Monday, 25 January 2016

Making someone an author on your blog

This article shows you how to set up another person (ie another Google account) as an author for your blog.

Google, Blog-Authors and Blogger

Setting someone up as an "author" in Blogger is one way that you can let other people post to your blog.

It's easy to do: you tell blogger to create an invitation, which sends the person an email saying you would like to be an author, they click a link in the email and then sign in with a Google account to accept the invitation. And once it is done, the person can write and edit their own posts.
All you need to know is the person's email address: it doesn't matter if it's a gmail address or not.  You can send invitations to people with hotmail, yahoo, and indeed any email address where your invitee can read their email.

 However the other person will need to use a Google account (which doesn't necessarily include Gmail) to accept the invitation: don't waste time inviting people who are allergic to Google and not willing to sign up for an account.

How to make someone an author on your blog

Send them an invitation:
  • Go to Settings > Basic > Permissions
  • Beside Blog Authors, click + Add Authors
  • Enter the email address of the person you want to invite
  • Click Ok

A few minutes later, the email address that you sent to receives an email invitation, like this, from
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: You have been invited to contribute to AnotherTestBlog
Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2011 20:47:45 +0000

The Blogger user Mary has invited you to contribute to the blog: AnotherTestBlog.

To contribute to this blog, visit:

You'll need to sign in with a Google Account to confirm the invitation and start posting to this blog. If you don't have a Google Account yet, we'll show you how to get one in minutes.

To learn more about Blogger and starting your own free blog visit

When the person who gets the email clicks on the link, they are taken to Blogger, and asked to sign in

Once they have clicked the link and sign in, the Google account that they log in with has "author rights" to your blog (just the one you invited them to, not any others you've made).

The person does not need to have a gmail or Google account for you to invite them to be an author - but they will need to sign in using a Google account (new or existing) to accept the invitation.

What you will see

Once the person has accepted the invitation, the Google account name (which looks like an email address) that they use to accept it is shown as an author on the permissions tab (the one that you went to to invite them to be an author):

If they accept the invitation by signing to Google in with a different email address than the one you invited, you will get a message telling you about this. It says
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Your invitation was accepted using a different email address
Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2011 22:51:33 +0000
From: Blogger

Your invitation for THE-EMAIL-ADDRESS-YOU-INVITED for your private blog "AnotherTestBlog" has been accepted, but using a different email address. It has been accepted by THE-ACCEPTING-EMAIL ADDRESS.

If your invitation has been accepted by someone you do not know or did not intend to invite, please visit the Permissions tab of your blog where you can choose to revoke access.

 The Blogger Team

What your new author will see

When your new author logs in to - using the Google account they accepted your invitation with - they see a regular Blogger dashboard, except that they only have access to a limited range of functions:

An author can:

  • Create a post,
  • Edit the date for posts they have made
  • Turn comments of for posts they can edit (provided the default setting is On)
  • Edit a post that they made
  • Add a mobile device so they can post using SMS/MMS - (this may only work in certain countries)
  • Set themselves up to post using email (the mail2Post feature) - note that their "secret words" address is different to yours - and that an author could use this feature to let anyone else post from their account.
  • Remove themselves as an author

An author cannot:

  • Edit posts made by other authors or administrators
  • Change the template, layout or gadgets
  • Change the blog's URL, title or description
  • Set up for any email address to receive comment-moderation alert messages
  • Moderate comments (even about their own posts), or change the global comments settings
  • Edit any of the blog's Pages
  • See the blog's statistics
  • Install AdSense into the blog (although they can put ad-units of their own inside their own posts)
  • Give other people permission to write on the blog - except by sharing their own mail2Post "secret words" address.
  • Change the default language and date/time settings for the blog
  • Alter the RSS feed settings in any way
  • Set up Google Analytics for the blog
  • Edit the Adult-content warning setting, or the blog's Open-ID URL.


