Sunday, 1 May 2016

How to set up Page-level AdSense ads in your blog

This article describes Page-level ads, a new type of AdSense advertisement which Google has recently introduced.   It includes how to set up these ads if you use Blogger, and some troubleshooting information about them.  

It also describes how to fix an error in the code which is supplied, which causes a message like "Attribute name "async" associated with an element type "script" must be followed by the ' = ' character".

What are Page Level AdSense ads

Google has recently introduced a new type of Adsense ad-units, which may be shown to people who visit a website using a mobile device (eg smartphone of tablet),

There are two types of Page-level ads:
  • Vignette ads:   When a visitor on your site clicks on a link to another page on you site, a vignette ad may be loaded as a full-page overlay which the user needs to close before they see the page which they navigated to.
  • Overlay ads:   these are smaller ads which show at the top or bottom of your screen, and which "stick" to the edge, so they seem to stay in place as the user scrolls up and down your site.   The visit may click on them in the usual way.

For Blogger users, these ads are only currently available if you have a full AdSense account: if you only have a hosted AdSense account, then you cannot get the code to install them.   But if you do have a full AdSense account (either because you have a custom domain, or because you signed up for AdSense before the "host AdSense account" option was introduced), they are attractive because they don't count towards the count of advertisement-units which you are allowed to display on each page.

They also only work if you have a mobile theme switched on for your blog, so that visitors who use a mobile device see mobile-optimised screen.

How to install AdSense Page Level ads in Blogger

Log in to your AdSense account.

Go to the My Ads tab

Turn on one or both of  Overlay or Vignette ads options.
(By default, they are both turned Off.    Click on the empty box beside the "0" to turn an option to  on:  in these controls, 0 means "off" and 1 means "on".)

Click the < > Get Code button.

Copy the code that is generated.

Switch to Blogger, and edit your theme in the usual way.

Find the text   <head>    (including the brackets).

On the very next line after <head>, paste in your code.

Optional - but highly recommended - add comments to clearly show what this code is for.   I usually use
and then the code goes in here ...
Preview the theme, and make sure it's working.
(See Troubleshooting section below if you get a message about   Attribute name "async" associated with an element type "script"    or similar.

Save the theme.

Job done!   This is all you need to do to enable page-levels ads for your blog:   you do not need to install gadgets to say where these ads go, because Google handles this for you.

How to see what page-level ads look like in your blog

Visit your blog using a smartphone or tablet.

Add the text   #googleads   at the end of the website address, so it changes from something like:
to something like:

After this, when you click on a link to move a different page in your blog,  a Vignette style ad will display - these are whole-page ads, which include a "close ad" button, like this:


Extra "src" text in the ad-code

Right now, there is a problem with the code that AdSense are providing.   I don't know if this is because Blogger doesn't understand a feature that AdSense is using, or if it's a genuine bug.    But if you see a message like this when you try to preview the theme:
Could not load theme preview: Error parsing XML, line 21, column 15: Attribute name "async" associated with an element type "script" must be followed by the ' = ' character.
then there's a very simple change that you have to make.

All you have to do is delete the "src" immediately after the word async.

So your code changes from like this:
<script async src="//"></script>
  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
    google_ad_client: "ca-pub-DONT-USE-MY-NUMBER-GET-YOUR-OWN-PUBLISHER-ID",
    enable_page_level_ads: true

to like this:
<script async ="//"></script>
  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
    google_ad_client: "ca-pub-DONT-USE-MY-NUMBER-GET-YOUR-OWN-PUBLISHER-ID",
    enable_page_level_ads: true

Different Page Level settings for different websites

If you are using Adsense across several different websites, then you may want to enable one of vignette or overlay ads on some sites, and a different option on others.

Currently, there is no way to do this:  you must choose one combination of:
  • No Page Level ads
  • Overlay ads only, no Vignette ads
  • No Overlay ads, but do show Vignette ads
  • Allowing Google to choose Overlay and/or Vignette ads

Stop Vignette ads being attached to some links

By default, any link to another page in your blog may have a Vignette ad attached to it.    However there may be some links which you specifically don't want this to happen to - for example if the user really needs to remember what was on the current page once the get to the next one.

You can prevent any Vignette ads being displayed when a user clicks a link by adding a tag to the link.

