Tuesday, 11 August 2015

How to Prevent People From Copying Your Blog Contents

It’s frustrating when people copy your blog post or image and pass it off as their own. No thank you, no credit, no linkback. Worse still when the stolen content ranks higher than yours (the original) in search results. All the hard work, down the drain.

This post will show you how deter bad people from stealing your blog content.

How Your Blog Content Is Copied ?

Below are some of the ways people can copy your blog content:
  1. Select - Copy - Paste. This can be done using your browser's menu, the right-click context menu or using shortcut keys. 
  2. Select - Drag - Drop. Text and images can be selected and dragged into another window. 
  3. Copy from RSS feed. If you want to copy an entire post this option is best. Scrapers love RSS feed because it delivers your latest post to them. They can copy all your latest content without even visiting your blog! 
  4. Copy from source code 
How To Safeguard Your Content ?

Below are several different ways you can prevent your blog content from being copied without your consent:


Making text unselectable is the best way to prevent text from being copied from a live page using the right-click context menu shortcut keys or drag & drop. This can be implemented using only CSS, by applying the following CSS definitions to the element that you want text selection disabled:
-webkit-user-select: -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: -moz-none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none;
Example, if you want to disable text selection in Blogger posts, then the code is:
.post {-webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: -moz-none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none;}
This CSS will disable text selection on the element and all it's children. It should work on Firefox, Safari, Chrome and IE10+. For IE9 and below, use onselectstart='return false' event handler, see II).

Re-enable text selection

What if you want to allow copying in some parts of your post. Say you post some codes (like I do) for readers to copy, then it doesn’t make sense if they can't select to copy it right? Fortunately you can restore text selection, by applying the same CSS definition to the element and replacing the value “none” with “text”. Let’s say your code is wrapped inside a <code> tag, then the code you need is:
.post code {-webkit-user-select: text; -khtml-user-select: text; -moz-user-select: text; -ms-user-select: text; user-select: text;}

You can disable drag and drop for both text and image by adding the following event handler to the element:
ondragstart='return false'
To disable drag and drop inside Blogger posts, follow these steps:
  1. Go to Template > Edit HTML and click anywhere inside the editor. 
  2. Press Ctrl+F (Cmd+F in Mac), and a search box should appear on the upper right corner of the editor. 
  3. Use the search box to jump to this code: <b:includable id='post' var='post'>
  4. Next, click the arrow tip on the left of that line to expand the code. Once expanded, the second line should look something like this: <div class='post hentry' itemprop='blogPost'itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/BlogPosting'>
  5. Insert the event handlers into the tag like this:<div class='post hentry' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/BlogPosting' ondragstart='return false' onselectstart='return false'> (onselectstart='return false' is added to disable text selection in IE9 and below.) 

Some bloggers choose to disable right click in an attempt to prevent photos from being stolen via the right click context menu. However, in most cases the scripts they use disables right click on every element in a page, not just photos. This risks annoying or offending the rest/majority of their readers. I for one will be annoyed if upon right-clicking a link (to open it in a new tab), an alert box pops up, telling me the images in the blog are copyrighted!

The better option would be to disable right click only on images.


Once they grab your RSS feed, nothing can stop them from copying or doing whatever they want with it. Whatever copy prevention measures you've applied on the live pages will have no effect here.

That said, you can however, control how much feed they get. To prevent feed from being copied in full, offer only partial/short feed instead of full feed. Make them come to your blog if they want more.

To shorten your blog feed, go to Dashboard > Settings > Other > Site feed > Allow Blog Feed and select Short or Until Jump.


Image watermarking is an proven way to deter people from stealing your images. Once you add a watermark to an image, people wouldn't want to copy it even if you ask them.

You can add watermark using a photo editing software such as PhotoScape, Gimp or Photoshop, or you can do it online on websites that offer such service such as picmarkr.com and watermark.ws.


How to Write Great and Catchy Content/Blog Posts

As a professional blogger, you might be wondering how to write great and catchy content; well in this article you will learn how to be creative in writing catchy content. No matter the kind of business you engage in, you will need to gain new skills in the area of writing for you to be able to write great and catchy content. If you want to promote your business through network marketing, you will need to improve your writing skills as it will serve as one of the most important tool you will use for promoting your business.
Although being creative in writing catchy contents for blogs might seem a little bit difficult, you can start by writing down things as you say them. If you start with this step, in a little while you will gain more experience and you will become perfect.