Be sure your transfer works

If you are accepting the invitation yourself (eg you are transferring the blog to another Google account that you control), then make sure that you either
  • [Recommended]: use a different browser for each Google account, or
  • Each time you need to change Google accounts, log out of the present account, clear your cache and re-start your browser.

Make sure the emails arrive

We sometimes see questions in Blogger Help Forum from people who say that they sent invitations, but the email message was never received.

The most common solution is that the author-to-be needs to check their spam folder - very often that's where the messages have gone.  If that doesn't work:
  • Try sending the person an email address from your regular email account - so you know if there's a  problem with their email.
  • Cancel the invitation (there's a link in the Invitation screen), wait a few minutes and try again.
  • Try sending an invitation to a different email address that you control, and forwarding that message (without clicking the accept link) to the person.yourself.

If none of this helps, post a question in Blogger Help Forum: tell us your blog's URL, and exactly what options you have tried.

More things to think about

As well as giving the person rights, you may also need to work with them to make sure they understand how you use certain features in Blogger:
  • What policies do you have for responding to comments - Who is notified about comments left about their posts?  What guidelines are followed about complaints?  How do you deal with spam and abuse - and what do you regard as abuse?
  • How do you organise pictures, and other external files that your blog uses?
    I always upload pictures to Picasa-web-albums outside of Blogger, LINK so I can control the picture size/resolution. If you do this, you need to make sure that your new author knows where to file their pictures.
  • Have you got a place where you keep policies, documetation, ideas for new posts, etc (eg I use a separate documentation blog for this) - does your new author need access to this?

What next?

Giving someone administrator access to your blog.

Related Articles

Understanding Google accounts

Putting AdSense ads into your posts

How to put posts into your blog's pages

Why RSS / Subscribe to Posts matters for your blog

Your blog and the so-called-social networks:  Facebook, Twitter, eg al

Putting pictures onto your blog

Advertising and your blog, some things to consider

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Turning the RSS feed off or on again

By default, public Blogger sites offer an RSS feed.  But there may be times when you need to turn it off, either for good or temporarily.

Previously I've explained what RSS is and why it's important for bloggers.

But there may be times when you want to turn off your RSS feed, either because you don't want to offer one at all, or because you want to make some posts, or changes to existing posts that are not notified to  your RSS subscribers.

Or you may need to turn it back on again - for example, if you want to use a dynamic template, to offer a subscribe-by-email option, or to enable automatic posting to Google +.

How turn off your blog's RSS feed

  • Go to the Settings > Other tab.
  • Under "Site Feed", use the drop-down to change Allow Blog Feed to "None".  
    (This is the only option that totally turns your feed off:  the others, including Custom, leave some aspects of the feed on.)

How turn on your RSS feed

This is just the same as turning the feed off (see above), except that your need to choose one of these options instead:
  • Full - the whole post is shown in your feed
  • Until Jump Break  - only the part of the post before the jump break is sent to your feed
  • Short - only the first 120 (ish) letters, or less if the jump break comes first, are sent to your feed.

Also, the new interface has a Custom option, and the old interface has an Advanced Mode.   If you use these , you can individually set the value for post feed, comments feed (all comments), and comments-feed-per-post.

Private blogs and RSS
Blogs that are not public do not offer RSS feeds, because they cannot be secured.   So if your blog is private, then it does not matter what setting you choose, your blog will not offer an RSS feed.

Related Articles

Understanding RSS - why it's imporant for bloggers who want to grow an audience

What are dynamic templates

Linking your blog and the social networks

Follow-by-email gadget:  an easy way to offer email subscriptions

Private blogs aren't as secure as you might think

Chrome extension empties your Steam inventory

I recently got notified about the following topic (and post) on
Known scammer alt opening a gambling site

In there, you can see a Steam user named Delta (Steam profile down below) has created several 'helpful' Chrome extensions for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO).

