Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts

Monday, 11 December 2017

How to show a song, track, album or artist from Spotify in Blogger

This article shows how you can embed tracks or albums from Spotify in your blog or website, even if you don't use Spotify yourself.

About putting tracks from Spotify onto your website

If you have a blog / website about music, then you probably want to share clips with your readers.

Many music and video hosting sites let you do this by embedding them: this means that you allow YouTube (or SoundCloud or Vimeo, etc) to use some space on your site to show a particular piece of their content, with their logo / brand attached to it. They do this because it gives them exposure - and you get to keep the visit on your site instead of sending them away.

There are some music-recordings which are on Spotify, but aren't on any of the other music systems. Today, when I google "how to embed from Spotify, I get instructions which say "just right-click on the item in Spotify, and choose embed"  (sometimes using slightly different words) - like this:

However when I right-click on a track in Spotify, the "Copy Embed Code" option is missing.

I'm not sure if this is because I don't have a Premium subscription, because of some issue with my browser, or just because Spotify changed their system but didn't update their documents.

Fortunately I've found that there is a Spotify tool you can use to generate the embed code.

How to show a song, album, artist or playlist from Spotify in your blog / website

1   Find the item (song, track, album or artist) that you want to embed

2   Right click on it, and choose Copy <<Whatever>> :Link    (eg   Copy Song Link   or Copy Playlist Link)

3   Go to this webpage (opens it in a new tab or window when you click it):

4   Scroll down to Get the Code, and paste the copied value into the box

5    Copy the code which is put into the box under step 3.

6    For Blogger, install it into your blog the same way you would install any other HTML code.      For other tools, eg, follow the usual approach for embedding code

Job done!

You will now have an item from Spotify displaying in your blog.

What exactly it looks like depends on the type of item, and perhaps where you put it.

What this embedded item does  (eg does it play a readder clicks on it) depends on
  • Your visitor's status:  Spotify members see the whole thing, free-service members only see a 30-second clip, and
  • Where they are viewing it from ie does the country they are accessing the internet from have rights to see the material you shared


If you try to embed somehthing, then visitors to your website who are accessing the internet from another country if the "content owner" (ie person who made the album, track, etc that you're embedding) has given permission for this.

If they don't have this permission, you may see a response like the one to the right.

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How to install code from 3rd parties into Blogger

Monday, 25 September 2017

How to put posts into pages in Wordpress - without using a plug-in

This article shows how to set up your blog made with Wordpress so that that (it looks like) your posts are on separate web-pages, without needing to install any plugin.

(For this task, the answers for and are so very similar that they have been combined into the one article.)

Wordpress, like most blogging platforms, is basically made up of Posts, Pages and Widgets (aka gadgets).

People who are building blogs often want to "put posts into pages" ie to have a page which shows a subset of their posts, based on the category.  

The standard, but unsatisfactory, answer is
"Sorry, that's not how Wordpress works.   Static pages are used for reference information that doesn't change often, which you don't want to be part of your regular post-feed, but which you do want users to have easy access to."

Luckily it's easy to set up your blog so that it looks like your posts are on different pages by following three simple steps.   This is an out-of-the box function and no plug-in's are required.

Follow these steps to put your posts into pages

1   Add Categories to your posts

Edit each post, and add one or more Categories to it.  

It's your choice whether to add a Category to all posts, or just the ones that you want to show up on specific page-look-alike ones.

2 Make a menu

Skip this step if your blog already has a primary menu.   But if it doesn't: users:

  • In your Wordpress dashboard, go to Appearance > Menus
  • Enter a name for the menu.   fyi, this name isn't displayed, it's just used to help you know which menu is which,  I usually call it   topMenu
  • Under Menu settings > Display Location, click   Primary menu
  • Click the Save Menu button users

  • In your Wordpress dashboard, go to  Customize > Menus > Add a menu
  • Enter a name for the menu.   fyi, this name isn't displayed, it's just used to help you know which menu is which,  I usually call it   topMenu
  • Click Create Menu
  • Under Display Location, click   Primary menu
  • Click the Save and Publish button

3   Add each Category that you want a page for to the menu

In the Wordpress dashboard:
  • users, choose  Appearance > Menus
  • users, choose Customize > Menus

Choose the menu which you want people to use to a page of posts  (mostly this will be the primary menu - but in theory you could use any one). users - you also need to click Add Item here, to open the next screen.

