Monday, 31 December 2018

Download Puffin Web Browser Latest Version

There are browsers around the world available on the Internet such as Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, that browser, Microsoft Edge, but here another browser is available which is Puffin Browser

Download Puffin Web Browser Latest Version – A web browser is a tool that can be used by the users to browse the internet in an easy way and they can certainly get what they want. Nowadays, most people use the internet to search for information or entertainment. There are millions of websites on the internet that have different content, so everyone will find something on the internet. By using a browser like Puffin web browser, they can find the content and at the same time use it to store or read something on the website. If there is no browser, they won’t be able to visit the website.

screenshot of puffin browser
Puffin Web Browser Latest Version

Puffin Web Browser Features

This web browser is not as popular as other browsers. At a glance, the browser looks less good outside, but if the user tries once it will a game changer. People will prefer to use Puffin than other web browsers. They will become addicted to the features it provides. In addition, Puffin has a distinctive feature that you can find only on Puffin. Below are some of the advantages that you can get if you use Puffin
  • A very fast website
Puffin claims itself 50% faster than other browsers and this is absolutely true. This feature is even better than its rival. Puffin web browser is very fast to do browsing, which is 8 times faster. Visiting the website by using Puffin is like use server cloud too.
  • Download files on cloud storage
The next advantage is this great feature. Users can redirect the download process to be stored on cloud storage such as Google Drive and Dropbox. The maximum downloaded file is 1 GB for each file. Thus, the users can re-download the file from cloud storage faster without any speed limit. This is so great!
  • Internal flash plugin
Puffin web browser has internal flash plugin. This feature is available in this browser. There is no need to reinstall Adobe Flash applications so that any flash content on the website can be displayed. It also has a good quality flash. You can save your data by using internet flash plugin.

Top 25 shortcut key of Mozilla Firefox Browser
  • Various theme and wallpapers
If you don’t like the standard design that you get in other web browsers, Puffin offers you otherwise. Although it have a simple and not too flashy look, the user can change the colors, theme, and wallpaper of this web browser. This will make the user not feel bored while using this browser.
  • Visiting the website with desktop version easily
Puffin is great for the smartphone but how about desktop version? It turns out that Puffin also has great interface when the user wants to visit a website in a desktop version. When they want to view a website in desktop version through their smartphone, Puffin will but change the screen so it will make the users view the website like in PC
  • Network diagnostic feature
The last advantage of Puffin web browser is it has network diagnostic feature. It means that if users experience a connection problem, Puffin will perform diagnostics such as displaying responses from HTTP, HTTPS and others and the browser can reconnect to the Puffin server.

Impress with Puffin Browser download click here

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3 reasons why .ooo domains is loved by the Internet World

The Internet is a world where people seek information and when they are stumbling with the exact information they are looking for, then it has a great satisfaction in itself. To provide users with accurate and accurate information, this is the biggest motive for lots of websites and blogs.
Many websites are included in the internet and every website starts with domain name. The domain name is nothing but the URL that we specify to start a website or that we see during the address bar while browsing. The URL contains prefixes, keyword names and extensions. 
There are different types of domain extensions in the market..COM, .ORG, .NET, .OOO are
various types of extensions available in the market.Different types of expansions are global
expansion, local expansion, sTLDs etc.

.OOO is a global domain extension that has recently been launched in the market.
This is one of the top domain extensions, which is compatible with Google and SEO.
Due to its excellent characteristics, it is going to soon rule the domain expansion market.

When any Internet geek loves a domain extension, there are some reasons behind it. Every website owner likes any domain extension for the reasons mentioned below, which is in .ooo domain.

best domain
.ooo domain

1.Google Friendly

With the .ooo domain, the big advantage is that you can have your exact keyword domain name, because competition is much less compared to .com, .org, .net etc. Some guidelines are set by Google for domains and webmasters. If a particular website and domain follow those guidelines, they are more suited to Google in terms of search ranking.

Due to being an accurate keyword in the domain name,it increases search engine
optimization, and rankings are much easier than others. For example: If you're trying to rank a keyword "iPhone 6 launch" on Google, and if you have a domain such as
iphone6launch.OOO,Google would prefer to rank your website on Google.
If you have a
country-based domain, ranking will be much harder than the .ooo domain.
This is one of the biggest advantages with .ooo domains.

2. Global Domains

a. Global Domains: Domains that are not limited to a specific country are known as global domains. Example: .OOO, .COM, .ORG, .NET etc.