A few examples:

'Read and change all your data on the websites you visit'

Other examples are:

CSGODouble Theme Changer
CS:GO Double Withdraw Helper
Csgodouble AutoGambling Bot
Improved CSGODouble

Instead of being able to change your CS:GO Double theme, your items from your inventory are getting stolen; instead of trading with X or Y person you trust, the items go to the scammer rather than whoever you're trading with:

All the addons he made can be found here. You can report them to Google as well by clicking 'Report Abuse' > 'Malware'. Note: some of them are still in the store despite several reports.

Update (20/01): all mentioned extensions are now removed from the Chrome Web Store.

76561198254328724 is the Steam ID of the scammer, who currently has a/is on trade probation; which means they recently had a trade ban removed.

Update (20/01): 'Delta' is now trade banned (again):

You can find his Steam profile here and his SteamRep profile here. (SteamRep is "a non-profit site that partners with community administrators to improve the safety of game-related trading.")


As opposed to actual SteamStealers, this one's pretty easy to disinfect or remove, as you can simply remove the extension(s) from Chrome:

In this example:

You may read more about installing, managing and removing extensions here. If you're having problems removing one of the extensions, you can also try resetting your Chrome browser.


Does it look suspicious? Does it sound too good to be true? Don't install it!

For more prevention tips on securing your Steam account, see my earlier post about SteamStealers here.

Steam also has a FAQ set up in regards to: Spyware, Malware, Adware, or Virus Interfering with Steam


SteamStealers are (unfortunately) nothing new. Criminals are getting craftier and better in attempting to steal items or account credentials (along with other credentials) from unsuspecting users.

As opposed to actual malware or SteamStealers being loaded on your machine, this time it's a browser extension - thus be wary of anything that looks too good to be true and think twice
before you install anything (whether that be an extension, a 'screensaver' or images that look like you ;) ).

Follow the prevention tips above to stay safe. For any questions or feedback, don't hesitate to comment.

Monday, 18 January 2016

New Samsung Gear 2 Classic Milanese Loop Band Available at

Samsung's Gear S2 Classic is currently on the market at $349, one of the most expensive smartwatches which costs as much as an Apple Watch. Now The next big things is available! New Samsung Gear 2 Classic Milanese Loop Band now start sells at that make you stand out. Simple to Customize your Samsung Gear S2 classic with The best third party strap.

The Gear S2 classic features traditional watch lugs, which means it is compatible with any strap that has a standard 20mm pin. Now Take a look at what we have launched.

Samsung Gear 2 Classic Milanese Loop Band
Samsung Gear 2 Classic Milanese Loop Band
The Milanese loop for Samsung Gear 2 Classic Watch is made of high quality 316LStainless Steel with Stainless Steel Buckle that make long time use. The Unique magnet design helps you to adjust the length easily, more convenient to wear and off. The band comes with 2 colors, including stylish Black and Silver.

Samsung Gear 2 Classic Milanese Loop Band

Samsung also released a video that shows us how to customize the Gear S2 Classic with traditional watch bands

We'll be updating this list if more bands join in. Now enjoy your time!

New Huawei Watch Milanese Loop and Stainless Steel Band Now Available

Watch Out! New Huawei Watch Milanese Loop and Stainless Steel Band Available at

For everyone who own or ready to get the beautiful Huawei Watch, you should know that removing and replacing the bands on the watch is incredibly easy. You can slap on any band that has a lug width of 18mm if you don’t fall in love with stainless steel and genuine leather band from Huawei. Now let’s start the tour.

No1. Huawei Watch Milanese Loop Band

The Milanese loop for Huawei Watch is made of high quality 316L Steel that make long time use. The Unique magnet design helps you to adjust the length easily, more convenient to wear and off.
The band comes with 3 colors, including Black, Silver and Rose Gold. Just choose the favorite one you like.

No2. Huawei Watch Stainless Steel Band

Our watch strap is made of 316L Stainless Steel with Stainless Steel Buckle, the best Link Bracelet band Fits for Huawei Smartwatch. Now Personalize your Huawei Watch with this refined strap.
Check out our Huawei Watch Bands here. 

Now enjoy your time!