In the screen that opens, there are four types of items that you can add to a menu.   Click on the drop-down arrow beside Categories to see the current list of category values which you have added.

Select the Category-value(s) that you want to have pages for, and click the Add to Menu button.

This will add the selected category values to the "Menu Structure" section.  

Drag-and-drop them up and down the list to change the order of the items on the menu.

When you are happy with the order, click the Save Menu or the Save and Publish button.

3   Optional:  Deal with the home-page

By default, Wordpress blogs show posts on the home page, as well as on the "Category pages" for the categories you have assigned to them.

You can stop this by choosing
  • users:     Appearance > Customize > Static front page   
  •    Customize  > Static front page   
and clicking the Static Page radio button.

Next, under the Front Page drop-down box, either
  • Choose one of your existing Pages or
  • Use the Add New link to create a new Page  (you can edit the contents later).

And under Post Page, either
  • Choose one of your existing Pages or
  • Use the Add New link to create a new Page
Note that this step is optional:   if you do it, you also need to edit your Menu (see step 2 above),  and add the selected Page to your menu.    If  you don't do this, then you need to have set up some other method for people visiting your blog to get to the posts.

Click Save and Publish    (at the top of the sidebar), to make these changes take effect.

Job Done

It really is that simple.  Your readers can now click on the "pages" in your blog from your menu, and see a list of posts for the Page that they chose.

Even better, if some posts relate to more than one topic, they show up on all of the relevant pages.  

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Coming soon.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Uploading Signature of 10KB 20KB 50KB Image Size

A number of guys and girls need their scanned signatures to upload on a website while applying for a government job. Its a tough task for beginners and require help of some expert. However its not as tough as it seems to be. Sometimes there is a limitation of size in KB. Different websites have different criteria for scanned signatures, such as signature should be on a white paper will a black / blue pen and the size of image should not be more than 10KB, 20KB or 50KB (one of the most important things). Here we will help you with all these things.

Signature of 10KB 20KB 50KB Image Size

Here are a few steps to scan and resizing your signature in a perfect way.

  • First thing you need to do is sign on a blank white paper with a black or blue pen (whichever is required by the website)
  • Now get the image scanned by a scanner. Usually scanners scan images at high DPI (depth per inch) to get accurate image. You may decrease the DPI setting and then scan the signature for less size.
  • If you don't have access to scanner then you may also take it picture through a digital camera or mobile camera. Make sure the picture is taken under good lighting conditions. now transfer that picture to your PC. 
  • Now you have to crop the image. Make sure that no extra space is there except the signature as it will only increase the size of image.
  • After cropping the image check its size. If it is still more than required then either you can use MS Paint (provided by default in all Windows PC) or you can use a online tool to decrease the size.
  • How to decrease the size using MS Paint Brush: Read More
  • If you are not an expert in using MS Paint then you can use the Online Image Size Reducer Tool.

Now you can easily use the correct size file to upload on the website. This task is not as tough as it seems to be.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Types of Banking Frauds and How to Save Yourself

Banking Frauds are becoming a common thing now a days. Every alternate day newspaper contain some sort of banking fraud case. However recently several groups were trapped which were indulged in such activities. Its better to save yourself from such frauds yourself, else you will just bang your head with pillars with no guarantee of getting your money back.

How to save yourself from Net Banking Frauds

Knowledge is the key to save yourself from net banking frauds. Instead of being non-tech-savvy its better to be tech savvy and save yourself. In the following article we will tell you about types of banking frauds and how to save yourselves from them. In the old times most of the bank frauds were related to forged signatures, but not both time and technology has changed. Passwords are the modern signatures. Use them with extreme precaution.

Here a few types of banking fraud techniques and how you can save yourself from them.

1. Cyber cafe fraud : If you use net banking from some cyber cafe then softwares/virus installed on those systems might steal your banking access information. Sometimes some hardware devices like keystroke tracker (attached on keyboard port) can also store all keystrokes pressed by you and later the hacker can get the userid and password of your net banking.
How to save Yourself:
  • Use netbanking from your own device. Your own laptop / desktop / smartphone (with some anti-virus) is the safest place to use net banking.
  • If you have to use it from cyber cafe then make sure that some antivirus is installed. Also make it sure that the browser / system don't remember your password.
  • While accessing net banking from cyber cafe, use private mode available in most of the browsers. in private mode your browsing history is not stored in system.

