Thursday, 24 October 2013 compromised

Unless you didn't have any internet access today, you must have heard about the compromise of today. An excerpt:

One of the first confirmations that is was in fact compromised

Google Safe Browsing warning

You can read the full discussion on whether PHP was compromised or not here:

Statements by itself:
I think it's pretty clear by now how it (could have) happened: insertion of a malicious - or change of- a Javascript file on their website.

Let's start with the first entry of infection, most likely userprefs.js on the main page. Some heavily obfuscated Javascript is present, which redirects to either:

Here's a Pastebin link containing the modified userprefs.js:

After either of those redirects, PluginDetect (which is a legit Javascript library to detect browser plugins) determines your version of Adobe & Java. If you have any of those vulnerable versions installed, you'll get served with several flavors of malware. Your browser will either crash or "hang" for a while.

Interestingly enough, another PluginDetect was also trying to check for vulnerable versions of VLC, SilverLight and Flash.

If you don't have any of these installed, you're possibly being redirected to a website with the text "He took over Russia with a wooden plough, but left it equipped with atomic weapons" (seems to be a letter about Stalin, see here) which contains the following fancy YouTube video:

Let's move on to the actual payload. Thanks to a blogpost by Barracuda Labs, I was able to download the PCAP file they gathered. 

The PCAP file proved to be very interesting. Besides being able to pull the usual malicious Javascript files, I was able to gather some payloads as well, which aren't very friendly to your machine.

The following malware was seen to be downloaded: Fareit, ZeroAccess (GoogleUpdate/Google Desktop variant), Zeus and even ransomware (unknown) in one instance!

Fareit and Zeus/Zbot have been known for going hand in hand for some time now, see here for an earlier blogpost. When executed, you'll either have to pay up a fine (ransomware), get a rootkit (ZeroAccess) or get your information stolen (Fareit & Zeus). An overview of the information that will be stolen:

Your data being stolen

I don't need to mention that this is quite bad. Have you visited yesterday or today and saw your browser crash? Did you notice any strange behavior? Yes? No? Either way, perform a scan of your machine right away. We'll get back to that though.

MD5s of samples gathered:



  • Patch your Java & Adobe or uninstall it if you don't need it.
    Same goes for their browser plugins or add-ons!
  • Keep your browser of choice up-to-date.
  • Install an antivirus and antimalware product and keep it up-to-date & running.
  • Use NoScript in Firefox or NotScripts in Chrome.
  • Block the above IP. (either in your firewall or host file)


  • Perform a full scan with your installed antivirus and a scan with another antivirus or antimalware product. You can check on VirusTotal which antivirus applications already detect this malware.


  • Every website can be injected with malicious Javascript, even well-known websites!
  • Received a Google Safe Browsing warning? Don't simply ignore it, either look up if anything's known about that website being hacked or if you're not sure, stay away from it for a while. (best case is to contact the site owner as well.)

Twitter account suspended

This is just a small post to indicate that my Twitter account was suspended last week. (15 October 2013)
(don't worry, if you haven't been following, it's back up already since the 18th)

I received the following mail from Twitter:
Mail from Twitter

My account was inaccessible until the 18th of October, when they "un-suspended" it. Luckily my followers & following were recovered. As to this date, I haven't had any reply from Twitter, despite replying to their ticket.

As to the cause of my suspension? I'm unsure. I often tweet about malicious things, but I do keep maliciours URLs out of them, even obfuscated ones. (easier just redirecting on Pastebin)

I have noticed however that I was tweeting about an account which was massively spamming Twitter. That tweet is still deleted. Not sure if it had anything to do with it, but I don't see too many other possibilities.

It appears I'm not the first to have had this situation. Mikko Hypponen from F-Secure had it as well somewhere in 2009:

You can't send any links in DMs anymore, so I guess Twitter is getting more restrictive. Which is a good thing. I just hope they won't produce any more false positives ;-) .

Michael Krigsman from ZDNet had also written a short article on Mikko's suspension:

I will update when I receive any news from Twitter.