Sunday, 9 September 2018

Trading Tip: The Secret Power Of Stock Options

Trading Tip: The Secret Power Of Stock Options

So you've probably heard that options can great big gains for you you can take small amounts of money and create even larger amounts of money that's true but let's talk about the hidden side of options so as I alluded to a lot of people that hear options just think okay trying to make big gains and while that is true you don't need to always be making big gains and there's really other things to options that I think are much much more appealing and just quite frankly should really be the start of the show not the big gains that you can make but these three things so I want to talk about the three characteristics of options that get overlooked the first one is actually some people try to you know make it sound like it's a negative or a bad thing but I think it's perfect for people because it eliminates a very common desire very common a kind of Jedi mind-trick that you try to play on yourself so the first hidden gem of options is that they expire in other words they can turn worthless and a lot of people say oh you got to be careful about that because you know they can expire worthless on you they are depreciated in value at all times very true but I think this is a good thing why be decisive I don't know how many times I've seen it and I've been there to where you take a position in a stock and it doesn't quite go your way and then you think hey yeah yeah I'm going to change my plan I'll buy a little bit more now I'll hang on for a little bit longer and that all of a sudden okay you know I'm going to start to research the fundamentals of this company maybe it's going to be a good investment and then before you know it this very short-term trade has turned into a long-term investment because you've tricked yourself into thinking well you know you don't want to cut you know you don't want to sell for a loss oh yeah yeah trick yourself and it turns into a long-term investment with options that's not the case you know that they expire you know that at some point they're going to become worthless so you need to stick to your plan and if that isn't motivation to have you stick to your plan then I don't know what is so I think it's a great motivation tool in terms of making you plan the trade and truly trade the plan not alter that not have a plan turn into a short-term day trade until you know a three-year hold or another towards you've become a bag holder so we let's just call that what it is so they expire a lot of people that oh that's negative that's bad give me a break it's going to make you be decisive and be disciplined so I think that's a great thing second with the cash account the pattern day trading rule does not apply let me say that again the pattern day trading rule does not apply pattern day trading only applies to margin accounts but if you have a cash account it no longer applies to you I did not know that somebody in the chat room mentioned that to me and I thought wow you know that's that's pretty huge because the pattern day trading that's the the probably the biggest question I get is hey are there any ways around this what can I do to try to work my way around it and a cash account is a step in the right direction and the third huge thing and this is you know quite frankly I think very game-changing is that a lot of times or not a lot of times every time there's something that's called the settlement rule but all the settlement means is this when can I use my money again now with stocks as soon as you make a trade even if you have a cash account when you make a trade you have to wait three days before you can use that money again so just keep the math simple let's say you had a hundred dollars in your account you you make a trade you have to wait three days before you can get access to that hundred dollars again however with options one day this right here is huge so with a cash account and then because options by nature only have a one day settlement period you can essentially make as many trades as you want per week not per day but if you divide up your account in a way and actually if you click on the video or click on the annotation that's on the screen right now I do a video that's a little bit more in depth about these couple things so check that video out but with the one-day settlement you can go at it again and again and get many more trades per week than what you could if you had a cash account and are trying to use stock so very overlooked again this was something that was pointed out to me by a member of the chat room so I can't really take credit for figuring that out but it's it's a huge thing like I said game-changer and I stand by that because the three-day rule is what really you know screws up people with cash accounts and stocks because you know sure the day trader rule doesn't apply to the cash accounts but still even with stocks you have that three days where you have to wait until you can use your money again but with options it's only one day so again options are going to have you be decisive they're going to have you be disciplined with a cash account no pattern day trader rule applies to you and I'm the big one down here they only have the one day settlement period so you can have your money or you can have access to your money right the next day and those three things as far as I'm concerned are very huge so if you haven't considered options hopefully this kind of sways you don't fall into a trap like I was for so long that options are super complicated and intricate they're really not the way I use them in the way I teach them very very simple and I think I do a pretty good job of simplifying it within my course if you're interested in that you can click on the link down in the description box to look into my options trading simplified course it's gotten very good reviews and I think it's a very fair value for everything that you learn and everything that it can open yourself up to with all these very big advantages particularly in the way that you can get many more trades per week compared to trying to do and trade stocks if you have a smaller count actually if you have over 25,000 then this stuff really doesn't pay attention to you but I know a lot of people out there don't have twenty five thousand so this is something that can really benefit you so if you have any questions on this you know leave them in the comments below and I will do my best to answer them in a timely fashion thanks for taking the time to watch remember get out there and trade without emotion you.

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