2. Calling from Bank: If you ever get a call from bank and the person at the other end asks for your bank details (to verify it), then its a fake call.
How to save Yourself:
  • Don't provide login details of your bank account or ATM card.
  • Even if they say that its urgent then tell them that you will call the bank customer care yourself.
  • If you think that there might be a genuine problem then contact bank customer care yourself.
  • Even if the call is from your bank, don't provide your account access information.

3. Fake Emails: If you ever receive an email from bank that asks for your bank details then its also fake. Such emails also contain a link to a phishing website to enter your bank details. These phishing websites looks just like your bank website.
How to save Yourself:
  • There is one way to find if its fake or not. Email address is of form . If the sender email does not contain your bank's domain name then its fake. Usually such fake emails use free email ids like gmail and yahoo.

4. Phishing Websites: Phishing website are replicated versions of original banking website. These phishing websites have a slightly different domain name, so that if any user reaches them by mistake , he/she will not be able to identify it as fake. Usually users fall in trap of such websites through fake emails (as discussed in last point) and enters his login details which is then sent to some hacker.
How to save Yourself:
  • Always check the domain name of banking website before entering the login information.
  • If you have mistakenly entered information on such website then immediately open the correct one and change your password and then report this fraud to your bank.
How to report a Net Banking Fraud

5. Don't ignore SMS : Messages from you bank are important. Suppose you have received a SMS from bank that some financial transaction has occured or some beneficiary is added in your account, and none of them is in your knowledge, then it means that your net banking information is stolen and somebody else is using it.
How to save Yourself:
  • Change the netbanking password immediately
  • Then report the crime to your bank through net banking or calling the customer care of your bank.
  • Changing the PIN of your ATM card is also advised. 

6. Always register your permanent mobile number with your bank. If you ever change that number, then must register the new number and get the previous one removed. If you don't do that then after sometime if somebody else gets the same mobile number from telecom company then he/she will recieve your banking transactions messages and may also harm you in some way.

We hope that the above information will help you in protecting yourself from netbanking frauds.

How to save yourself from Online Banking Frauds

How to Report a Netbanking Fraud

Netbanking is becoming a problem for bank customers, especially those who are new in using computers or internet. In most of the cases the bank customers are cheated due to their own ignorance or lack of knowledge about internet. According to a report in recent newspapers, Pune is becoming capital of Internet banking frauds. Dozens of groups are active in internet banking frauds by means of hacking, phishing websites and many more techniques.

Here we will tell you how you can report a netbanking fraud and save others and yourself from any further harm. If the fraud is reported in time then you may also save yourself from financial loss.

Most of the banks have got a website for netbanking customers. Its better to use the correct website for your banking transactions, as sometimes a website with a slightly different matching name might be a phishing website. Authentic websites of banks usually have a page to report the netbanking frauds. Here is a list of these pages.

  • Canara bank :
  • CIBC:
  • HDFC:
  • ICICI:
  • SBI :

If your banks fraud page is not listed here, then after changing your account password try to find the fraud reporting link in your net banking website. If you are unable to find it then contact their customer care immediately.

You may also find toll free numbers of different banks from the following page.

Netbanking Frauds in Last Five years

According to a recent report published in DNA more than 11500 cases of banking frauds involving amount above Rs 1 lakh are reported in past 5 years. Around 27000 Crore rupees were lost due to these frauds by different public and private sector banks. Among them SBI tops in public sector banks and ICICI tops in private sector banks. However these banks are also the banks with most number of bank accounts. Most of these losses are due to fake loans and netbanking frauds.

Friday, 29 January 2016

How to save yourself from Online Banking Frauds

Online Banking Frauds are making news now a days. Most of the non-tech savvy people don't activate their net banking due to their fear of net banking frauds. Only the correct knowledge about internet banking and the correct way to use it can remove this fear. Most the online banking frauds occur due to ignorance of the user and mishandling of user access information like User-ID and Password.

