Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Get 100% Approved Adsense Account : 2013 Working Tricks

All new bloggers or semi seasoned bloggers know that Google Adsense is one of the best programmes to earn money through advertising on your blog or website. But recently, it has become quite  hard to get a 100% approved Adsense account because of the numerous new Google Adsense policies. Google like to update their policies regularly and this can cause many issues to bloggers.
Many bloggers or website owners would like an Adsense account but most of them are not successful in getting one. There are many people online who sell their Adsense account to the non successful website owners. We recommend that you do not to buy a Google Adsense account from any resellers online because it is against Google’s Adsense Terms of Services. If you have gained an Adsense account by buying it, then it could be banned any time without warning.
If you want a Google Adsense account and fear you may not get one then, don’t get upset! There is no need to worry at all. I am going to share with you the best way to get an approved  Adsense account with a simple method which is 100% legal and working in 2013 -the method has been tested by myself and many others.

Steps to Get Approved Adsense Account :

I believe you already know that YouTube is the most popular video sharing website on which users can share, upload, download and view videos by different users or channels. You can easily get an approved Adsense account with YouTube simply by sharing your own videos online.
This is by far the best method to get an approved Adsense account within 24-48hrs maximum (Of course you have to do some work).
1. First step, Let’s go to www.youtube.com and create a Youtube account (I recommend to create the account with your Gmail ID). If you do not have a Gmail account then we recommend you get one first.
2. Upload some videos to your account (Say at least 3), You can use  a video converter for cutting different parts of a movie up or use Windows Movie Maker for creating some basic videos. (It is the best idea to upload trending videos for getting more views).
3. Increase your video views by sharing on other social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest , and  Google+ etc.
4. Now when your YouTube account reaches 300+ views in total from all  the videos combined you will get an email invitation sent to your Gmail inbox or a message in your YouTube inbox to  monetize your videos. ( If you haven’t got the invitation don’t worry. You can simply apply for an Adsense account in your YouTube Settings.)
5. Now after applying to Adsense for an account you will get an email within the next 24hrs saying that, your account is now enabled for monetization.
6. Hurray! You now have a fully working Adsense account. Make sure to use it properly and stay within the TOS and you will be fine. ‘Do No Evil’ as Google say, Google will hunt you down and kick you out of the service if you do illegal activities.
I hope you have enjoyed this simple trick that I have shared with you so you too  can get a Google Adsense account. Please share with us any other easier methods that you know by commenting below.
Enjoy the new account that you have created by reading our  “Get 100% Approved Adsense Account” article. :-)

Monday, 21 October 2013

The Full Adsense Formula

Adsense is the best income generating program ever spawned! Why?
There is no product or service to promote. Only your domain. Webspace, an Adsense account, and highly targeted traffic is needed. Your success with adsense, you will soon learn, is as easy as driving s car or cooking a four course meal. The reality is Adsense Success and everything else has to be learned. When you learned how to drive a car it became simple and after a couple of months of driving everyday or so. It became second nature. Once you learn the Adsense formula and it’s variables. The sky’s the limit with Google Adsense
Learn The Adsense Craft.
You can’t cheat your way to success or for some a healthy adsense income. Just like anything other skill in life, it has to be learned. Everything that everyone knows was learned from a teacher(I.E. Anyone), a book, an article(I.E. Newspapers, Magazines, and the Internet), or by word of mouth. You have to learn the adsense formula and all the adsense variables. I have a A.A.S in Computer Programming and Engineering. So believe me I know how to give low-level instructions.

Seven Steps To Earn Good Money On YouTube Using AdSense And Partner Program Earn money from You tube

Do you believe me if I am telling you that we can earn money on YouTube? Yes.. you can earn through you tube. So many of the blogger doing this easy work to make money on you tube. Now I am going to explain how to earn money with you tube. On YouTube everyone can share their own videos. First of all I am telling that what you need for this. You need to know about act. If you have a camera or high pixel camera mobile you are the eligible person to make money on YouTube.

Seven Steps To Make Money On You tube

Step1: Take your camera or your mobile and capture all the things as your wish. For example, your dog, cat, your child's activity, mimicry, songs, dance, etc,. 

Step2: Now customize your captured video using movie maker or power director or any other video editing software. It is not so hard. You have to remove unwanted properties of your video. If you want to add a voice on background of your video add that also after record that. Simply I say, you have to make your video as watchable.

Step3: Now go to YouTube website. Sign in with your GMail account here and upload your video by clicking upload button.

Step4: Now provide information about your video. Give the title for your video in English. Describe your video on the Description part. On Tags part give simple words for searching. Now select as Public and save that. Repeat these four steps again and again.

Step5: If your video is own of you, YouTube will send an email like "Invitation to earn revenue from your YouTube videos". Go to that link and give your information on the page. That link will be "YouTube Partner Program: Interest Form". Now YouTube check your videos. YouTube expects more number of videos and views.

Step6: If all the expectations are fine, YouTube will provide "Partner" option. But for so many people it may be unapproved. You have to wait for two months to apply for this partner program. But don't be without uploading videos. Do your work continuously. After the next two months apply again for partner program with more number of videos and views.

Step7: If you have AdSense account, YouTube will give a chance to earn through AdSense. At the next minute of upload your videos give "Monetize My Video". Now your video is taken for Review. After your video is confirmed as yours Monetize tab will open. Your income depends on number of videos uploaded by you.

Difference Between Partner And AdSense

The earnings from AdSense is lesser than Partner program. For partner program account YouTube gives 2.5$ for 1000 views. For adding your AdSense account on your YouTube account, YouTube will ask you when you entering to it. Otherwise wait for sometime. Overlay in-video ads will appear below to your video. True view in-stream ads will play at the opening of your video.

What type of videos can I upload?

You can upload any kind of videos like Cooking tips, Technology matters, Cinema, video tutorials, Beauty tips, mimicry, songs, music, animation scenes, etc,. If you know English well you can make good income. You can use Tamil also. But you don't have the permission to upload cinema videos, cinema songs and adult videos. It should be completely as your own creation. 

Note: Don't use Audio swap option to video for any reason. Even you use that option, you will not get money for that. It is depends on your try.

Top Paying AdSense Keyword Lists

from www.seobook.com Learn how to create a list of high value keywords based on information from search engines like Google and Microsoft.

Youtube Video Marketing: How I Save Time and Money While Creating Youtube Video

Youtube video marketing can either save or waste your time and money. The trick is to find the most effective and cheapest way to create youtube videos. So read on this article to find out top secret of popular video marketers on how they save their time while creating youtube videos every day.
Youtube Video Marketing Trick # 1:
Keep your video short. This simple trick really works when it comes to creating tens of videos in an hour or two. In this way, you save your time and work more productively at a time making tens of youtube videos in minimum time. The more videos you create and upload to youtube and other sites, the more traffic and sales you will get from your youtube video marketing.
Youtube Video Marketing Trick # 2:
Have you ever tried to hire a freelancer for outsourcing youtube video creation? If you tried you know how much each video costs on a average.  Let’s say you order single video for the cheapest price: . What if you order 10 videos a day at this rate? It would cost you 0 a month which can be spent in a smarter way.
But I’ve a better solution which I myself use and am very satisfied with. I apply the number one article to video converter for creating youtube videos for my daily video marketing campaigns. In this way, a single video costs me a lot cheaper. Besides, I can generate professional videos in no time even if it is 3.00 am night.
- See more at: http://adsenseyoutube.com/youtube-video-marketing-how-i-save-time-and-money-while-creating-youtube-video-my-2-simple-tricks/#sthash.keWlG4jx.dpuf