Wednesday, 23 January 2019

DIE GOLDENEN ZITRONEN - Porsche, Genscher, Hallo HSV 1987

After two nice 7Inches the Bremer Weser Label released the debut of Die Goldenen Zitronen (The Golden Lemons), punx from Hamburg that are known for their entertaining and politically relevant style. Their original name was Die Deutschen Nazikartoffeln (the German Nazi-potatoes). When the band formed in 1984 at the beginning of the “Fun-Punk”-movement, punk was their main style and over the years the band added more experimental musical forms combined with different styles. Their lyrics are political and take a critical view of society from a left to left-radical perspective and they are also especially known for its chaotic live performances.

The founding members were Schorsch Kamerun (vocals), Ale Sexfeind (drums), Ted Gaier (bass & guitar), and Aldo Moro (guitar & bass). Initially they combined hard rock with 1970s-era punk and lyrics that were both angry, yet comedic and pop-like. The band rejected the traditional music industry, seeing themselves as a symbol of artistic independence not wanting to "serve the structures of rock" (Ted Gaier.) Of the founding members, only Schorsch Kamerun and Ted Gaier remain. The new members are Thomas Wenzel (Die Sterne) under the pseudonym Julius Block, keyboarder and drummer Mense Reents (Egoexpress, Stella), and Enno Paluca. Their song, "Für Immer Punk," is a cult hit in the German punk scene, inspiring comparisons with bands such as Abwärts, Die Toten Hosen and Die ÄrzteSixteen varied highlights and a debut that is much more than fun punk.

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