  • Use the correct website for Online Banking: In some cases of online banking fraud, user used the incorrect website (or Phishing website) for internet banking. For example, you wanted to open website of ABC Bank , which is -- but instead of opening that website you typed and a similar banking website opens and you use your used-id and password on it. Due to such foolish things your access information is stolen by some smart hacker who designed that similar looking website with almost similar domain name. Your one misspelling of that website name can lead you to something inappropriate for you. You can protect yourself from such things by just using bookmarks feature in your browser. Save your netbanking website name in your browser bookmarks and access it through those bookmarks instead of typing it yourself.
  • Use some sort of Internet Security: There are a number of Antivirus available in the market that also provide internet security. These security softwares alert you, when you go to some phishing website. These security software also protect your system from some computer viruses which can target the sensisitive information stored on your computer.
  • Don't save your netbanking passwords in your computer: Saving your netbanking password on your computer is a bad practice. It might save your time in logging into the website but it makes your access information vulnerable to others. If some tech-savvy person use your computer for a few minutes, he/she can easily copy that information. Some computer virus can also copy such information and send it to some other people without even sharing your laptop/desktop with somebody else. In such case antivirus software might help you, but its better not to store such information on your PC.
  • Change your Password at a regular Interval: Changing your netbanking password at a regular interval is a good habit to be more secure. Even if somebody has stolen your old password , he/she will not be able to use it anymore.
  • Keep you password in your Brain: Its better not to write your password anywhere else except your brain. But still if you think that you will not be able to remember it, then store it at a place which is not accessible by others and easily accessible by you. Know how to choose a secure password.
  • Only shop through reputed websites: Online shopping is trending now a days. Try to go for Cash-on-delivery (COD), but when its comes to making payment online first check the reputation of shopping website before making any payment. If its a reputed website only then choose the option of online payment.
Types of Banking Frauds and how to save yourself

There is no harm in being modern and using the technology but its necessary to do it safely. There are pros and cons of everything, same is with net banking. So use Internet banking and play it safely for your own betterment.

How to report a Net Banking Fraud

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

How to get your first Job in Private Sector Companies in India

Getting a good Job is the first need of a Guy / Gal of Modern India. Some of us start searching for Job just after finishing Graduation while some start after Masters. In this article we will tell you the best way to help you in getting a Job that fits your profile and provides you a good Salary.

When should you start searching for a job ?

The best time to start searching for a job is in the Final year of your studies. If you are lucky then you might might get an appointment letter even before finishing your studies and you can complete it with a calm mind with no tension of searching for a job afterwards. But if you are more lucky then you might not get a job during that year as something better is waiting for you afterwards.
Note: Never leave your positive attitude as its the most necessary thing to keep you going.

Where should you search for a Job ?

You can search for the jobs in Newspaper classified ads section. You should also register on Job websites like or . These website let you know about upcoming Walkins and Job Fairs. Jobs Fairs are the best thing to get a job. A number of companies come at the same place in a Job Fair and you can attend walkins of several companies on the same day.

What preparation do i need for a Job Fair ?

You should have at least 10 copies of your resume and 20 copies of your photograph. Before going for a Job Fair make sure in which sector you want to make a career. There may be IT, Finance, Insurance, BPO and many more companies. Judge it yourselves that which sector according to your qualification suits you. Then appear in walkins of those companies only. You should also have basic knowledge about those companies. Also keep your academic records ready (atleast photocopies of marksheets). If you are selected then you will be given a joining date.

If you are not selected then never end your search and keep learning from previous experiences and try to improve. You may join some personality development classes or get enrolled in some course to boost your knowledge on a particular sector.

Walkins are conducted in all major cities every day. You just need to be on the right place at right time with right skills. So don't loose hope and keep going.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Dowry Value

Your value is = 

If you visited this page to calculate the appropriate dowry amount for you, then we suggest you to not repeat it in your real life. Its good to know your worth, but not in terms of dowry.

Let me tell you some facts about dowry and dowry related deaths in India.
  • According to Wikipedia, India is the country with largest number of dowry related deaths in 2012. The data is collected from Indian National Crime Record Bureau.
  • 18233 dowry related deaths were reported in 2012.
  • Out of every one lakh women in India, 1.4 die due to dowry. Pakistan tops in this case where this number is 2.45 in every one lakh.
  • Most of the dowry deaths occur by having poison, hanging themselves or setting themselves on fire.  
  • In every 90 minutes one bride is burned to death only due to dowry.
  • These facts are only those which are reported. According to a survey a number of cases remain unreported.
  • In most of the cases bride is not killed by tortured for dowry demand.
  • Dowry is the major reason for Female foeticide in India. Poor people don't want baby girls to get relief from tension of dowry.
Even after reading all those facts if you want to calculate your Dowry Value, then be ready to land yourself in police custody someday.
But if you are good enough to understand the above facts then try to remove this evil from India. Make your own life and marriage an example for others and motivate your relatives to do the same.