 B. Area based: Domains which are related to detail in a specific area. For example, .in,, .us etc. 
Domains which are related to detail in a specific area. For example, .in,, .us etc. 

.OOO is a global domain and hence it is not limited to a specific area. Having an American and domain for ranking will be as easy for an Indian user. Visitors who visit the .OOO domain website will not be limited by any region.

Being a global domain,ranking the website will be easy for any user of any country. This will
not be limited to any country. This is the biggest advantage with .ooo domains.

Domain extensions such as .com, .org, .net have come into the market since the age and so most occupy the exact keyword. If you want to book a desired domain, which you want, then it is very difficult because of the huge competition out there.

3. Less Competition

Domain extensions such as .com, .org, .net have come into the market since the age and so most occupy the exact keyword. If you want to book a desired domain, which you want, then it is very difficult because of the huge competition out there.

.OOO domains are those that have recently been launched in the market, and most accurate keywords are available and therefore it will be very easy to book your exact domain name. Let it be a professional domain or individual domain, it will be very easy to book with .OOO  and this .OOO is very good for those who want to book a domain and start a website on it.

Due to low competition, domain reselling and investment opportunities on .o domain have also increased significantly. It has opened up a large market for a new career for those who want to change their profession.

These three reasons make the OOO domain externally superior to the market. Any Internet user would love to have a domain name which will automatically help SEO and attract the heavy traffic on the website.When you put the same keyword in the domain name, 

The need for external SEO is reduced. That's why this is the main reason that OOO domain likes the world of Internet.

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에실의 언급처럼 90층부터 공략 난이도가 급격하게 올라갔다.
As Eshil mentioned, the difficulty from the 90th floor has increased dramatically.
성채를 지키는 몬스터들의 능력과 숫자가 아래층들과는 비교하기 힘든 수준이었다.
The ability and number of monsters guarding the fort were not comparable to the lower levels.
지능을 올린 보람도 없이 거의 항상 최대치를 유지해 오던 마나양이 전투 때마다 요동치기 시작했다.
Miss Mana, who had almost always maintained her peak, began to tremble in every battle.
그만큼 많은 그림자 병사들이 파괴와 재생을 반복하고 있다는 뜻이었다.
This meant that many shadow soldiers were destroying and regenerating.
진우도 요행으로 90층을 넘어선 게 아니었다.
Jinwoo also did not surpass the 90th floor due to luck.
최하층에서 여기까지 오는 동안 달군 쇠를 망치로 두드리듯 오랜 시간 자신을 연마해 왔다.
While coming here from the lowest floor, he has honed himself for a long time, as if hitting the hot iron with a hammer.
90까지 다다른 레벨이 그 증거였다.
The evidence was at a different level to 90.
고위 귀족들의 저항이 거세질수록 그들의 방어를 뚫는 진우와 그림자 병사들의 공격은 더 강력해졌다.
The stronger the resistance of the high nobles, the stronger the assaults of the Jinwoo and Shadow soldiers who pierced their defenses
[레벨이 올랐습니다!]
[Level up!]

