Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Clash of Clans New MOD Apk 10.134.4 + Clash Bot VIP

Clash of Clans Apk 10.134.4 New MOD

Free Download Clash of Clans New MOD Apk 10.134.4 +  Clash Bot VIP | Halo sobat , Untuk kalian yang sedang mencari Mod game COC kali ini saya Akan membagikannya secara gratis ya .Free Download Clash of Clans New MOD Apk 10.134.4 No survey, No Password.

tapi sebelumnya mari kita berkenalan dulu apa itu COC (Clash Of Clans) ?
penggila game strategi mana si yang ga kenal game satu ini, game bergenre strategi real time paling populer yang sudah di unduh/download lebih dari 100jt kali.
Di sini Anda harus membangun Desa tempat anggota klan pemberani Anda hidup seperti : Barbarian, Archer, Goblin,Giant Dll.

Permainan dibagi menjadi dua tahap. Di tahap pertama sobat harus membangun struktur desa seperti membangun tempok, tower penjaga, perangkap, camp untuk menampung perajurit sobat, Dll. Di tahap kedua sobat masuk ke pertarungan strategi real time tempat sobat mendapatkan Gold,Elixir yang berpungsi untuk membangun struktur desa dan juga disini sobat bisa memamerkan keahlian di sini. Nah bagi sobat yang suka dengan game strategi real time ini monggo langsung saja sobat Download Clash of Clans Apk 10.134.4 New Mod.

Disini Sobat harus mendownload Clash Bot VIP
Untuk tutorial dan link silahkan klik disini

Cara Instal  :

  • Download File COC Mod Apk nya
  • Masuk ke setting / Scurity / Centang pada unknown source
  • Instal Apk nya sampai selsesai
Lalu Instal Clash Bot VIP disini

Informasi Game :

  • Nama Game: Clash of Clans Mod Apk
  • Versi: 10.134.6
  • Genre: Strategi
  • Ukuran: 103 MB
  • Update: 5 Maret 2018
  • Requires Android: 4.0.3+
  • Pengembang: Supercell
  • More Info: Google Play

Link Download COC

Clashbot VIP version v7.15.1

Free Download Clashbot VIP  v7.15.1  untuk Hack COC (Clash Of Clans).

Cara Instal dan Menggunakan ClashBot :

  1.  pertama-tama, Sobat harus download dan instal versi terbaru dari BlueStacks.
  2.  lalu instal .net Framework 4.5.2.
  3. Jalankan Clashbot.exe sebagai administrator (caranya, klik kanan lalu pilih Run As Administrator), ini dapat akan membuat bluestacks berjalan secara otomatis. Tapi seperti yang DMA21 katakan sebelumnya sobat harus menginstal bluestacks terlebih dahulu.
  4. membuat akun di dan login ke aplikasi melalui akun yang sobat buat tadi. (sobat tidak perlu membuat akun di versi crack)
  5. jika ini pertama kalinya sobat menjalankan aplikasi ini, itu akan mengubah ukuran layar bluestacks, saya menyarankan sobat untuk me-restart sistem sobat agar perubahan ukuran layar dapat diterapkan. Jika perubahan ukuran tidak bekerja, robot tidak akan bekerja, dan itu akan menyebabkan stuck di tingkat otentikasi.
  6. Tetapkan pengaturan kustom dan sekarang sobat dapat menjalakan Clashbot.

Cara konfigurasi Clashbot VIP:

  1.  pertama download dan instal VCredit 2013.
  2. Jalankan Clashbot.exe.
  3. Login dengan akun yang sobat buat tadi dan enjoy it. (jika melalui versi 7.9.0 yang sudah dicrack, kalo sobat mengalami error "Error You have selected ‘build’ but not created a troop-set yet! Go to the build tab" sobat harus men-download versi gratis 7.9.0 dan hanya mengganti  ClashBot.exe crack dan jalankan ClashBot.)

Semua fitur dalam versi VIP (gambar 1)


  •  ClashBot sudah diuji dan banyak yang menggunakannya di seluruh dunia.
  •  aplikasi ini memiliki dua versi: gratis dan berbayar, yang versi berbayar perbulannya 10 dollar. DMA21 menyediakan dua versi untuk sobat.
  •  dalam beberapa kasus, server Clash of Clan akan mengetahui bahwa sobat menggunakan ClashBot  dan akan  memblokir akun sobat. 

segala resiko yang dihasilkan adalah tanggu jawab pengguna!
saya tidak bertanggung jawab untuk akun yang diblokir!

Konfigurasi aplikasi untuk menyerang dan mendapatkan sumber daya maksimum di versi gratis 7.9.0  (gambar 2)

Konfigurasi aplikasi untuk menyerang dan mendapatkan sumber daya maksimum (gambar 3)

Download Link :

Spotify Music Premium APK MOD Final

Spotify Music
Spotify Music Premium APK MOD Final halo sobat sekalian kali ini saya akan membagikan tips & trik aplikasi untuk stream Music & Video Premium yaitu Spotify Music Premium APK MOD Final langsung saja.

