Monday, 23 June 2014

YSoccer out of Beta

Since football is all the rage right now - unless you are hiding under a rock then you can't have escaped the World Cup - then a little bit of football game news seems appropriate!

The game formerly known as Yoda Soccer has left beta and been unleashed upon the classic pixel soccer game world as YSoccer.

YSoccer version 14

If you never played Sensible Soccer, then you may not yet get what the fuss is all about - if that's the case then you should download it and give it a try!

Sadly football games are a little under served in the open source game community. Bygfoot and Eat the Whistle are quite playable, if a little raw. Project Football is almost a game. Open Football and Open World Soccer never quite got off the ground.

Project Football looked great but was last updated 4 years ago

YSoccer stands out amongst them and deserves a bit more attention than it probably gets.

EDIT: I feel I was a little unfair to Open World Soccer. If you download 0.5 (the most recent release, from 2010) you can see it is quite close to being a playable game. It is by the same guys as YSoccer and was originally an attempt to get away from the proprietary language that YSoccer is written in. You could even say it was intended to be a full port of YSoccer from Blitzmax to C++ (the author suggests so).

Sunday, 22 June 2014

How to Add or Invite Multiple Authors on Blogger

If you ever considered working on a blog with multiple authors and you'd like to add others to publish posts or moderate comments, you can invite multiple authors on your Blogger blog. These additional authors have blog posting rights and can be either a guest author or blog administrator.
  1. An author can create and edit only his/her own posts and have restricted access to some of the blog' Settings. There, he or she will be able to access the Posting options and Add a mobile device, or remove themselves from the blog membership.
  2. An administrator, on the other hand, will have FULL access to the blog' settings and template. Users with this privilege can edit or delete posts made by other members of the blog, add/remove other members or transfer the ownership of a blog.
invite multiple authors on blogger
Related: Add Author's Profile Picture and Name in Multi Author Blog

How to Invite Authors on Blogger

To invite multiple authors on a Blogger blog is really easy. Just follow the steps below:

Step 1. Log into your blogger account at and click the name of your blog

Step 2. Click "Settings" on the left side of the page and go to the "Basic" tab:

invite multiple authors on blogger
Invite multiple authors on Blogger

Step 3. Look for the Permissions/Blog authors section and click on the "Add authors" link. Enter the email address for each author you would like to invite, separating each address with a comma.

Step 4. Click "Invite authors" button at the bottom once you're done. And that's it!

Managing Authors

The invited Authors will be listed after the invitations have been sent and they will need to click the "Accept Invitation" button in the invitation email in order to get started. Authors which have yet to accept or decline the invite will be listed under 'open invitations'.

To remove an author from the blog, simply click the "Remove" icon next to the author's email address:

invite multiple authors on blogger
Cancel the invitation
Once the invited member accept your invitation, they will be listed as an "Author" by default. To give a person full admin privileges, you can change the "Author" status in the "Permissions" section of the Settings > Basic tab to "Admin":

add second admin on blogger
Changing an Author into an Admin in Blogger
Please proceed with caution! Administrators have as much power over your blog as you do, including the ability to permanently delete it!

So this is how you can invite multiple authors in blogger. With this feature, everyone on your team can help create different engaging content for your readers to enjoy.

Saturday, 21 June 2014

How to Delete a Blogger Blog Permanently

So you really messed something up and need to delete a Blogger blog permanently, but don't know how? You might have encountered an error message you can't get rid of, or it might be something wrong with the appearance. Blogger lets us to create up to 100 blogs without worrying about bandwidth, but sometimes we just want to reduce the number of junk blogs from list to keep it short and simple. In this case, we may have decided that it is time to delete it. So how do you delete a blog on Blogger permanently?
delete a blogger blog permanently

Important! Removing or deleting your Blogger blog will also delete all of your blog data, including your existing blog posts. This means that your blog visitors won't be able to view your blog anymore, and that posts and pages associated with Blogger will be removed from your blog.

How to Delete a Blog on Blogger Permanently

1. If you are not already logged in, log into your Blogger account at

2. From the Dashboard (that's the area you see right after logging in that lists all your blogs) select the blog you want to delete. Make sure that you click on the right blog if you have more than one.

3. Navigate to the Settings tab and just below it the Other option. Click on it.

blogger settings, delete blogger blog

5. On the right side is the Blog tools section. To proceed with the deletion then click on the Delete blog link.

If you think you may want to come back to your blog or you've got posts that you want to keep, you can use the Export blog tool to export your blog before you delete it. You can either download your blog posts to your desktop or export it in a format that can be imported into other popular blogging formats.

6. Confirm that you want to delete it and you're done.

how to delete blogger blog

Once you've pressed the Delete This Blog button, you will be redirected to the Dashboard. Notice that your blog is no longer displayed in the list of blogs. If you want to view your deleted blog you can click on the Deleted blogs link on the left side of your Blogger Dashboard to see your recently deleted blogs.

deleted blogger blogs

Here you'll be able to see your deleted blog including details of its deletion date. To restore your blog, click on the Undelete button. Please keep in mind that deleted blogs can be restored within 90 days.

undelete blogger blog

In this tutorial, we have covered some basic reasons why we might want to delete a Blogger blog permanently and the steps involved in deleting a Blogger blog. Instead of deleting the blog, you also have the option of making your blog private. By making it private, the blog will be kept in your Blogger account but no one will be able to view the blog without your permission.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Purpose code for Adsense Income in India (as per RBI Instructions)

Now Google Adsense has started EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) in India. Most of the publishers were waiting for that. But this EFT transfer came with a number of new things. One of them is the purpose code. Recently when i received a call from my bank regarding a funds transfer from a foreign country. At that time i was not aware of this Purpose Code, so i just told them that i am getting this money from Google Adsense as i display advertisements on my website. So the lady on the other side told me that it will come under Remittance. I just said "Ok". I don't know which purpose code is used. But then i started to search for it on Internet and came to know that i am not alone. A number of people received the similar calls from their banks.

But now i have got the answer. The correct purpose code for Google Adsense payment is P1007. You can verify it from the following RBI (Reserve Bank of India) document which shows a list of all purpose codes used for FOREX transactions.

RBI Purpose Codes : Read More

Following link of a Google forum also verifies the Purpose code that i have provided you.

Google Forum about Purpose Code for Adsense Payment: Read More

I hope this information will benefit you and increase you knowledge about this type of payments. Will bring you more insight into this topic if i get some.

Friday, 13 June 2014

OpenXcom hits 1.0

We have previously mentioned OpenXcom on several occasions before, but now the massive UFO: Enemy Unknown engine reimplementation project finally hit the long-awaited 1.0 mark, and they decided to celebrate by releasing this lovely trailer that sums up quite well the insane amount of detail and improvement put into the project over the course of 4 years. I'll let it do justice by itself, but not without thanking all the contributors for raising one of the most acclaimed DOS-era strategy classics from the stagnating swamps of buggy unsupported legacy releases and platform incompatibility.