solotranslater .blogspot. com
97층의 진입 허가서를 들고나오는 진우의 몸에서 아지랑이 같은 것이 피어올랐다.
A kind of haze rose from the body of Jinwoo, who was carrying a permit for entry on the 97th floor.
한계를 넘어선 움직임이 만들어 낸 열기가 땀방울을 증발시키며 만들어낸 수증기였다.
The heat generated by the movement beyond the limit evaporated sweat drops.
그만큼 이번도 격전이었다.
This time, it was a fierce battle again.
진우의 얼굴에 승리의 만족감이 떠올랐다.
Jinwoo's face brought satisfaction with the victory.
숨어서 기다리고 있던 에실이 진우를 발견하고 달려왔다.
Essil, who had been waiting in hiding, found Jinwoo and ran.
진우 뒤로 불타는 성과 그의 손에 들린 허가서.
a burning castle behind Jinwoo and a permit in his hands
'서열 5위 리카도 가문에 이어 서열 4위인 아락카스 가문까지...'
'From the fifth-ranked Ricardo family to the fourth-ranked Arkansas family...'
에실은 더 이상 놀랄 기운도 없었다.
Essil didn't have the energy to be surprised anymore.
모든 침입자가 다 이런 식이라면 자기 구역을 지키기는커녕 침입자를 피해 살아남기도 힘들 것 같았다.
If all the intruders were this way, they would not be able to survive the intruders, let alone defend their territory.
"다른 인간들도 다 당신처럼 강한가요?"
"Are all the others as strong as you?"
에실이 걱정스레 물었다.
Eshil asked anxiously.
진우는 잠깐 기억을 더듬어 보다 적당히 대답했다.
Jinwoo answered more moderately than he could for a moment.
"두 명 정도는?"
"About two people?"
고건희와 차해인.
Ko Geon-hee and Cha Hae-in.
그 두 사람은 확실히 다른 S급들보다도 강하다는 느낌이 있었다.
The two definitely felt stronger than the other Ss.
하지만 그 외 나머지 S급 헌터들, 그러니까 백윤호나 최종인, 임태규는 크게 강하다는 생각이 들지 않았다.
But the rest of the S-class hunters, Baek Yoon-ho and Choi Jong-in, did not feel very strong.
특히 최종병기라 불리는 최종인은 국내 최고의 길드 '헌터스'를 소유하고 있기 때문에 실력보다 더 높은 평가를 받고 있는 듯했다.
In particular, Choi Jong-in, dubbed the final weapon, seemed to be rated higher than his ability because he owns the nation's best guild, Hunters.
'기운으로만 평가하자면 최종인보다 차해인 쪽이 한 수 위였지.'
'If you only evaluate with energy, Cha Hea-in are more than Choi Jong - in.'
이렇듯 같은 S급들 사이에서도 격차는 존재했다.
There was a gap between the S classes as well.
아니, 오히려 측정이 불가능한 등급 외 등급인 만큼 그 격차가 다른 등급보다 더 심할지도 몰랐다.
No, the gap might be worse than other grades, as it is out of the measurable grade.
진우는 피식 웃었다.
Jinwoo laughed as if he had a good laugh.
'여기서 나가면 또 어떻게 느껴질까?'
'How does it feel when I get out of here?'
처음 백윤호를 만났을 때와 그다음 그를 만났을 때의 느낌이 달랐던 것처럼, 고건희 협회장을 바라보는 자신의 시선에도 변화가 생길까?
Just as I first met Baek Yoon-ho and then met him, Is there a change in my own gaze as I look at Goh Kun-Hee?
진우는 달라진 자신의 모습을 확인할 생각에 가슴이 뛰었다.
Jin-woo was thrilled to see his new self.
'그러려면 우선...'
'To do that, first...'
악마성 던전의 마무리부터.
From the end of the evil dungeon.
남은 층은 이제 전부 다 합쳐도 네 개에 불과했다.
There were only four floors left.
진우가 에실에게 말했다.
Jinwoo told Eshil.
"넌 이제 내려가."
"You're going down now."
진우만큼 강한 인간이 두 명이나 더 있다는 소리에 풀 죽어 있던 에실이 놀라 고개를 들었다.