Things To Remember:

There are certain tips you need to put at the back of your mind if you want to learn how to write great and catchy contents like: editing what you’ve written, breaking the text into readable paragraphs, make sensible sentences and get rid of repeated statements, always give your article a catchy title and structure your content so that it flows along with what the reader has in mind.
How To Engage Your Visitors ?

As a writer, you would want your readers to stay engaged while reading your article so you should not make a paragraph so long that the reader would lose interest in finding out the content of that paragraph. Many readers have the tendency to ramble through your article so you have to be careful so as not to give your reader the idea that you are not grammatically conscious.

The main idea of writing catchy content is to get your readers to understand the point you are trying to make and if after going through your article and they could not get the picture of what you are trying to say, you have wasted your entire effort on that article.

Choose The Right Headline

One important thing to note is to always carry out a research on the right headline to use that will catch the attention of your reader. Make sure you follow the due procedure by introducing them to the topic (preview), giving them the main idea and summarizing all you discussed towards the end of the article.

Make Your Content Mistake Free

It is also advisable to do a spelling and grammar check before putting up your blog so that your readers will know that you have an idea of what you are doing. Writing is fun but with more practice you will learn how to write great and catchy contents that will capture your reader’s attention.

Liked this post! Do share it with your friends and bloggers and subscribe us. Share your thoughts in the comments section below. Happy Blogging.

How to Stop Blogger Country Specific Redirection

Blogger uses Country specific domain redirection that changes your blog URL according to your visitor country. For example, if your blog address is yourblog.blogspot.com and someone is visiting your blog from Canada, he will be redirected to yourblog.blogspot.ca instead of yourblog.blogspot.com and if someone is visiting your blog from Italy then he will be redirected to yourblog.blogspot.it and so if someone is visiting your blog from India then he will be redirected to yourblog.blogspot.in, etc.

Why you Should Stop Blogger Country Specific Redirection?

The answer is simple, it will effect your alexa ranking and your pagerank too, due to different URL's. This redirection is called Country Specific Redirection or "country-code Top Level Domain" (ccTLD). The blogs with custom domains are not affected by this method. About 20 countries are affected by this redirection. Today in this tutorial we'll show you that How to Stop Blogger Country Specific Redirection.

How To Stop Blogger Country Specific Redirection

First for foremost go to Blogger.com and Log in to your account. Select a Blog >> Template >>Edit HTML and search for the <head> tag. Now copy(Ctrl + C) the following piece of code and paste(Ctrl + V) it just below/after <head> tag.
<script type='text/javascript'>
var blog = document.location.hostname;
var slug = document.location.pathname;
var ctld = blog.substr(blog.lastIndexOf("."));
if (ctld != ".com") {
var ncr = "http://" + blog.substr(0, blog.indexOf("."));
ncr += ".blogspot.com/ncr" + slug;
Hit the Save Template button and you're done.

We hope this tutorial may have helped you in learning How to Stop Blogger Country Specific Redirection. Share this tutorial with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us.

How To Upload Custom Template On Blogger

Most of we know Blogger Default Templates don't give a professional look to your blog. Uploading a customized template is useful, interesting and gives a professional look to your blog which attracts more visitors to your blog. There are millions of blogs hosted on blogger but they don't don't know that how to upload a custom template.
If you're bored of the generic templates supplied by Blogger and you want to upload your own custom template to your blog. So, Today in this tutorial we will teach you that How To Upload Custom Template To Your Blogger Blog.
How To Upload Custom Template To Blogger ?

Step 1. Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Select your blog >> Select Template
 Step 2. Now Hit the Backup / Restore Button
Step 3. Click on Download Full Template Button make a backup for your previous template
Step 4. Click on Browse Button and choose the Template that you want to upload from where your Template is located

Step 5. After uploading your selected Template, Upload button will be visible and now Hit the Upload button
That's all !!!! Enjoy Blogging.

We hope this tutorial may have helped you in learning How To Upload Custom Template On Blogger. Share this tutorial with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us.

How to create a Sitemap/Table of Contents in Blogger

Sitemap/Table of Contents is a page that shows all the posts that are published on your blog in a separate page. As we know, that blog archive shows all the required data but not in a single page. This Table of Contents will make it easier for your readers to find that they are looking for. The gadget we are going to share with you today will help you to add a Table of Contents in a single page. This table of contents shows post titles with separated labels and a New! text with recently published posts.

How To Create A Sitemap/Table Of Contents In Blogger ?

