How To Grow A Small Trading Account
So you have a small account you're definitely not alone but how can you grow it what's a quick way to grow it that's what we're going to talk about in today's video now you have a small account maybe you don't even have a small account but you're just hey this video is supposed to tell me how I can grow my account but mainly want to talk about people that have a smaller account and you know you know I got a really small account but I want to grow this thing so how can I grow it well the fastest way is the most unpopular way but it's the fastest and it's the most healthy and how do you do that well the Jo be if you have a job perfect if you don't have one go start delivering pizzas go start busting tables at a restaurant go do something get a part-time job there is no shame in that I want to say that again there is no shame in getting some sort of part-time job or if you have some sort of full-time job that's totally fine that's totally cool I would actually respect you that much more because that just helps me wow this person really wants to grow their accounts I really want to become a trader I see it way too much where you know people are know yeah you know I really want to be a chatroom or I really want to be a trader and I see this all in the chat room but you know I have a small account and I just got to make this work I got to make the small account work no you don't know you don't go and get a job you don't have to make the account work I'm not saying a job like a career like you're going to be at this thing for the next 40 years but a job creates cash flow I mean if you want I mean nothing is a guarantee because you could always lose the job but if you want for sure just paycheck every week or every two weeks or whatever I mean that's cash flow right there and it comes from a job so I know there's a lot of sites maybe services maybe business models marketing approaches that's probably the best way to put it that come across as all jobs or for the losers you know you got to be just full-time trader right from the get-go and they imply that unless you're making a bunch of money and a trader then you know whatever the jobs are for losers that means you're failing they have some sort of negative implication by net that's not the truth at all a job is a fastest way to grow your account again not popular if you're looking for some sort of secret trick or secret tip stop looking for secrets first off those are just cheap marketing gimmicks but get a job now along with that right here budget do you have a budget again one of those boring words oh here we go a budget a budget a budget again going to the chat room and just in general social media talking with people through customer service on the website message boards I hear people talking about yeah you know I got a smaller account and you know they're kind of I don't wanna say complaining but they're just yeah it's a smaller account so i'm limited blah blah blah and then all of a sudden other conversations or you know i noticed within other parts they're talking about oh yeah but i'm into this and i'm into that now don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with hobbies and there's nothing wrong with being into other things but then i start to you know add up some numbers like wow so they have this hobby and they're they're doing this that and the other that stuff takes a lot of money so in my mind it's okay you could be taking that money and put it into your trading account now if you're not super serious then i guess you know that's fine but like i said sometimes those people are sitting there kind of playing oh woe is me you mean my small account well i have i have a problem feeling any pity for you when i know that you're not putting all that money into the account that you could because you're spending it on these other things so you can't have it both ways again i if you have other hobbies cool but don't be having other hobbies then also be sitting there complaining about how small your account is that's just a budget problem on your own and this is probably the hardest part this is what makes it kind of ugly to say you know job and budget is yeah there is some short-term pain there's some short-term annoyance but the whole point of this is short-term pain for the long-term comfort and how am i defining comfort well if you really have a passion and you you know i want to do this full-time i want to work in my underwear everyday you know that's very calm it's very nice to roll out of bed and just walk to your trading desk but to get here to get to the Comfort yet you're going to have some short-term pain and that's where maybe having to pick up a part-time job making sure your budget is in line you know sacrifice need to happen you can't just wake up one day and say you know what with this small account I'm going to be a day trader for the living it does not work like that many people have tried and I don't know if any have really succeeded just because of all the psychological dynamics that go with it because when you stop and think about it if you have a small account and you need to make your rent payment or your mortgage payment or you got to put food on the table or you got to pay your electricity bill you have to make that money with your trading account in this situation you don't have to make that money because well your job is creating the cash flow so it's just a big psychological ease there's not that big burden on your mind to begin with and like I said don't fall for the marketing don't fall for the you know stuff out there that has some sort of implications that you know anything you have to go out and maybe do something you know like I said delivering pizzas if you were saying oh that means you're failing that don't fall for that don't just don't let yourself you know succumb to that you know situation of thinking and being hard on yourself that you're somehow failing as a person in this trader if you have to go out and get a part-time job or you have to do this stuff with a job that's just that's just not the case so that's the fastest way to to grow an account I realize this isn't braving what you wanted to hear but if you want to grow your small account fast get out there obviously learn how to play the game of the market but get a job and make sure your budget is in give yourself some pain these are the pain items and in the long run assuming you work hard and keep at it you know you can obtain that comfort so keep that in mind as you get out there if you got the smaller counts maybe right after this video you'll go start to fill out some online applications like I said I'm not judging you in a bad way at all in fact I would respect you more if you go and do that so get out there and start to grow your small account give yourself some pain
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