Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Self Click In Adsense

Hello Friends
This Is illegal at the end google will Cought You

|First, let me start by saying this;"This is the craziest topic I have treated here @blogincomes.com.ng but we have to be truthful in some stuff at least to teach you exactly what we meant by safe Adsense self-clicking"
Did that heading get you?Well if it did I think you might wanna read on.
In the first instance, let me start by pointing out that this article isn't going to cover the side on which people use different IP addresses to click on their ads or change of location as this doesn't work any longer.
For the records, we do write good reviews here as a result of our visitor's inquisitiveness in our detailed explained topics here on blogincomes.com.ng.
In our previous article where we wrote about Google, Adsense blackhat covered the areas of using VPN to click on ads but this is an outdated method for you must be caught while using it.
Think I have said enough; now let's get down to business.How to click on my Google Adsense ad without getting banned.
Allow me to quote a very prolific blogger here"Neil Patel would always say 'If you have traffic, you can do anything'".
If my quote was right, clicking on your own Adsense ad and not getting caught or banned boils down to the most important factor in a website which is traffic.
Consider a situation whereby you're not getting much clicks on your ads and this is a very bad one, so you decided to elevate your clicks and as well your revenue through clicking on your own ad but the problem is that you don't have traffic.
You have less that 200 visitors to your website daily and less than 50 pageviews to your blog daily.
Believe me if you clicked on your ad, Google will find out and you will face penalty (Suspension or Ban).
But that's not the end to this, as we made mention of traffic in our fore discussion.
Recall that not all website visitors click on ads and not every website visitor converts. I have been a party to solving a huge problem a fellow blogger has when he complained to us that:
"I do generate visitors to my website basically through Facebook but I have never made sales or had my Adsense ad clicked by them".
The said complainant complained about having 5,000 website visitors daily with only about 5 clicks to his Adsense ad.
Opps!!! That's too bad isn't it?
We the webmasters he complained to gave our kindest advice to him and the advices were:
Leverage good ad placementUse text adsUse resposive link adPlace ad in strategic positionsUse Google Adsense heatmapsThese were the advice we gave to the complainant but they seemed not to work as a result of two things which are:
Ad blindnessNon targeted visitorsSo we took into consideration how a website with huge traffic without generating good income through Adsense as a result of low or no ad clicks can make money using self clicking.
What do Google Adsense team consider most before placing a ban on a click bombed account?
Before you can perform the self click we are talking about here, you must be familiar with what and what Google Adsense team put into consideration before permanently shutting down an account.
We must be delighted to tell you about it won't we?
Google Adsense team consider these options above all other reasons for a permanent ban on accounts:
The location of the clicksYour Google Adsense Click Through Rate (CTR)These two above options are most considered by the Google Adsense team while taking decisions to permanently terminate accounts.
Let's go ahead and discuss them in details
Ad clicks locationWhen your Google Adsense clicks are coming from a specified location, then Adsense might detect an invalid traffic and as a result may get your account banned.
"This is not pertaining to search traffic as you can focus your website visitors to a specific country through your webmaster tool".
When we are talking about your website visitors coming from a particular locality, we literally mean sourcing them from other sources like social media, paid traffic and paid ads.
Let us take for instance:
You're a Nigerian blogger focusing your website in Nigeria through your webmaster settings, then you proceeded to buy web traffic from paid sources like social media (Facebook, twitter, stumbleupon, linkedln, reddit, flickr) and you focused these visitors to a particular location and not diversify them, there will exist every possiblity that your Adsense will make money and finally an invalid activity might be reported in it.
Note: the worst location to buy paid traffic from is the USA.
We all know that Google Adsense do not always disclose the particular invalid activity performed by publishers but we have every proven reason to believe that this is amongst them.
My experienceI once purchased paid traffic from a specific source (USA) and it was going truly well with my earnings, not untill the month ended and all my earnings were pushed to Google Adsense invalid traffic Adsense for content.
I was devastated at this action that happened and in due course, the Adsense account was disabled as a result of the traffic I used on my website.
I wouldn't want to be convinced that the reason for this deduction and consequently ban was as a result of bad traffic source because it isn't.
