die from sickness. Wenja live for many moons.
U shlaka. U shlaka.
Protect. Protect.
(Interesting cultural fact here. The Udam's verb for "protect" was shlaka which means to "protect (offensively)". The Wenja always use paska which means "to protect (defensively)". Just another way that we encoded different cultural worldviews in their language.)
U shlawdra gwash.
COMMAND free walk
Walk free.
(Takkar also says this after the mammoth's death in the first scene.)
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