The tag to add is:

and you need to switch to Edit HTML (top left of the post-editor window) to add it.

This is an example link to another page on this blog which is prevented from having a Vignette ad, and this is the HTML code I've used to achieve this.
<a data-google-vignette=”false” href="">an example link</a> 

More help

Google have provided more information about Page level ads here.

Related Articles

Setting up a mobile theme for your blog

Editing your Blogger theme

Hosted AdSesne accounts for Blogger users

Wenja Grammar: The Causative

As in English, Wenja may use a specific word to indicate the causative, the construction which means “to make do something”.  Wenja uses the infinitive + daha ‘do, put’. This construction can make causatives to both transitive and intransitive base verbs.

Intransitive base verbs (verbs without objects)

                 Mu shnar sasa daha.
                 The man made me sleep

Shnar sasa daha-m.
I made the man sleep.

Transitive base verbs (verbs with objects)

Mu shnar mara hada daha.
The man made me eat an apple.

Shnar mara hada daha-m.
I made the man eat an apple.

In PIE proper, causatives weren't created using the verb 'to make'; rather, there was a suffix *-eye- that indicated roots as being causatives. While not used all of the time, there's also a suffix -aya- in Wenja that can mark a root as a causative.  Check out the following pairs of words:

  • nacha 'lose, be doomed' ~ nachaya 'injure, hurt'
  • gala 'be cool' ~ galaya 'make cool, cold; chill; freeze'
  • majish 'much, great' ~ mashjaya 'make great'
  • su 'good, well' ~ suwaya 'make better, improve, upgrade'
  • drama 'run' ~ dramaya 'make run'
  • bala 'strong' ~ balaya 'strengthen'
  • warha 'speak' ~ warhaya 'make talk'
  • gwarma 'warm' ~ gwarmaya 'make, keep warm'

Of course, you can use -aya- with any noun, adjective or verb.  Just making things up here:

  • smarka 'hello' ~ smarkaya 'make say hello'
  • gasuri 'hungry' ~ gasuryaya 'make hungry'
  • langta 'damned; damnit' ~ langtaya 'make damned'

As a productive suffix you can use this until your heart's content!

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

HITMAN v1.0-v1.1.0 Plus 10 Trainer

Wenja's Roots: Dwani (Sounds), Part 2

Welcome back!

Having examined the stops of PIE & Wenja, we can now turn to the fricatives. Fricatives are noisy sounds, characterized by significant (but partial) obstruction within the vocal tract. In English, we have nine fricatives (in case you're wondering, that's a lot!) -- they can be made with the lips & teeth together (labiodental), with the tongue in between the teeth ([inter]dental), just behind the top front teeth (alveolar), retracted slightly behind that (alveopalatal), or in the throat (glottal). Note the voicing distinction found in the stops is also present for all the fricatives except for < h >.


The sounds < f >, < v >, < s >, < z >, and < h> are pretty self-explanatory -- they're the sounds at the beginning of the words fishvansitzoo, and hi, respectively. But what about those remaining, funny-looking characters? The symbol < θ > =  < th >, as in thick, < ð > = < th > as in then, < ʃ > = < sh > as in shoot, and < ʒ > = < j > as in judge.

And how about PIE?  While the proto-language had fifteen different types of stops, it probably only utilized four different types of fricatives.  They were:

χ (h₂)
ʁʷ (h₃)
h (h₁)

We'll discuss each of these in turn.

The fricative *s was likely a dental sound, more like the Spanish s than the English one. We find this sound all over the place in PIE, for instance in the widespread root 'to sit'. PIE *sed- 'sit' > Ved. sáda ‘sit!’, Lat. sedēre, Eng. sit, OCS sěděti, Gk. hézomai, Arm. hecanim, Wenja sada 'sit'.

While < z > is a full-fledged sound in English (note the pair sit ~ zit), it was not in PIE. In linguistics we would call *z an allophone of the phoneme *s. By this we mean that PIE speakers didn't hear *z as a different sound from *s, despite their difference in pronunciation. In fact, the only time we can reconstruct *z is when *s was situated in front of a voiced stop (*d, *gʰ, etc.).  To give you an example, the *e vowel in *sed- 'sit' was sometimes deleted to produce *sd-, which was automatically pronounced as *-zd-. This famously explains the source of PIE *ni-zd-ó- 'nest', literally the 'place (for a bird) to sit down', continued by Sanskrit nīḍás, Latin nīdus, Old Church Slavonic gnězdo, English nest, Wenja nizda 'nest, lair'. As for the element of *nizdó-ni 'down', if you watch Brenna's Winja Warshta: Brina Winja dachaya, you'll hear her give the command U ni sada! "Sit down!" The basic word for 'down' in both Wenja & PIE is ni.