Step 1. Log in to your Blogger Dashboard
Step 2. Go to Pages >> New Page and select Blank Page from the list as shown below

Step 3. Click on HTML and Paste the following code in the HTML Box
p.labels a{color: #242424; text-transform: uppercase;font-size: 15px;}
a.post-titles {color: #0000FF;} 
ol li{list-style-type:decimal;line-height:25px;} 
</style> <script> 
var postTitle=new Array();var postUrl=new Array();var postPublished=new Array();var postDate=new Array();var postLabels=new Array();var postRecent=new Array();var sortBy="titleasc";var tocLoaded=false;var numChars=250;var postFilter="";var numberfeed=0;function bloggersitemap(a){function b(){if("entry" in a.feed){var d=a.feed.entry.length;numberfeed=d;ii=0;for(var h=0;h<d;h++){var n=a.feed.entry[h];var e=n.title.$t;var m=n.published.$t.substring(0,10);var j;for(var g=0;g<n.link.length;g++){if(n.link[g].rel=="alternate"){j=n.link[g].href;break}}var o="";for(var g=0;g<n.link.length;g++){if(n.link[g].rel=="enclosure"){o=n.link[g].href;break}}var c="";if("category" in n){for(var g=0;g<n.category.length;g++){c=n.category[g].term;var f=c.lastIndexOf(";");if(f!=-1){c=c.substring(0,f)}postLabels[ii]=c;postTitle[ii]=e;postDate[ii]=m;postUrl[ii]=j;postPublished[ii]=o;if(h<10){postRecent[ii]=true}else{postRecent[ii]=false}ii=ii+1}}}}}b();sortBy="titleasc";sortPosts(sortBy);sortlabel();tocLoaded=true;displayToc2();document.write('</br><div class="sitemap-link"><a href="http://blogolect.blogspot.com/2014/01/create-sitemap-table-of-contents-in-blogger.html" style="font-size: 10px; text-decoration:none; color: #5146CD;">Grab This Widget</a></div>')}function filterPosts(a){scroll(0,0);postFilter=a;displayToc(postFilter)}function allPosts(){sortlabel();postFilter="";displayToc(postFilter)}function sortPosts(d){function c(e,g){var f=postTitle[e];postTitle[e]=postTitle[g];postTitle[g]=f;var f=postDate[e];postDate[e]=postDate[g];postDate[g]=f;var f=postUrl[e];postUrl[e]=postUrl[g];postUrl[g]=f;var f=postLabels[e];postLabels[e]=postLabels[g];postLabels[g]=f;var f=postPublished[e];postPublished[e]=postPublished[g];postPublished[g]=f;var f=postRecent[e];postRecent[e]=postRecent[g];postRecent[g]=f}for(var b=0;b<postTitle.length-1;b++){for(var a=b+1;a<postTitle.length;a++){if(d=="titleasc"){if(postTitle[b]>postTitle[a]){c(b,a)}}if(d=="titledesc"){if(postTitle[b]<postTitle[a]){c(b,a)}}if(d=="dateoldest"){if(postDate[b]>postDate[a]){c(b,a)}}if(d=="datenewest"){if(postDate[b]<postDate[a]){c(b,a)}}if(d=="orderlabel"){if(postLabels[b]>postLabels[a]){c(b,a)}}}}}function sortlabel(){sortBy="orderlabel";sortPosts(sortBy);var a=0;var b=0;while(b<postTitle.length){temp1=postLabels[b];firsti=a;do{a=a+1}while(postLabels[a]==temp1);b=a;sortPosts2(firsti,a);if(b>postTitle.length){break}}}function sortPosts2(d,c){function e(f,h){var g=postTitle[f];postTitle[f]=postTitle[h];postTitle[h]=g;var g=postDate[f];postDate[f]=postDate[h];postDate[h]=g;var g=postUrl[f];postUrl[f]=postUrl[h];postUrl[h]=g;var g=postLabels[f];postLabels[f]=postLabels[h];postLabels[h]=g;var g=postPublished[f];postPublished[f]=postPublished[h];postPublished[h]=g;var g=postRecent[f];postRecent[f]=postRecent[h];postRecent[h]=g}for(var b=d;b<c-1;b++){for(var a=b+1;a<c;a++){if(postTitle[b]>postTitle[a]){e(b,a)}}}}function displayToc(a){var l=0;var h="";var e="Post Title";var m="Click to sort by title";var d="Date";var k="Click to sort by date";var c="Category";var j="";if(sortBy=="titleasc"){m+=" (descending)";k+=" (newest first)"}if(sortBy=="titledesc"){m+=" (ascending)";k+=" (newest first)"}if(sortBy=="dateoldest"){m+=" (ascending)";k+=" (newest first)"}if(sortBy=="datenewest"){m+=" (ascending)";k+=" (oldest first)"}if(postFilter!