Friday, 28 September 2018

DNS Spoofing

!!! For Educational Purposes Only!!!

Tutorial DNS Spoofing 

Greetings my fellow hackers. As you may have noticed by my lack of posts, I've been away for a while working on a big project with a team (which won't be finished anytime soon), and I have also been putting together a small side project for NullByte that I will be announcing soon. So sorry if I've been lagging, I'm back now and I'm finally making a tutorial. I know that DNS Spoofing has been covered here already by OTW but I feel like I have to make my own input on this. I'll be using Ettercap so that's something original, am I right? Alright, let's get to it. What Is DNS Spoofing? DNS Spoofing (sometimes referred to as DNS Cache Poisoning) is an attack whereby a host with no authority is directing a Domain Name Server (DNS) and all of its requests. This basically means that an attacker could redirect all DNS requests, and thus all traffic, to his (or her) machine, manipulating it in a malicious way and possibly stealing data that passes across. This is one of the more dangerous attacks as it is very difficult to detect, but today I will show you both how to perform it and how to detect if it is being performed by somebody else on your network.

 Step 1: 

Preparation Let's start by booting up Kali Linux, whether it's a Virtual Machine (VM), a native boot, or a dual boot. If you haven't got Kali yet (which you should by now, granted that you're on this website) go get it on the official website. Make sure you have a working internet connection before you continue and make sure that you are on the same network as your target. This is a LAN (or WLAN) attack and so both the attacker and victim must have the same network gateway. Let me point out in advance that the victim could be running any operating system, it does not matter
Complete PDF LINK:> One Step Away

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