Just like PIE, < z > really isn't used in Wenja, except when it's before voiced stops in words such as mazga 'to descend; marrow, semen' or in borrowed words (Izila < Iz. His-hílax).

The other three fricatives of PIE, *h1,* h2, *h3, are known as the laryngeals. These were all fricatives produced in the back of the throat, which were largely eliminated / altered beyond recognition in the daughter languages.

Here's the funny thing about the laryngeals. While they were technically consonants in PIE, they are primarily continued as vowels in the Indo-European languages.  So if they're usually vowels, why do we think they were consonants? This is largely due to the Anatolian languages, such as Hittite. Let's look at some examples:
  1. *h₁es- 'be' > Hittite ēszi 'is', Sanskrit asti, Greek esti, Latin est, English is, Wenja hasa 'be (formal), exist'
  2. *h2ent- ‘face’ > Hittite ḫanti ‘in the face of’, Sanskrit ánti ‘before’, Latin ante, Greek antí, English endWenja shantiyi 'near'
  3. *h3er- ‘large bird’ > Hittite ḫāraš ‘eagle’, Greek órnis ‘bird’; Gothic ara, Old Irish irar, Old Church Slavonic orĭlĭ ‘eagle’, Wenja faran 'eagle'
You'll note that in the words above both *h2 and *h3 are continued as <  > in Hittite, a sound which was either a velar or pharyngeal fricative.  For more on the laryngeals (and PIE phonology) in general, I recommend that you read through a recent paper of mine, posted here.

So why do the laryngeals become vowels in the non-Anatolian languages? Well, often laryngeals were situated in difficult-to-pronounce consonant sequences, such as *ph2ter- 'father'. They 'vocalized', which really means that they inserted a short vowel (schwa, the *uh* sound in among) next to it in order to make the sequence pronounceable. 
  1. *dhh1s- ‘sacred, religious’ → *dhəh1s- > Gk. thés-phatos ‘decreed by god’, Lat. fānum ‘temple’ (< *fasno-), Skt. dhíṣṇya- ‘devout’, HLuv. tasan-za ‘votive stele’, Wenja dahisna 'temple'
  2. *sth2-to- ‘standing, made to stand’ → *stəh2-to- > Gk. statós, Ved. sthitá-, Lat. status, ON staðr ‘obstinate, restive (of horses)’, Wenja tashta 'stand, pedestal'
  3. *dh3-ti- ‘gift’ → *dəh3-ti- > Gk. dósis, Ved. díti-, Lat. datiō, Wenja dafti '(mutual) exchange'
You can see that Wenja does pretty much the same thing as PIE -- it inserts a vowel next to the laryngeal to make the sequence easier to say.  While PIE used schwa, Wenja uses either < i > or < a >, which depends on other factors we can't get into here

And like Hittite, those consonant sounds haven't gone anywhere, though two of them have shifted in pronunciation. You've probably picked up on how the three laryngeals change into Wenja:
  • *h₁ > h   (no change!)
  • *h₂ > sh
  • *h₃ > f
While the second & third laryngeals become < sh > and < f > consistently throughout Wenja, you'll often see the first laryngeal changing to < sh > in certain contexts, namely before a consonant or at the end of a word.
  • PIE *wih₁ró- 'hero' > Sanskrit vīra- 'hero', Latin vir 'man', English were(wolf), Wenja wishra 'hero; the one'
  • PIE *d(e)h₁só- 'god' > Greek theós, Armenian dik', Wenja dashka 'god'
You'll note that in the second example, *deh₁só- 'god', there's an additional change of < s > to < k >, which is something we'll discuss in a later post on consonant sequences.

So to wrap things up, here is the fricative inventory of Wenja:

fmaygan ‘piss man’
sada ‘sit’
shazda ‘branch’
hatra ‘food’