=""){j="Click to view all"}h+="<table>";h+="<tr>";h+='<td class="header1">';h+='<a href="javascript:toggleTitleSort();" title="'+m+'">'+e+"</a>";h+="</td>";h+='<td class="header2">';h+='<a href="javascript:toggleDateSort();" title="'+k+'">'+d+"</a>";h+="</td>";h+='<td class="header3">';h+='<a href="javascript:allPosts();" title="'+j+'">'+c+"</a>";h+="</td>";h+='<td class="header4">';h+="Read all";h+="</td>";h+="</tr>";for(var g=0;g<postTitle.length;g++){if(a==""){h+='<tr><td class="entry1"><a href="'+postUrl[g]+'">'+postTitle[g]+'</a></td><td class="entry2">'+postDate[g]+'</td><td class="entry3">'+postLabels[g]+'</td><td class="entry4"><a href="'+postPublished[g]+'">Read</a></td></tr>';l++}else{z=postLabels[g].lastIndexOf(a);if(z!=-1){h+='<tr><td class="entry1"><a href="'+postUrl[g]+'">'+postTitle[g]+'</a></td><td class="entry2">'+postDate[g]+'</td><td class="entry3">'+postLabels[g]+'</td><td class="entry4"><a href="'+postPublished[g]+'">Read</a></td></tr>';l++}}}h+="</table>";if(l==postTitle.length){var f='<span class="toc-note">Show All '+postTitle.length+" Posts<br/></span>"}else{var f='<span class="toc-note">Show '+l+" posts by category '";f+=postFilter+"' the "+postTitle.length+" Total Posts<br/></span>"}var b=document.getElementById("toc");b.innerHTML=f+h}function displayToc2(){var a=0;var b=0;while(b<postTitle.length){temp1=postLabels[b];document.write("<p/>");document.write('<p class="labels"><a href="/search/label/'+temp1+'">'+temp1+"</a></p><ol>");firsti=a;do{document.write("<li>");document.write('<a class="post-titles" href="'+postUrl[a]+'">'+postTitle[a]+"</a>");if(postRecent[a]==true){document.write(' - <strong><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">New!</span></strong>')}document.write("</li>");a=a+1}while(postLabels[a]==temp1);b=a;document.write("</ol>");sortPosts2(firsti,a);if(b>postTitle.length){break}}}function toggleTitleSort(){if(sortBy=="titleasc"){sortBy="titledesc"}else{sortBy="titleasc"}sortPosts(sortBy);displayToc(postFilter)}function toggleDateSort(){if(sortBy=="datenewest"){sortBy="dateoldest"}else{sortBy="datenewest"}sortPosts(sortBy);displayToc(postFilter)}function showToc(){if(tocLoaded){displayToc(postFilter);var a=document.getElementById("toclink")}else{alert("Just wait... TOC is loading")}}function hideToc(){var a=document.getElementById("toc");a.innerHTML="";var b=document.getElementById("toclink");b.innerHTML='<a href="#" onclick="scroll(0,0); showToc(); Effect.toggle(\'toc-result\',\'blind\');">?? Display Table of Contents</a> <img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEit5b9DVugDIpBexNhk43nR9zgf7tgjS_uHNnsTd1JC36tBA7tfyuuBYS0PpJSVaWPtq5GlTlcFbY4HuwW3E4NCJlJy6MoU7xxcGGNVykCpzdetA1egttiMPZb2Eq1yOm9dILNFjWcW8nSs/s1600/new_icon.gif"/>'}function looptemp2(){for(var a=0;a<numberfeed;a++){document.write("<br>");document.write('Post Link : <a href="'+postUrl[a]+'">'+postTitle[a]+"</a><br>");document.write('Read all : <a href="'+postPublished[a]+'">'+postTitle[a]+"</a><br>");document.write("<br>")}}; 
<script src="http://addictofblogging.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?max-results=9999&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=bloggersitemap"></script>
  • Replace addictofblogging.blogspot.com with your Blog/website URL address 
  • Replace #242424 and 15px to change the font size and color of label
Step 4. Hit the Publish Button

And you're done
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