When she heard that there were two more men as strong as Jinwoo, she looked up in surprise.
"이 위층부터는 알아서 찾아갈게."
"I'll go upstairs and find it myself."
에실이 길을 찾아 준 덕분에 빠르게 귀족들의 성채를 찾아 공략할 수 있었다. 그러나 이제는 그녀의 도움이 필요하지 않았다.
Thanks to Essil for finding the way, I was able to quickly find the nobles' fortress. But now I did not need her help.
'이전보다 더 올라간 감각 스탯 영향도 있겠지만...'
'There may be a higher sense-strung effect than before, but...'
고위 귀족들의 기운이 워낙에 강력해서 멀리 떨어진 곳에서도 쉽게 찾아갈 수 있었다.
The energy of the high nobility was so strong that they could easily be found from far away.
길 안내 외에는 그녀의 역할이 없었으니 굳이 짐 하나를 더 붙이고 돌아다닐 이유가 없는 것이다.
There was no reason to walk around with an extra package because there was no role for her except for directions.
그렇게 설명을 했더니.
That's how I explained it.
"저, 저는 이제 쓸모가 없어진 건가요?"
"Well, am I useless now?"
에실의 얼굴이 하얗게 질려 갔다.
Essil's face turned white.
'끝까지 재미난 녀석이네.'
'It's funny to the end.'
진우는 항상 예상 밖의 리액션을 보여 주는 에실을 보며 웃음을 삼켰다. 그러고는 그녀의 코앞까지 다가갔다.
Jin-woo held back his laughter as he always showed unexpected reactions. Then she came to her door.
에실은 가까워지는 진우를 보고 눈을 동그랗게 떴다.
In fact, I see her eyes moving in a circle.
'나도 제거당하는 걸까?'
'Am I being removed?'
심장 뛰는 소리가 마치 천둥소리처럼 크게 울렸다.
The heartbeat sounded like a thunder.
그때 진우가 손을 슥 들어 올리는 것이 보였다. 자신의 얼굴을 향해 천천히 다가오는 그 손끝에 에실은 공포에 질린 눈을 질끈 감았다.
Then she could see Jinwoo lifting his hands up. At the tip of his hand, slowly approaching her face, Essil closed her terrified eyes.
by the way
손은 자신의 어깨 위에 가볍게 놓였다.
His hands were laid lightly on her shoulders.
에실이 슬쩍 눈을 떴다. 진우의 얼굴이 가까웠다.
Essil opened her eyes. Jinwoo's face was close.
진우가 미소를 지으며 말했다.
Jinwoo said with a smile.
"그동안 수고했어, 고마웠다."
"Well done, thank you."
이걸로 됐다.
This is enough.
나름대로 작별 인사를 마친 진우가 이동 마법진 안으로 들어갔다.
After saying goodbye in his own way, Jin-woo went into the group.
[1층부터 96층까지 개방되어 있습니다.]
[It is opened from 1st floor to 96th floor.]
[어디로 이동하시겠습니까?]
[Where do you want to go?]
돌아서서 에실의 얼굴을 보니 표정에 놀라움과 아쉬움이 반반씩 섞여 있었다.
When I turned around and looked at Ezil's face, I found half and half of the surprise and sorrow.
공포, 걱정, 놀라움, 아쉬움...
Fear, worry, surprise, regret...
지성 있는 몬스터들이 보여 준 감정의 표현들.
Emotional expressions by intelligent monsters.
에실의 말대로 그들은 다른 세계의 주민이었을까, 아니면 시스템이 만들어 낸 몬스터에 불과한 걸까?
Was they, as he said, a resident of another world or just a monster created by the system?
'아직은 알 수 없다.'
'I do not know yet.'
하지만 이렇게 조금씩이라도 단서를 모으다 보면 언젠가 알 수 있게 되지 않을까.
But if we collect a little bit of clues in this way, maybe we will know someday.
"Over There..."
에실이 진우를 불렀다.
Essil called out Jinwoo.
거의 동시에 고개를 든 진우가 시스템 메시지를 향해 대답했다.
Almost at the same time, Jinwoo, who raised his head, answered the system message.


