Thursday, 3 January 2019

How to install Window 10

There is no doubt that Microsoft Window is the most prevalent among the young people in the office or at the same reason because it comes with a simple interface which is easy to execute but if we talk about window installation Some people here are very upset about this because they think that this is not an easy task and they are afraid of doing this kind of work but today I'll teach how to install window 10 to and believe me it is very easy. So, let's start.

steps for window 10 installation
window 10

Windows 10 is a series of personal computer operating systems that are manufactured by Microsoft as part of its Windows NT family operating system. It is the successor of Windows 8.1, and was released for manufacturing on July 15, 2015, and was released for sale on July 29, 2015. [8] Windows 10 receives a new build on an ongoing basis, which is available to users at no extra cost.

So, here is the steps to install Window 10

1. Make sure your window 10 installation media is connected.

 In order for you to install window 10 your window installation file must be loaded onto your disc or flash drive, and the disc or flash drive must me inserted into your computer.

*  If you install from flash drive you must be booted pen drive.

steps for window 10 install
window 10 installation disc

2. Start or Restart your System.

It's in the pop-up menu above the power icon, doing this will restart your computer.

3. Enter in BIOS

steps for window 10 installation
window 10 boot menu

This key may also be different key- most computer will display  a message on startup that says "press(key) to enter setup" or something similar, so far this, message when your computer restart to confirm the key you should press to access the BIOS.

4. Navigate to the Tab "Boot"
      You'll use the arrow keys to select it.
The boot tab can say boot option instead of the manufacturer of your computer.

5. Select a device from which to boot.
      You have a couple of option here:-

a. For a USB flash drive,
    Select  the Removable devices option.

b. For a disc installation,
    Select the CD-ROM drive option.

steps for window 10 install
window 10 boot device option

6. Press the (+) key until boot option first.

Once either Removable device or CD-ROM drive is at the top of the list, your computer will select your choice as its default boot option.
* On some computers you'll press one of the function keys(e.g., F5) to navigate an option up to the top of the menu. The key will be showed on the right side of the screen.

7. Save your Setting.

You Should see a key prompt (e.g.,F10) at the bottom of the screen that correlates to "Save and Exit", pressing it should save your setting and restart your computer.
* You may need to press "ENTER" to save the changes.

8. Wait for computer to restart.
Once your computer finishes restarting. you'll see a window here with your geographical information. you're now ready to begin setting  up your Window 10 installation.

9. Part two of two installing.
Click 'Next' when prompted. you can also change the options on this page (like:- the setup language) before continuing if need be.

10. Click "Install Now"

steps for window 10 install
window 10 install now

It's in the middle of the window.

11. Enter your window 10 key, then click.
If you don't have a window 10 key, instead click skip in the bottom - right corner of the screen.
steps for window 10 installation
window 10 key

12. Click the "Accept" box and click "Next".
This will indicate that you accept the term of use.

Also Read - windows vs linux

13. Click "Upgrade"
At the top it's shows "what type of installation do you want?" window.This option installs window 10 while preserving your files, apps, and setting.

* You can click "Custom" instead to clean install window 10 on your computer. Doing so will prompt you to select partition to format before continuing.

14. Wait for Window 10 to install.

Based on your computer's previous operating system and processing speed, this process can be anywhere from half an hour to several hours.
* If you are prompted to press the key to boot from the CD, do not press the key.

15. Follow the on-screen setup information.
steps for window 10 installation
window 10 select option

Once window 10 has been installed on your computer, you'll be able to customize it's setting (like, your region, your language, location,etc). once you finished this process, you will be taken to your computer's desktop.

* You can also click express setting to set-up window 10 with the recommended settings.

                                                 **Keep Sharing**

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Badminton League Mod v3.52.3935 Apk Unlimited Money


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Kalian harus mengantisipasi pukulan dan servis yang diberikan oleh lawan dan harus mengalahkan mereka agar dapat memenagnakan pertandingan.  Pengembang game android Badminton League adalah RedFish Games.

