Wednesday, 26 November 2014

How to Replace a Word in complete Blogger Blog

Today i was struggling to find a way to search and replace a word in my complete blog. Actually i have a blog on blogger and i have used its name "*" several times in various posts. Now i have purchased a domain name, so i want to change all appearances of "" to ".com" . Its a tough job if i have to change it in almost 100 posts manually.
So i was trying to find a trick to get do it using some app or plugin, but found nothing for blogger platform. When i was about to end my search and do it manually, i found something that worked for me.

I found an app developed by a software engineer "Adam Lewis" to do find and replace work for me. That app did this task for me within 5 minutes. Isn't it great ! But that app asks for the permission to access your google account to make changes in blogger. In the beginning i was hesitating as it could be possible h**k. But then i found that i can revoke the app access once the work is done. So i granted the permission to that app and completed my find and replace on blogger blog within 5 minutes. After that i  revoked the access of that app. I have explained this process in detail below.

How to Replace a Word in complete Blogger Blog

  • Copy and open the URL of the app in a new tab:
  • Ensure that you have opened it in the same browser in which you blogger account is logged in.
  • You may read the app page that i have provided to ensure that it will do the same task.
  • Now go to "Transfer me to Google so I can authorize this tool" . Once you visit this, it will ask you to authorize it to make changes to your blogger account through google access.
  • Once you have authorized it, then you can choose the blog name from a dropdown list and make find and replace to your blogger blog. It might take some time depending on the size and number of posts in your blog.
  • After it done go to your google account and open the security setting. I have provided its direct URL: 
  • From this page you can revoke the access you have provided to that app.
  • I hope now your work is done. 

Enjoy blogging on Blogger.

Note: You can't undo the changes you have made using the above tool, unless you are smart enough to run find and replace in reverse order if possible. 

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