97, 98, 99.
진우는 드디어 악마왕의 거처로 들어갈 수 있는 열쇠를 손에 넣었다.
Jinwoo finally got the key to entering the residence of the evil king.
[아이템: 진입 허가서]
[Item: Entry Permission]
입수 난이도: ??
Difficulty obtaining: ??
종류: ??
Type: ??
악마성 100층으로 올라갈 수 있는 허가서입니다.
This is a permit to go up to the 100th floor of the Devil's Castle.
층간 이동 마법진의 99층에서만 사용 가능합니다.
Only available on the 99th floor of the inter-layer movement magic.
진우는 100층으로 올라가기에 앞서 상태를 점검했다.
Jinwoo checked his condition before going up to the 100th floor.
[레벨: 93]
[Level: 93]
레벨은 어느덧 100을 바라보고 있었다.
The level was already looking at 100.
늘어난 스탯이 온몸으로 느껴졌다.
The increased stats were felt throughout the body.
전신에 힘이 넘쳐흘렀고, 감각도 더욱 예민해졌다.
The whole body was overflowing with power, and the senses became more sensitive.
컨디션은 최상이었다.
The condition was at the best.
진우는 상점을 불러냈다.
Jinwoo called up the shop.
구매한 포션으로 체력과 마나를 풀로 채웠다.
Purchased potions to fill the pool of stamina and mana.
그리고 추가로 붕대를 구입했다.
And bought an additional bandage.
전에 한번 그랬던 것처럼 단검 쥔 손을 붕대로 감았다. 이런 긴장감은 오랜만이었다.
As I once did, I bandaged my hands with dagger. It's been a long time since I had such tension.
몸을 천천히 움직여 보았다.
I tried to move slowly.
그러다 조금씩 조금씩 더 빠르게 움직였다. 몸은 생각한 대로 정확하게 움직여 주었다.
Then I moved a little bit faster. The body moved exactly as it thought.
사방에 그림자를 만들며 맹렬하게 움직이던 진우가 딱 멈췄다. 그의 어깨에서 감이 피어올라 왔다.
Jinwoo, who made a shadow on all sides and moved fiercely, just stopped . A feeling came from his shoulders.
예열 작업이라고 할까.
It's a warm-up operation.
준비는 끝났다.
The preparations are complete.
크게 숨을 들이마셨다가 내쉰 진우가 이동 마법진 위로 올라갔다.
After breathing heavily, Jinwoo, who exhaled, climbed up the movement magic.
목적지를 말하고 눈을 깜빡였을 땐 이미 배경이 바뀌어 있었다.
When I told my destination and blinked, the background had already changed.
진우가 주위를 둘러보았다.
Jinwoo looked around.
'불이 없어?'
'No fire?'
아래층까지 활활 타오르고 있던 끔찍한 불꽃들이 전부 사라지고, 주변에는 타고 남은 찌꺼기들만 남아 있었다.
All the terrible flames that had been burning down to the ground has disappeared, and only the remnants of burning remained around.
문득 고개를 들어 보니 하늘에서는 눈이 떨어졌다.
When he looked up, he fell the sky.
눈치고는 색이 이상해 손을 내밀었다. 하지만 손바닥에 떨어진 눈은 이상하게도 녹지 않았다.
I held out my hand because the color was weird. But the snow that fell on the palm of my hand did not melt strangely.
자세히 보니 재였다.
On closer look, it was ash.
하늘에서 재가 눈처럼 하나둘 떨어지고 있었다.
The ash was falling like snow from the sky.
'띠링'하고 기계음이 울렸다.
The sound of the machine rang.
날카로워진 진우의 시선은 하늘에 못 박힌 듯 고정되어 있었다.
The sharp eyes of Jinwoo were fixed as if he were stuck in the sky.
'Is it ...'
곧 시스템 메시지가 적의 등장을 알려왔다.
Soon the system message informed the enemy.
[악마들의 왕, 바란이 침입자를 발견했습니다!]
[The king of demons, Baran, has found an intruder!]
상공을 부유하던 검은 점.
The black spot that floated in the sky.
점은 점점 땅에 가까워지더니 저멀리에 내려앉았다.
As the point became closer to the ground, it fell down.
날개 달린 도마뱀 같은 것을 타고 있는 기사였다. 놈의 머리 위에 다섯 글자가 선명했다.
It was a knight riding a winged lizard. Five letters on his head were clear.
[The king of demons, Baran]
진우의 이마에 식은땀이 맺혔다.
Jinwoo's forehead had a cold sweat.
범상치 않은 기운이 놈에게서 흘러나오고 있었다.
An extraordinary energy was coming out of him.
역시 이런 거대한 던전의 최상층을 지키고 있는 보스다운 기세였다.
He was also a bossy man who stood at the top of such a huge dungeon.
