Saturday, 23 October 2010

WinMHR: Free Malware Detector

Today I checked out WinMHR brought to you by: Team Cymru

Now, what exactly is WinMHR ? (This is copied from the website)

WinMHR is...

  • Free - No ads, reminders, or disabled features - for both non-commercial and commercial use.
  • Private - No files or any content is sent across the network.
  • Fast - No heavy analysis is done on your PC. Our servers take care of the heavy lifting.
  • Accurate - We aggregate results of over 30 anti-virus engines, so we detect a far greater percentage of malware than a single, traditional anti-virus product.
  • Up-to-Date - No "definition" or "signature" files need to be downloaded, all updates are done on our servers.
  • Easy to Use - A more user-friendly, point-and-click interface for our established and proven MHR service.

WinMHR is NOT...

  • intended as a replacement of traditional anti-virus, it is an augmentation of your existing anti-virus.
  • a malware removal or blocking tool; it is a malware detection tool.

I tested WinMHR on 10 samples of the infamous rogue AV 'Security Tool':
2 out of 10 samples are known malware

When you first start WinMHR, it does a scan of your running processes. This makes it very easy to view MD5s of all running processes, as well as which modules are loaded under each process.

Down below you can find an additional video on how to use WinMHR: