Friday, 1 November 2013

AUS/USD 2nd November 2013 Monthly Report

AUD Primary cycles

AUD Primary cycles and  breakout patterns (Dilernia Principles) suggests the AUD will continue down towards the 2014 yearly lows.

We've just recently seen Secondary support come into play around .8870 and swing back up into the 50% level @ .9730 (#3)....

My view is that the Primary cycles will now come into play and push the AUD downward, as part of a Primary break & extend pattern.

Finding the co-ordinates of a place in the new Google Maps

This article explains how to get the co-ordinates for a particular location in the new and old Google Maps interfaces.

New vs old Google Maps

In mid 2013, Google started rolling out a new version of Google Maps, which even now (Nov 2013) is still in Beta-testing and only works with Chrome and Firefox on desktop (ie not mobile) devices.  It's related to Google Maps Engine Lite - a better tool for creating custom map - not not exactly the same product.

When I looked at Maps Engine Lite, one of the things I noticed is that there are a number of features which are missing from the new tool- and the lack of a right-click feature on map-positions means that lots of functions are accessed in a different, possibly non-intuitive, way.

How to find the co-ordinates of a particular place in the new Google Maps

Left click on the exact place that you want co-ordinates for.

Notice that there is a small circle which radiates at that place, or the nearest on-street place.   It's a little this, except that it a white/light shade, rather than grey:

In the top left of the map, a small display box appears, showing the nearest street address and a pair of latitude / longitude co-ordinates.

For both the street-address and the co-ordinates:
  • You can copy / paste these as text.
  • If you hover your mouse over them, then inside the maps a small circle radiates out from that spot.
  • They are links: if you click on them, then the map zooms and centres at that place, with a large red marker and the street-address name or co-ordinates displayed beside it.
Note that if the place you originally clicked on is an on-street address, then the address and and co-ordinates will point to the same place. But they are not necessarily the same. (I think this is a mistake on Google's part: if they show an address with co-ordinates immediately under it, most people will assume that the two relate to the same place, but that's not true at the moment. It may change soon-enough though.)

How to find the co-ordinates of a particular place in the existing Google Maps

Right click on the location that you want to find the co-ordiantes for.

Choose "What's here" from the pop-up menu.

At this point, Google Maps will:
  • Show the latitude and longitude co-ordinates in the maps search box
  • Put a green arrow showing the exact location that you clicked into the map itself
  • Put the street address on the nearest on-street location into the maps search-result list, along with a marker to this location on the maps.

So of course you can copy-and-paste the co-ordinates from the search box.

(The pictures in this article above barely look like maps because I'm led to believe that one of the Terms and Conditons for Google Maps is that we cannot put screenshots of the mapping data into how-to articles. So I've kept the places particularly zoomed-in, to avoid any distinguishing features.)

Related Articles:

How to embed a Google custom map into your blog or website

Google Maps Engine Lite - a better tool for creating custom maps

Malware spreading via Skype

Malware spreads via Skype. Just sends the file to all your contacts, nothing more, nothing less. (no message to invite you to check out "photos", no call, ...)

### Analysis ###

Known MD5's:

Callback to IP's:

Callback to domains:
Random & partial DGA(1) - Pattern:

Creates key in:
Injects into:
Sets Proxy:

Type of malware: Caphaw - Banking malware

Technical details ~~

File:    /home/remnux/samples/invoice_171658.pdf.exe_
Size:    360448 bytes
Type:    PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit
MD5:     293cc1f379c4fc81a7584c40f7c82410
SHA1:    7bb5b71513e01c2095d37f42c64982a3edb523b5
ssdeep:  3072:fkrImDVQFgEHQPqviUBSnk92oKMcs3JVJXnGcYHmZ52ZgMed1pJ8t/Jpm3dDlnx/:MkpCEwCvi2b92NMxBnUmyZ9o1z8tL
Date:    0x52739069 [Fri Nov  1 11:28:41 2013 UTC]
EP:      0x401270 .text 0/4
CRC:     Claimed: 0x5eb47, Actual: 0x5eb47

Resource entries
Name               RVA      Size     Lang         Sublang                  Type
RT_CURSOR          0x532b0  0x134    LANG_RUSSIAN SUBLANG_RUSSIAN          data
RT_BITMAP          0x536c0  0x1eec   LANG_RUSSIAN SUBLANG_RUSSIAN          data
RT_BITMAP          0x555b0  0x4e8    LANG_RUSSIAN SUBLANG_RUSSIAN          data
RT_ICON            0x55bc0  0xea8    LANG_RUSSIAN SUBLANG_RUSSIAN          data
RT_ICON            0x56fd0  0x10a8   LANG_RUSSIAN SUBLANG_RUSSIAN          data
RT_GROUP_CURSOR    0x533e8  0x14     LANG_RUSSIAN SUBLANG_RUSSIAN          Lotus 1-2-3
RT_GROUP_ICON      0x584e0  0x4c     LANG_RUSSIAN SUBLANG_RUSSIAN          MS Windows icon resource - 5 icons, 16x16, 16-colors
RT_VERSION         0x53400  0x2c0    LANG_RUSSIAN SUBLANG_RUSSIAN          data

Name       VirtAddr     VirtSize     RawSize      Entropy    
.text      0x1000       0xee6        0x1000       5.764246   
.rdata     0x2000       0x49ce2      0x4a000      5.440947   
.data      0x4c000      0x619c       0x6000       0.012147    [SUSPICIOUS]
.rsrc      0x53000      0x5530       0x6000       3.693765   

Version info
LegalCopyright: gex Copright   ls soft
InternalName:  jex  MUWEfess dlle
FileVersion: 13, 13, 201, 1241
ProductName:  jox  Weaex Apps
ProductVersion: 13, 13, 21, 153
FileDescription:  jex dllx
OriginalFilename: lexlse.exe
Translation: 0x0419 0x04b0


### Prevention ###

* Check your Skype settings. Only allow contacts to send you messages/files & contact you
* Don't download and run unknown files, especially PE(2) files

### Disinfection ###

* Run a full scan with your installed antivirus product
* Look for suspicious Run keys and delete the associated file(s)
* Run a full scan with another antivirus and/or antimalware product
* Change your Skype password
* Change your proxy to the original one(3) (usually none)
* Change ALL your other passwords
* Call your bank to ensure there was no unauthorized withdrawal or transaction

* When in doubt, seek advise on a professional malware removal forum(4)

### Conclusion ###

* Follow above prevention tips
* Use common sense & do not click on or run anything you encounter
* When in doubt, check the file on VirusTotal for example

# Links #