진우의 시선이 옮겨 갔다.
The eyes of Jinwoo have shifted.
놈이 타고 있는 도마뱀처럼 생긴 몬스터에도 이름이 있었다.
The monster, which looked like a lizard he was riding, also had a name.
[비룡 카이셀린]
[Drake Keisar]
'저거 아무리 봐도 악마족은 아닌 거 같은데...'
'I do not think it's a demon family anyway ...'
악마족들은 애써 처치에 성공해도 그림자 추출이 불가능했다.
🙄 Demon | Effort | at the moment | Even if you succeed | shadow | Extraction | It was impossible
It was imppossible to extract shadows from demon even if you succeed kill them.
그래서 악마성에서는 그림자 병사들이 늘어날 거라는 기대를 안 하고 있었는데, 보스가 타고 있는 몬스터는 좀 달라 보였다.
So in the devilish world, the shadow soldiers were not expected to increase, but the monster the boss was riding on looked a little different.
날아다니는 몬스터라.
A flying monster.
'꽤 쓸 만해 보이잖아?'
'Looks pretty good/cool, huh?'
가지고 싶다.
I want to have it.
백귀들의 수장이었던 바루카 이후로 간만에 손에 넣고 싶은 그림자를 만난 진우가 침을 꼴깍 삼켰다.
Since Baruka, the head of the Ice Elves, Jinwoo has swallowed his saliva when he meets the shadow he wants to get his hands on.
그때 바란이 한 손을 치켜들었다.
Then Baran raised his hand.
[악마왕 바란이 악마 군사들을 소환합니다!]
[Demon king Baran summons demon soldiers!]
메시지와 함께 놈의 주변에 병사들이 나타나기 시작했다.
With the message, soldiers began to appear around him.
그 숫자는 척 봐도 수백에 이르렀다.
The number reached a hundred at first glance.
'Is it the beginning?'
진우의 시선이 가늘어졌다.
Jinwoo's eyes narrowed.
하늘로 향해 있던 바란의 손이 거만하게 이쪽을 가리키자, 소환된 악마 병사들이 떼를 지어 달려왔다.
As Baran's hand, which was heading toward the sky, pointed this way proudly, the summoned demon soldiers ran in droves.
cRunch, cRunch, cRunch
그들의 사나운 기세에 땅이 울렸다.
The ground rattled at their wild momentum.
'병사라면 이쪽에도 있다.'
'The soldier's on this side.'
진우가 악마왕의 군세를 보며 한쪽 입꼬리를 올렸다.
Jinwoo saw the army of the devil king and raised his mouth.
진우의 그림자가 일렁이며 주위로 번져 나가기 시작했다.
The shadows of Jin-woo began to spread around.
스킬 군주의 영역.
Area of monarch.
악마왕의 병사들이 검게 물든 대지 위에 발을 들였을 때, 진우가 그림자 병사들을 불러냈다.
When the soldiers of the king of the devil stepped on the blackened ground, Jinwoo called out the shadow soldiers.
그림자들이 일제히 솟아올랐다.
The shadows rose in unison.
적들이 당황하는 게 느껴졌다.
I could feel the enemy's embarrassment.
그 틈을 놓치지 않고 아이언과 탱크 두 육체파 기사들이 전력으로 달려가 몸을 부딪쳤다.
Without missing the gap, the two knights, Iron and Tank ran iinto battlefiled at full speed.🙄
두 녀석의 괴력에 악마들이 비명을 지르며 나가떨어졌다.
The demons shrieked at the strength of the two men.
그 뒤로 백이 넘는 그림자 병사들이 파도처럼 밀려들어 갔다.
Back then more than a hundred shadow soldiers were pushed like waves.
[악마왕 바란이 악마 군사들을 소환합니다!]
[Demon king Baran summons demon soldiers!]
[악마왕 바란이 악마 군사들을 소환합니다!]
[Demon king Baran summons demon soldiers!]
그림자들의 기세에 놀란 것인지, 바란은 병사들의 수를 충원했다.
Surprised by the shadows, Baran added to the number of soldiers.
그러나 뒤쪽에 소환된 악마 병사들의 머리 위로 어금니의 스킬 '화룡의 노래'가 작열했다.
However, above the heads of the devil soldiers summoned back, the molar's skill 'The Song of the Dragon' was intense.
Kou Woo Woo Woo-woo- 🤣 Wololo
거센 불기둥이 악마 군단 하나를 통재로 날려 버렸다.
A fierce firepower flew through one of the demon corps.
비룡을 띄워서 불기둥을 피한 바란이 조금 떨어진 곳에 착지했다.
Baran, who avoided the pillar of fire, landed a little distance away.
그러고는 비룡에게서 내려섰다.
Then he stood down from Dragoon.
진우는 악마 귀족들의 전투 방식을 떠올렸다.
Jinwoo thought of the battle patterns of the devil nobles.
'저 녀석들, 탈것을 타고 싸우는 걸 싫어했었지.'
