Saturday, 12 March 2016

GTA SA Graphics Update Without ENB Low PC

This Mod Bring Awesome Graphical Update For GTA San Andreas. (See Screenshots)
This Mod has not "ENB Series", So This is low pc friendly Mod and No FPS Drops.

-Just Put All Files To Your GTA SA Folder From The Folder named "TO SA FOLDER".
-Sooo Simple, No other Requirnments- This Mod also Contains "CLEO Loader" & "ASI Loader".
MOD Contains
- IMFX Lenceflare v2
- Colormod.asi
- New Tymcycle
- Shadow Setting Extender
- Noise fix in Rain
- No moe haze.cs
- Flickr.asi

- no_more_haze.cs by НикITOS;
- rain_noise_fix by LINK2012;
- shadows setting extender by DK22Pac;
- IMFX by DK22Pac
- flickr.asi is part of old 2DFX Project by ThirteenAG and TheJAMESGM;
- colormod by Ryosuke


Graphics Update Without ENB + LOW PC Friendly

Graphics Update Without ENB + LOW PC Friendly   Graphics Update Without ENB + LOW PC Friendly   Graphics Update Without ENB + LOW PC Friendly


This is a very simple low size enb mod for gta sa.
I configure ENB's Settings for Low-Medium PCs.

-Nice Reflections.
-V Similer Color Correction.
-Soft Motion Blur.
-ENB For Low & Medium PC.

Put All Files To Your GTA SA Folder From The Folder named "TO SA FOLDER".


Friday, 11 March 2016

Uploading Signature of 10KB 20KB 50KB Image Size

A number of guys and girls need their scanned signatures to upload on a website while applying for a government job. Its a tough task for beginners and require help of some expert. However its not as tough as it seems to be. Sometimes there is a limitation of size in KB. Different websites have different criteria for scanned signatures, such as signature should be on a white paper will a black / blue pen and the size of image should not be more than 10KB, 20KB or 50KB (one of the most important things). Here we will help you with all these things.

Signature of 10KB 20KB 50KB Image Size

Here are a few steps to scan and resizing your signature in a perfect way.

  • First thing you need to do is sign on a blank white paper with a black or blue pen (whichever is required by the website)
  • Now get the image scanned by a scanner. Usually scanners scan images at high DPI (depth per inch) to get accurate image. You may decrease the DPI setting and then scan the signature for less size.
  • If you don't have access to scanner then you may also take it picture through a digital camera or mobile camera. Make sure the picture is taken under good lighting conditions. now transfer that picture to your PC. 
  • Now you have to crop the image. Make sure that no extra space is there except the signature as it will only increase the size of image.
  • After cropping the image check its size. If it is still more than required then either you can use MS Paint (provided by default in all Windows PC) or you can use a online tool to decrease the size.
  • How to decrease the size using MS Paint Brush: Read More
  • If you are not an expert in using MS Paint then you can use the Online Image Size Reducer Tool.

Now you can easily use the correct size file to upload on the website. This task is not as tough as it seems to be.

SweetFX Mods Graphic WWE 2K16

Download my .rar file and extract in the WWE 2K16

 .scroll lock) Toggles SweetFX Mods on and off)

Wenja Grammar: the Copula & Stand-Alone Pronouns

To Be or Not to Be?  (In Wenja, usually not.)

In English, we make use of a form of the word to be, also known as the copula, to connect a noun with another word that gives more information about that noun (also known as the predicate), be it another noun, an adjective, or a prepositional phrase.
We are linguists. 
He is tall. 
I am on the phone. 
In Wenja, however, you rarely ever use a spoken copula.
Winja marwa.       Wenja (are) dead.
Da chamsha!        Da (is) ready!
You will only use a copula in extremely formal contexts. In these cases, you'll use a variant of the word hasa plus the necessary endings.
Takkar hasam.                I am Takkar.  (proclamation)
Salwa marwa hasarsh!   They are all dead!   (proclamation)
Recall from the post on Wenja verbs that when the verb endings indicate who is doing the action, there is no need for a stand-alone pronoun. For example, if the subject is 3rd person singular, the verb indicates this and no pronoun is needed (Sasa. ‘He sleeps.’).

Since in a zero-copula sentence there is no verb to link the subject with the predicate, there are no verb endings to indicate the subject. It is here that stand-alone pronouns will appear.

The pronouns are as follows:

1st person
2nd person
3rd person
ø  (sa)

Note that the 3rd person singular pronoun (he/she/it) is usually not used. It is assumed from the context of the conversation that whatever you are referring to is understood, so it is not needed. We do this sometimes in English: See that bear over there? Young.
Yuwanka.                                (He/She/It is) young. 
Also, if the object is 3rd person singular, the meaning can be understood from context as well. That is to say, if we’ve been talking for an hour about a bear who is being a nuisance and wreaking havoc on our village and I say the sentence Gwanam! ‘I kill!’ you know that I’m talking about the bear and not you, or the villagers, or someone else.  If it is not so obvious who I’m talking about, I can use the pronoun sa for emphasis (Sa gwanam! ‘I kill THAT!’).

Notice too that there is only one form of the pronoun sa, whereas in English we have three: he, she and it. That means when Wenja are referring to any person, animal or thing, it is always the same pronoun sa (or they leave out the pronoun completely), regardless of gender. This could reflect their world-view that all creatures are an equal part of the universe, and their egalitarian society that does not show a gender hierarchy. Or it could just be a coincidence. There are many languages, like Turkish, that do not make a distinction in gender in their pronouns.

Here are some sentences that show the pronoun (or no pronoun) plus zero-copula structure in Wenja:
Mu Wenja.                              I (am) Wenja.
Ta Udam.                                You (are) Udam.
Izila.                                        (He/She/It is) Izila.
Sa Udam.                                That one (is) Udam. 
Mas lasiwa.                             We (are) weak. 
Tan chlawta.                            Y’all (are) loud. 
Say shnar-hadan.                     They (are) cannibals.