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Badminton League Informasi Game Android

  • Nama : Badminton League
  • Version :3.31.391
  • Ukuran : 30 MB
  • Android : 4.1 +
  • Mode : Offline
  • Genre : Balapan
  • Upload : 24 September 2018
  • Info Lengkap : Playstore
  • Hack Modded : Unlimited Money


  • Mudah untuk mengontrol, menantang untuk menang
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Cara Instal :

  1. Download Badminton League Mod Apk nya
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  4. Mainkan Game nya

Download Badminton League Mod  v3.52.3935 Server Google Drive:

Video Badminton League Mod Apk:

Metasploit Filesystem and Libraries | Metasploit Tutorials

Metasploit Framwork Filesystem and Libraries

Understanding the Metasploit Framework Architecture
   One can more easily understand the Metasploit architecture by taking a look under its hood. In learning how to use Metasploit, take some time to make yourself familiar with its filesystem and libraries. In Kali Linux and other distros (like Parrot Security OS), Metasploit is provided in the metasploit-framework package and is installed in the /usr/share/metasploit-framework directory.

Metasploit Framework Filesystem
   The Metasploit Framework filesystem is laid out in an intuitive manner and is organized by directory. Some of the more important directories are briefly outlined below.

   data directory: The data directory contains editable files used by Metasploit to store binaries required for certain exploits, wordlists, images, and more.
   documentation directory: As its name suggests, the documentation directory contains the available documentation for the framework.
   lib directory: The lib directory contains the ‘meat’ of the framework code base.
   modules directoty: The modules directory is where you will find the actual MSF modules for exploits, auxiliary and post modules, payloads, encoders, and nop generators.
   plugins directory: As you will see later in this course, Metasploit includes many plugins, which you will find in this directory.
   scripts directory: The scripts directory contains Meterpreter and other scripts.
   tools directory: The tools directory has various useful command-line utilities.
Metasploit Libraries:
   There are a number of MSF libraries that allow us to run our exploits without having to write additional code for rudimentary tasks, such as HTTP requests or encoding of payloads. Some of the most important libraries are outlined below.

    * The basic library for most tasks.
    * Handles sockets, protocols, text transformations, and others.
    * SSL, SMB, HTTP, XOR, Base64, Unicode.

    * Provides the ‘basic’ API.
    * Defines the Metasploit Framework.

    * Provides the ‘friendly’ API.
    * Provides simplified APIs for use in the Framework.

Monday, 31 December 2018

Al-Khaser - Public Malware Techniques used in the Wild: Virtual Machine, Emulation, Debuggers, Sandbox detection

Al-Khaser - Public Malware Techniques used in the Wild: Virtual Machine, Emulation, Debuggers, Sandbox detection

Introduction about Al-Khaser

   Al-Khaser is a PoC "malware" application with good intentions that aims to stress your anti-malware system. It performs a bunch of common malware tricks with the goal of seeing if you stay under the radar.

Download Al-Khaser: You can DOWNLOAD and RUN DIRECTLY the latest release here: for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit.

Possible uses:
 * You are making an anti-debug plugin and you want to check its effectiveness.
 * You want to ensure that your sandbox solution is hidden enough.
 * Or you want to ensure that your malware analysis environment is well hidden.

   Please, if you encounter any of the anti-analysis tricks which you have seen in a malware, don't hesitate to contribute.

Features of Al-Khaser
   Anti-debugging attacks:
    * IsDebuggerPresent
    * CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent
    * Process Environment Block (BeingDebugged)
    * Process Environment Block (NtGlobalFlag)
    * ProcessHeap (Flags)
    * ProcessHeap (ForceFlags)
    * NtQueryInformationProcess (ProcessDebugPort)
    * NtQueryInformationProcess (ProcessDebugFlags)
    * NtQueryInformationProcess (ProcessDebugObject)
    * WudfIsAnyDebuggerPresent
    * WudfIsKernelDebuggerPresent
    * WudfIsUserDebuggerPresent
    * NtSetInformationThread (HideThreadFromDebugger)
    * NtQueryObject (ObjectTypeInformation)
    * NtQueryObject (ObjectAllTypesInformation)
    * CloseHanlde (NtClose) Invalide Handle
    * SetHandleInformation (Protected Handle)
    * UnhandledExceptionFilter
    * OutputDebugString (GetLastError())
    * Hardware Breakpoints (SEH / GetThreadContext)
    * Software Breakpoints (INT3 / 0xCC)
    * Memory Breakpoints (PAGE_GUARD)
    * Interrupt 0x2d
    * Interrupt 1
    * Parent Process (Explorer.exe)
    * SeDebugPrivilege (Csrss.exe)
    * NtYieldExecution / SwitchToThread
    * TLS callbacks
    * Process jobs
    * Memory write watching
    * Page exception breakpoint detection
    * API hook detection (module bounds based)

    * Enumerate modules with EnumProcessModulesEx (32-bit, 64-bit, and all options)
    * Enumerate modules with ToolHelp32
    * Enumerate the process LDR structures with
    * LdrEnumerateLoadedModules
    * Enumerate the process LDR structures directly
    * Walk memory with GetModuleInformation
    * Walk memory for hidden modules

   Anti-Dumping: Erase PE header from memory and SizeOfImage.