'They didn't like to fight in rides.' 😂 drake is only a vehicle
그림자들과 악마들이 뒤엉겨서 있는 전장을 향하던 바란의 걸음이 점점 빨라지더니 급기야 달리기 시작했다.
As the shadows and the demons stepped toward the battlefield, the stride of the war began to accelerate.
최전방에서 악마들의 진열을 깨부수던 아이언이 자신의 워해머로 악마 하나의 머리를 내려치려 할 때.
When Iron, who broke the devil's passion in the front line, tried to knock down a devil's head with his War Hammer.
바란이 손을 뻗었다.
Baran extended his hand.
그러자 아이언이 공중으로 솟구쳤다.
Then, Iron was shot up into the air.
'...지배자의 손길?'
'... the ruler's hand?'
진우도 지배자의 손길을 사용해 떨어지던 아이언을 바닥에 내려놓았다.
Jinwoo catches Iron, who is falling to the ground by the ruler's hand.
바란의 시선이 진우에게 옮겨 갔다.
Baran's gaze moved to Jinwoo.
놈도 가장 먼저 해치워야 할 적이 누구인지 깨달은 듯했다.
He seemed to have realized who the first enemy was to be.
 바란이 검을 뽑아 들고 달려왔다.
Baran drew the sword and ran.
진우도 단검을 움켜쥔 양손에 힘을 주었다.
Jinwoo also gave strength to both hands of the dagger.
그러고는 상대를 향해 마주 달려갔다.
Then he ran to his opponent.
바람같이 움직인 두 군주가 정확히 중간쯤 되는 지점에서 맞부딪쳤다.
Two wind-like monarchs clashed exactly halfway across.
바란의 검과 진우의 단검들 사이에서 불꽃이 튀기 시작했다.
Flames began to flare between the swords of Baran and the daggers of Jinwoo.
카가가가강, 카강, 카가가강!
Kagagagagagang, kagagarang, kaga river!
진우의 공격은 바란의 몸에 조금씩 닿고 있었지만, 바란의 갑옷을 뚫을 만큼의 데미지를 주지는 못했다.
Jinwoo's attack was creeping into Baran's body, but it failed to give him enough damage to break through his armor.
'단검과 갑옷의 상성은 좋지 않다.'
"Dagger are not good to dealt with armor."
그렇다고 다른 갑옷들처럼 맨손으로 때려잡기엔 상대가 호락호락하지 않았다.
🙄 so it is | different | like armor | with bare hands | to beat | an opponent | I'll make it easy. | did not
However, his opponent was not easy to beat with his bare hands like other armored monster.
어쩔 수 없이 틈새를 노려야 하는데.
I have no choice but to look for a chance.
'투구? 아니면 관절?'
'A pitch or a joint?'
진우가 빈틈을 엿보고 있는 사이 바란이 무형의 스킬로 진우의 가슴을 후려쳤다.
Jin-woo peeking through the gap, Baran hit Jin-woo's breasts with intangible skills.
잠시 공중으로 몸이 붕 떴던 진우는 지배자의 손길로 다시 균형을 잡았다.
Jinwoo, who was in the air for a while, rebalanced with the ruler's hand.
'역시 지배자의 손길 맞네.'
'It's the ruler's hand too.'
맞아 보니 확실했다.
I was sure I was right.
바란은 아까부터 지배자의 손길을 자유자재로 쓰고 있었다.
Baran had been using the ruler's hand freely from the beginning.
놈이 손을 뻗었다.
He reached out his hand.
이번에는 진우도 놈을 향해 손을 내뻗었다.
This time, he reached out to him.
진우와 바란 둘 다 강한 힘에 튕겨져 나갔다.
Both Jinwoo and Baran were thrown away by strong force.
진우와 바란이 동시에 균형을 잡았을 때는 서로 한참을 뒤로 밀려난 상태였다.
When Jin-woo and Baran were balanced at the same time, they were far behind each other.
그때 진우의 머릿속에 좋은 생각이 떠올랐다.
Then, a good idea came to Jin Woo's mind.
'바루카의 단도 쪽이 공격력이 셌었지?'
'Baruka's daggers were very aggressive, right?'
바루카의 단도는 A급, 나이트 킬러는 B급.
Baruka's dagger is A-level and Night Killer is B-level.
진우는 '나이트 킬러'로 '바루카의 단도'를 묶고 있는 붕대를 찢었다.
Jin-woo tore a bandage that tied the baruka's dagger with the 'Night Killer.'
그리고 '바루카의 단도'를 전력을 다해 던졌다.
Then he threw baruka dagger with a full-strength.
'단검 투척!'
"Throwing daggers!"
바루카의 단도가 맹렬한 속도로 날아갔으나, 바란은 고개를 옆으로 비트는 것만으로 가볍게 피해 냈다.
Baruka's dagger flew at a furious speed, but Baran simply avoided it by just rubbing his head sideways.
무릎을 잠시 굽히는가 싶었던 바란이 한 번의 점프로 전장을 가르고 진우 앞에 내려섰다.