I took an extra session with the said traffic source and this time I spreaded the traffic to be all countries worldwide and I had only £5 deduction for Adsense invalid traffic for content.
Funny thing is "I still used the same source I used initially when I got disabled and my earnings erased".
This was where I concluded my terms to be because of focusing web traffic in a single location other than the web traffic source.
Google Adsense Click Through Rate (CTR)This is one feature in Google Adsense that many Adsense publishers do not seem to take very seriously and I wonder why.
Your Adsense CTR accounts for the number of clicks on your Adsense ad alongside your traffic.
If you are always having a high CTR (maybe above 2%) on your Adsense ad judging from your Adsense traffic report, you will have to consider doing something about it as this might cause or result to permanent ban being placed on your account.
When your Google Adsense CTR is gradually increasing, it simply means your website ad click is quite getting close to your website traffic and this isn't a good feeling.
Sometime, I read an article about what Adsense CTR should you worry about on Qoura.
"The simple answer to the question is this: you have to worry about Adsense CTR above 2%".
This is one of the reasons you get your account banned without knowing fully well what it means.
Now when I said that those using VPN for ad clicks are using the old format and will get their accounts banned easily is because while using VPN for ad clicks, you will always experience a high CTR and consequently ban might follow.
Now, if you wish to use self click on your Adsense ad to increase your earnings, we are about to drop with you the guide to do that without facing Adsense ban.
Tips for safe Google Adsense self clicking
Make sure you have enough trafficWith reference to what we wrote above on an experience a fellow blogger had with several views without any ad click, if you have ever found yourself in such a situation, you can perform self click on your account as your CTR will never go too high.
This is why we said you must have huge traffic before you can perform self click on your account.
Make sure you keep your CTR below 1.50%Keeping your Google Adsense CTR below the rift is a very lucreative practice as this will never attract or warrant Adsense ban from the Google Adsense team.
This can only be achieved by placing less ad on a website and focusing more on bringing in more traffic so as to reduce the CTR.
Click at 1 hour intervals to avoid being noticedThe Google Adsense team used to monitor the time interval at which clicks occur in publishers accounts so as to ascertain if these clicks are intentional or not.
If you space the time of your clicks too far, it will be almost impossible for Google Adsense team to detect invalid clicks or self clicks.
This will limit you to 10-24 clicks daily allowing for low CTR considering your traffic size.
Click a maximum of 15 ad daily and allow other clicks come naturallySince we are targeting to increase Adsense revenue, you should try as much to click minimal ad daily and allow the rest clicks to come naturally so as not to allow yout CTR going too high.
If your normal clicks to ads daily ranges from 5-10, you can perform self click at the range of 10-15 ads and still not get infringed with high CTR that might lead to ban.
Always stay above 5 minutes in each ad clickedIf you do not know this then I suppose you're a newbie.
For PTC websites, you will be instructed to stay above 2 minutes in any ad clicked and this is as a result that several Google Adsense advertisers tend to have a time frame they expect interested visitors to last in their ads before they make payment.
This is why according to Adsense, every click must come naturally and as such you will need to stay longer than 2 minutes in any ad clicked on your website.
Always perform readability of about 3 minutes before clicking on any adSome persons just come to their websites and jump into ad clicks immediately.
This is wrong.
When you visit your own website with the intent to perform self click, take your time like a normal web visitor, explore the website, read the post slowly and finally land a click on an ad and leave it to load well so as to suggest real human behaviour.
This is a must do if you wish to perform a perfectly safe self click on your website.
Visit your website through out going links, search results and sharesYou must always try not to be a direct visitor but try to be a referring visitor.If you build your self click on ads on the basis of being a direct visitor to your URL, it might not go down well with you so this is why we recommend you come through shared links, search engine results and other links.
Now can we wrap up?
If you happened to make use of this our specified steps, you can click on your own ad without having to worry about being permanently banned from the program.
Also recall never to visit your website with a phone or a laptop with your Google Adsense gmail signed in because this will call for immediate ban notwithstanding what we already discussed above here.
You can now click on your own ads and generate revenue for yourself daily.

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