   Timing Attacks [Anti-Sandbox]:
    * RDTSC (with CPUID to force a VM Exit)
    * RDTSC (Locky version with GetProcessHeap & CloseHandle)
    * Sleep -> SleepEx -> NtDelayExecution
    * Sleep (in a loop a small delay)
    * Sleep and check if time was accelerated (GetTickCount)
    * SetTimer (Standard Windows Timers) timeSetEvent (Multimedia Timers)
    * WaitForSingleObject -> WaitForSingleObjectEx -> NtWaitForSingleObject
    * WaitForMultipleObjects -> WaitForMultipleObjectsEx -> NtWaitForMultipleObjects (todo)
    * IcmpSendEcho (CCleaner Malware)
    * CreateWaitableTimer
    * CreateTimerQueueTimer
    * Big crypto loops (todo)

   Human Interaction / Generic [Anti-Sandbox]:
    * Mouse movement
    * Total Physical memory (GlobalMemoryStatusEx)
    * Disk size using DeviceIoControl (IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO)
    * Disk size using GetDiskFreeSpaceEx (TotalNumberOfBytes)
    * Mouse (Single click / Double click) (todo)
    * DialogBox (todo)
    * Scrolling (todo)
    * Execution after reboot (todo)
    * Count of processors (Win32/Tinba - Win32/Dyre)
    * Sandbox known product IDs (todo)
    * Color of background pixel (todo)
    * Keyboard layout (Win32/Banload) (todo)

   Anti-Virtualization / Full-System Emulation:
    * Registry key value artifacts
    + HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\Scsi\Scsi Port 0\Scsi Bus 0\Target Id 0\Logical Unit Id 0 (Identifier) (VBOX)
    + HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\Scsi\Scsi Port 0\Scsi Bus 0\Target Id 0\Logical Unit Id 0 (Identifier) (QEMU)
    + HARDWARE\Description\System (SystemBiosVersion) (VBOX)
    + HARDWARE\Description\System (SystemBiosVersion) (QEMU)
    + HARDWARE\Description\System (VideoBiosVersion) (VIRTUALBOX)
    + HARDWARE\Description\System (SystemBiosDate) (06/23/99)
    + HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\Scsi\Scsi Port 0\Scsi Bus 0\Target Id 0\Logical Unit Id 0 (Identifier) (VMWARE)
    + HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\Scsi\Scsi Port 1\Scsi Bus 0\Target Id 0\Logical Unit Id 0 (Identifier) (VMWARE)
    + HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\Scsi\Scsi Port 2\Scsi Bus 0\Target Id 0\Logical Unit Id 0 (Identifier) (VMWARE)
    + SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SystemInformation (SystemManufacturer) (VMWARE)
    + SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SystemInformation (SystemProductName) (VMWARE)

    * Registry Keys artifacts
    + SOFTWARE\Oracle\VirtualBox Guest Additions (VBOX)
    + SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\VBoxGuest (VBOX)
    + SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\VBoxMouse (VBOX)
    + SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\VBoxService (VBOX)
    + SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\VBoxSF (VBOX)
    + SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\VBoxVideo (VBOX)
    + SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware Tools (VMWARE)
    + SOFTWARE\Wine (WINE)
    + SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Virtual Machine\Guest\Parameters (HYPER-V)

   ...And more. You can read details in here.

 * mrexodia: Main developer of x64dbg
 * Mattiwatti: Matthijs Lavrijsen
 * gsuberland: Graham Sutherland

 * An Anti-Reverse Engineering Guide By Josh Jackson.
 * Anti-Unpacker Tricks By Peter Ferrie.
 * The Art Of Unpacking By Mark Vincent Yason.
 * Walied Assar's blog.
 * Pafish tool.
 * PafishMacro by JoeSecurity.

Requirements to build Metasploit Lab Environment | Metasploit Tutorials

Launching msfconsole

Prepare your Metasploit Lab Environment
   Before learning how to use the Metasploit Framework, we first need to make sure that our setup will meet or exceed the system requirements outlined in the following sections. Taking the time to properly prepare your Metasploit Lab Environment will help eliminate many problems before they arise later in the course. We highly recommend using a system that is capable of running multiple virtual machines to host your labs.

