Monday, 21 October 2013

How to Make the Best Out of Your ClickBank RSS Feed Subscription

clickbank rss feeds generator Making money on the internet with ClickBank rss feed is one of the underrated secrets of making money online.  ClickBank rss feeds are rss feeds that allow you to customize the feed based on a keyword.  This keyword then generates a list of products with your ClickBank affiliate id already embedded.
Here’s how this secret works.  Your affiliate id is embedded in links that people have a chance to browse.  If a person clicks and purchases you earn commissions.  That’s the ClickBank game.  ClickBank rss feeds take the rss feed game to a new level through updating a variety of new products.  Thus, the feed is automatically selling new products through your newsfeed.  The larger variety of products you market translates to the possibility of more money for you. You can test this out here. Just put in your keywords and affiliate id and a list will be generated.
Let’s take this secret a step further.  When you embed the rss feed into your site, you can customize this rss feed with products from any number of commission granting sources such as  The key to really making this work is to make the feed relevant and attractive to your audience.
What compels audiences to use rss feeds are these two simple indicators:
1. The rss feed is easily accessed and displayed on your website.
2.  The rss feed delivers content in a way that is not available anywhere else.
This is where keyword knowledge comes in handy.  Setting up keyword searches that help your audience in some way stems is 10% marketing research technology and 90% commitment to proving your audience with something they need.
When the commitment is there, then you are motivated to get to know your audience.  That is the game changer in making your site attractive and content rich.  Both of these things translate to people staying on your site longer and revisiting your site.
Rss feeds help lock people into revisiting your site because they can sign up to read your regular updates.  If you set the rss feed to be refreshed daily along with other valuable tweets, blog posts, articles, or videos, people will have a reason to continue to visit your site.  Because rss feeds can be created to look attractive, you can easily create the rss feed to appear like a Facebook newsfeed.  Obviously, if you approach marketing from this angle, you can see why people would be interested in browsing and checking your rss feed.
This is how ClickBank rss feeds makes you money.  They function as a part of a platform of constantly updated unique content provided to your audience.  This content is unique because what you are really selling is not your products, but expertise in your product.  Constantly updated value heavy content gives your audience the confidence and trust in your qualification as an expert.  That is the secret backdrop that has people come to your site over and over, because they are looking for kernels of wisdom and opportunities from someone with a proven ability to spot and organize what they need.

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