Spotify adalah layanan musik streaming, podcast dan video komersial Swedia yang menyediakan hak digital manajemen yang dilindungi konten dari label rekaman dan perusahaan media. Spotify pertama kali diluncurkan pada tahun 2008 oleh Swedia startup Spotify AB.

Spotify Music Premium APK MOD Final No survey, No password, and No Banned and safe from viruses
Spotify Music

Spotify Music

Spotify Music

Informasi Apps: 
Nama Apps: Spotify Music Premium Mod Apk Final
Update:  12 Maret 2018
Ukuran: 59 MB
Requires Android: 4.0+
Pengembang: Spotify Ltd.
More Info: Google Play

Fitur Spotify Premium:
  • Mainkan lagu apa pun, kapan pun di semua perangkat--ponsel, tablet, atau komputer
  • Download musik untuk mendengarkan offline.
  • Nikmati kualitas suara yang mengagumkan.
  • Tanpa iklan – hanya musik tanpa henti.
  • Tanpa komitmen - batalkan kapan saja.

Info premium:

  1. Unlocked Spotify Connect
  2. Seek FWD button added to information bar/tablet mod
  3. Visual ads blocked
  4. Audio ads blocked
  5. Seeking enabled
  6. unlimited shuffle
  7. Choose any song
  8. Extreme audio unlocked
  9. Repeats enabled

Link Review

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Share Your Internet Via Bluetooth

There is many useful things that you can do via your Android phone. But you have to know the proper way for using it.

So, Today I'm going to share another tutorial about How to share Internet via Bluetooth. Follow the instruction given bellow.

You may also read:- Why You root your Android phone

Step 1:- First open then settings option.

Step 2:- Then click to the connection.

Step 3:- Click on Bluetooth

Step 4:- Then click on "mobile hotspot & tethering"

Step 5:- Click on Bluetooth tethering.

Step 6:- Then repeat the steps 1 to 3 on that device where you want to use sharing Internet.
Then click to the Bluetooth.

Step 7:- Click to the gear icon of new connected device.

Step 8:- Then on the Internet access.

You may also read:- Use your Android mobile as a modem

If you face any problem or any problem to understand, then fell free to comment on the comment section.

The King Of Tower Hack Super Tower and Super Heroes Update

Free Download The King Of Tower Hack Super Tower and Super Heroes Update | superheroes and 1 sum greeting supplementary update, 100% piece of legislation and secure no suspended.  The conduct yourself of The King of Tower hack is to add damage 1 hit execute to the tower, barrack soldier and heroes, god mode for heroes and barrack soldier and create forlorn 1 sum wave.

The King of Tower hack is a clear hack, we can acquire this hack for forgiving download, no password, no survey and safe from viruses. The King of Tower cheat trainer was made using Cheat Engine latest version, for that reason make laugh download and install in the past downloading this hack.

About The King of Towers

The King of Towers is an allowed to play activity pressed pinnacle resistance MMO in which players guard against assault of enemenies by building towers to assault the foes as they endeavor to achieve the finish of a characterized way. There are 4 essential sorts of towers: Archer, Mage, Cannon, and Warrior. PLayers are likewise ready to control up to 3 distinctive legends to help them in the fight. Pretending components are blended in to level up towers and increment saint quality as players pick up involvement and buy overhauls.

People and orcs have lived in peace for a long time following 300 years of blood, coarseness and war. Be that as it may, the orcs have made a settlement with evil presences to by and by convey war to Azylon. Guard the kingdom from the ravagings of shrewdness by building protection towers, examine dynamic and one of a kind pinnacle redesigns, and select intense legends to discover peace yet again!

The King Of Towers Key Features

  • Fight For The Throne – Fight other players in field battles in the Battle of Kings to claim your right to the throne of war!
  • Fearsome Foes – Take on monstrous and deadly world bosses with other players for riches, rewards and honor.
  • More Than Mere Towers – All defense towers can be researched with different abilities and specialties to uniquely take on waves of enemies.
  • Advance And Overcome – Heroes can be upgraded with equipment as well as other stat augmentations and skill enhancements.

info Update:
The King Of Tower  Hack Super Tower and Super Heroes Updates, ‎March‎14, ‎2018. Update to The King Of Tower trainer hack Version 90

Tools Required The King Of Tower:

Steps to use this trainer:
  • Download and Instal Cheat Engine
  • Download The King Of Tower Trainer
  • Log in to your facebook account and Play The King Of Tower
  • After you are in homepage game
  • Open Trainer, select your browser then click enable hack or all hack.
  • After that, let's defeat your enemy.

NOTE: I am not responsible for this hack and your account because this hack is not made by me.