Monday, 6 February 2017

How to Speak Wenja: the Intro Cinematics

Smarkaka, salwa!

Nearly a year ago Primal was released.  To celebrate its birthday, I'll be posting the dialogue to all of the cinematic scenes in Primal, with links to tricky grammatical points.  For our first post, we'll look at the dialogue in Tinsay's first introductory scene, followed by the mammoth hunt, and Dalsu's death. I've inserted links to the videos posted to Youtube.

Notes will be given in parentheses after each line, if relevant)



Winja... masi-hasar... masi-janhas
Wenja... our-blood... our-people
Wenja. Our blood. Our people.
(Since this is a formal setting, Tinsay is using the long forms: masi "our" (instead of mash), gwama "come(s)" (instead of gwam), etc.)

Palhu mansi 'pa, Winja dwash shala.
Many moons back, Wenja far travels
Many moons ago, many Wenja travel far.
(Here the Wenja are a united people and viewed as a singular group, this is why the verb is shala, not shalarsh. For verbs:

Tu sama Winja Urus waydarsh.
Then some Wenja Oros find-they
Then some Wenja find the land of OROS.
(But now the group has split, and so this Winja refers to multiple -- not a singular -- Wenja, hence waydarsh)

Gwifa-ha plaha, Winjay damsha 
Life-with full, Wenja-for home
Full of life. A home for Wenja.
(Two postpositions are used here, -ha "with" [full with life] and -i/-y "for, to". Note that we're using -y here because Winja ends in a vowel. For postpositions:

Ma baya gwama.
But danger comes
But danger comes.

Udam krawhadan-yawdan.
Udam flesh-eating-fighters
Udam. Flesh-eating warriors.
(Krawhadan is actually an instance of haplology -- krawha-hadan > krawhadan. Note, too that hadan and yawdan are agent nouns formed with the suffix -n.)

Izila. Haska puris.
Izila. Masters fire-of
Izila. Masters of fire.
(Here the possessive / genitive postposition -s is add to pur "fire". Wenja speakers couldn't say purs, so an -i- was added.)

Winjam hiragwas bararsh!
Wenja-to darkness bring-they
They bring darkness to Wenja!
(If you're wondering about the word order, Winjam is fronted to emphasize the importance of the Wenja people. Normal word order would be Hiragwas Winjam bararsh.)

Nu lawkas gwama.
Now light comes
Now light comes.

Mash-apashkanti Winja brashtar.
Our-away-being Wenja brothers
Our lost Wenja brothers.
(Tinsay shifts to a short form "mash" to signal his happiness for the arrival of Takkar.)

Bal shayu-ha gwasharsh.
Strong spirit-with walk-they
They walk with a strong spirit.

Urus sansharsh.
Oros seek-they
They seek Oros.

Mas sansharsh...
Us seek-they...
They seek us.




Mamaf waydamas. Chardu-bi dashimas. Tu hadamas.
Mammoth find-we. Herd-from separate-we. Then eat-we.
We find mamaf. We separate from the herd. Then we eat.


San hatra palhu sashwalim shalamas. Mamaf gwanmas ha hadamas... shuta marimas.
Without food many suns-for travel-we. Mammoth kill-we so.that eat-we... or die-we.
We travel many suns without food. We kill mammoth to eat - or we die.
(Above we saw the postposition -m to mean "towards/to" in Winjam hiragwas bararsh. Here we see the -m to mean "throughout" or "during". Also, the conjugation "ha" means "in order to, so "We kill mammoths in order to eat." or something like that) 

Tar. hayka mamaf.  U chamsha, Takkar.
There: alone mammoth. IMPERATIVE be.ready, Takkar
There - small mammoth. Be ready, Takkar.
(Literally "hayka mamaf" means "a mammoth by himself" / "a lonely/alone mammoth".)

Nu mash-wantar pur-ha shitawgarsh.
Now our-hunters fire-with frighten-they
Now our hunters frighten with fire.

U hay, hay!
Go, go!


Su wan, brashtar.
Good hunt, brother
Good hunt, brother.


Su wan.
Good hunt.
Good hunt.


U shlawdra gwash.
IMPERATIVE free walk
Walk free.

Wenja red-shirts:

Tigri, tigri!
Tiger, tiger!
Tiger, tiger!

May dram! May dram!
Don't run! Don't run!
Don't run! Don't run!
(Everyone here "my drum!" in this line, but it just means "don't run". May is the basic way to give a negative command.)

Apa! Apa! Apa tash!
Back! Back! Back stay!
Stay! Stay! Stay back!



May shanchita, Takkar. 
Don't stop-you, Takkar
Don't stop, Takkar.
(Dalsu is saying "May shanchita" (with the -ta pronoun) here instead of the more common "May shanchi", to draw attention to Takkar's journey. Something like "YOU don't stop, Takkar.")

U Urus wayda. U mash-apashkanti Winja brashtar waydaaaaaaaa.
IMPERATIVE Oros find. IMPERATIVE our-away-being Wenja brother find
Find Oros. Find our lost Wenja brothers.

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