Saturday, 10 March 2018

Create Horse Trojan Virus

Create a Simple Trojan Virus

Hello guys! Today I'm going to share another tutorial about making Horse Trojan Virus.

So, Let's get back to the work..

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N: B: This tutorial is only for educational purpose. SMitToP is not responsible for any misuse.

Step 1:- Open your computer's notepad and copy the code from bellow and paste it on notepad.

N: B: Don't make any change to the code.

Description of the virus code

1. First command will stop the Eco system.
2. Second command will ask the system to start telnet server at every time the PC starts.
3. Third command will ask system to start telnet server for current windows NT systems.
4. Fourth command will stop NTLM hash security.
5. Fifth command will start stream mode for telnet server.
6. Sixth and seventh command will create a user which name is shaikat and password is 1234.
7. Eighth command will make shaikat the administrator.
8. Ninth command will hide all data of shaikat user.
9. Tenth command will delete the bat file.

Step 2:- Then save it with ".bat" extension.
Example:- trojan horse.bat

Congratulations! You are successfully create the virus.

Don't use it to make harm to anyone

N: B: It will work only on windows 7 & windows XP.

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