Baran, who bend his knees for a while, dropped into the battlefield with a single jump and stood in front of Jinwoo.
가볍게 착지한 바란이 검을 일자로 휘둘렀다.
Lightly landed, Wanan wielded the sword.
왼손이 아려 왔다.
My left hand is aching.
진우는 미간을 찡그렸다.
Jinwoo frowned his brow.
단검 두 개로 막던 공격을 하나로 상대하려고 하니 손목에 부담이 갔다.
When he tried to deal with the attack that he had blocked with two daggers, his wrist was burdened.
구겨지는 진우의 얼굴을 보고, 승기를 잡았다 싶었는지 바란은 공격에 박차를 가해 왔다.
Seeing Jin-woo's face crumpled, Baran has been spurring the attack.
캉! 카강! 캉!
Kang! Kang! Kang! Kang!
진우의 몸에 상처가 늘기 시작했다.
Jinwoo's body began to get hurt.
그러나 진우는 방어에 치중하며 조용히 때를 기다렸다. 그리고 마침내 기회가 왔을 때, 오른손을 내밀어 바란의 투구를 움켜쥐었다.
But Jin Woo quietly waited for the right time, focusing on defense. And when the opportunity finally arrived, he reached out his right hand and grabbed Baran's helmet.
투구 너머로 바란이 의아해하는 시선이 전해졌다.
Beyond headpiece, baron came a questioning look.
진우가 씩 웃었다.
Jinwoo grinned.
그리고 온 힘을 다해 투구를 당기자 에실이 그랬던 것처럼 바란이 목을 뒤로 뺏고, 투구와 목을 이어주던 부분에 약간의 틈이 생겼다.
And as he pulled the helmet with all his might, Baran took his neck back, and there was a slight gap between the pitch and the part that tied his neck.
'지배자의 손길.'
'The hand of the ruler.'
아까 던지고 난 뒤 내내 허공에 떠 있던 '바루카의 단도'가 그제야 바란을 덮쳤다.
It was not until then that "Dagger of Parukas" who had been floating in the air all the time after throwing the helmet hit Baran.
바란의 뒷목에 바루카의 단도가 박혔다.
Baruka's dagger was stuck in the back of Baran.
놈의 눈동자가 커졌다.
His eyes dilated.
진우는 기회를 놓치지 않고 어깨로 바란을 밀쳐 낸 뒤, 놈이 균형을 잡기 전에 양손으로 잡은 '나이트 킬러'를 목에 찔러 넣었다.
Jinwoo kept pushing Baran with his shoulder, and stabbed a "Night Killer" in his throat before he balanced.
'급소 찌르기!'
'Dagger Thrust/Stabbling!!!'
바란은 검을 떨어뜨리며 쓰러졌다.
Baran fell down, dropping the sword.
하지만 두 번의 치명적인 공격에도 놈은 목숨이 붙어 있었다.
However, he was still alive after two deadly attacks.
그대로 바란 위에 올라탄 진우가 주먹을 내려쳤다.
Just as it was, Jinwoo climbed onto his shoulder and struck down his fist.
쾅! 쾅! 쾅! 쾅!
bang! bang! bang! bang!
근력 스탯 2백에 달하는 괴
Two hundred stamina stats
력이 보스급 몬스터의 체력을 급격하게 깎아 내려갔다.
The power of the boss-grade monsters sharply lowered their physical strength.
그리고 마침내.
And finally.
'띠링'하는 소리와 함께 반가운 메시지가 떴다.
A nice message came out with the sound of 'tingling'.
[악마왕 바란을 처치하였습니다.]
[We have defeated the demon king, Baran.]
[바란의 영혼을 획득하였습니다.]
[Obtained the soul of Baran.]
[퀘스트 '악마의 영혼을 모아라 2'가 완료되었습니다.]
[Quest 'Collect the Devil's Soul 2' is complete.]
[레벨이 올랐습니다!]
[Level up!]
[레벨이 올랐습니다!]
[Level up!]
[레벨이 올랐습니다!]
[Level up!]
[레벨이 올랐습니다!]
[Level up!]

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4. Click Isntall for All Users and click Ok

5. Click "Edit Global profile list"
6. Change to Run in Japanese (ADMIN)
7. Check Location (Chinese (simplefied, PRC)
8. Check Advanced Options
~Click Run as ad administrator
~Click Fake Registry
~Cliick Show this profile in main menu

NEXT -> Find Folder Tencent Gaming Buddy
1. Find "AppMarket.exe", Example: ON MY PC D:\GAME\TxGameAssistant\AppMarket\
2. Right Click - Select - Run in Japanese (Admin)
3. Play PUBG Mobile on Tencent
4. Open Cit (When Waiting PLANE) / Saat menunggu pesawat!

Well Done!
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