Hardware Requirements for Metasploit Lab
   All of the values listed below are estimated or recommended. You can get away with less in some cases but be aware that performance will suffer, making for a less than ideal learning experience.

   Hard Drive Space
      You will need to have, at minimum, 10 GB of available storage space on your host. Since we are using virtual machines with large file sizes, this means that we are unable to use a FAT32 partition since large files are not supported in that filesystem, so be sure to choose NTFS, ext3, or some other filesystem format. The recommended amount of space needed is 30 GB.
      If you decided to create clones or snapshots of your virtual machine(s) as you progress through the course, these will also take up valuable space on your system. Be vigilant and do not be afraid to reclaim space as needed.

   Available Memory
      Failing to provide enough memory to your host and guest operating systems will eventually lead to system failure and/or result in being unable to launch your virtual machine(s). You are going to require RAM for your host OS as well as the amount of RAM that you are dedicating for each virtual machine. Use the guide below to help in deciding the amount of RAM required for your situation.

      Linux “HOST” Minimal Memory Requirements: 1 GB of system memory (RAM). Realistically 2 GB or more
      Kali “GUEST” Minimal Memory Requirements: At least 1 GB of RAM. Realistically 2 GB or more with a SWAP file of equal value
      Metasploitable “GUEST” Minimal Memory Requirements: At least 256 MB of RAM (512 MB is recommended)
      Windows “GUEST” Minimal Memory Requirements: 1 GB is recommended. Realistically 1 GB or more

   Processor: To ensure the best experience, we recommend a 64-bit quad-core CPU or better. The bare-minimum requirement for VMware Player is a 400MHz or faster processor (500MHz recommended) but these speeds are inadequate for the purposes of this course. The more horsepower you can throw at your lab, the better.

   Internet Accessibility: Getting your lab set up will require downloading some large virtual machines so you will want to have a good high-speed connection to do so. If you choose to use “Bridged” networking for your virtual machines and there is no DHCP server on your network, you will have to assign static IP addresses to your guest VMs.

Software Requirements for Metasploit Lab
   Before jumping in to the Metasploit Framework, we will need to have both an attacking machine (Kali Linux) and a victim machine (metasploitable 2) as well as a hypervisor to run both in a safe and secluded network environment.
   You can install Metasploit Framework with command: sudo apt install metasploit-framework

Hypervisor for Metasploit Lab
   Our recommended hypervisor for the best out-of-the-box compatibility with Kali Linux and metasploitable is VMware Player. While VMware Player is “free”, you will have to register in order to download it, and the virtualization applications and appliances are well worth the registration if you do not already have an account. You may also use VMware Workstation or VMware Fusion but neither of these is free.
   There are also other options available when it comes to which hypervisor you would like to use. In addition to VMware, two other commonly used hypervisors are VirtualBox and KVM but they are not covered here. Instructions for installing Kali Linux can be found on the Kali Training site.

Latest Kali Linux
   Kali Linux is an advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing Linux distribution that will be used throughout this course. Kali Linux comes with Metasploit pre-installed along with numerous other security tools that you can try out against your victim machine. You can download the latest version of Kali Linux at Kali Linux Downloads.
   Once you have downloaded Kali Linux, you can update Metasploit to the latest version in the repos by running apt update && apt upgrade in Terminal.

Windows (Of course)
   Microsoft has made a number of virtual machines available that can be downloaded to test Microsoft Edge and different versions of Internet Explorer. We will be able to use these VMs when working with some of the exploits and tools available in Metasploit. You can download the VMs from here.
   Once you have met the above system requirements, you should have no trouble running any tutorials from the Metasploit Unleashed course.

   One of the problems you encounter when learning how to use an exploitation framework is trying to find and configure targets to scan and attack. Luckily, the Metasploit team is aware of this and released a vulnerable VMware virtual machine called ‘Metasploitable’.
   Metasploitable is an intentionally vulnerable Linux virtual machine that can be used to conduct security training, test security tools, and practice common penetration testing techniques. The VM will run on any recent VMware products and other visualization technologies such as VirtualBox. You can download the image file of Metasploitable 2 from here.
Never expose Metasploitable to an untrusted network, use NAT or Host-only mode!

   Once you have downloaded the Metasploitable VM, extract the zip file, open up the .vmx file using your VMware product of choice, and power it on. After a brief time, the system will be booted and ready for action. The default login and password is msfadmin:msfadmin.
The Metasploitable virtual machine

   For more information on the VM configuration, there is a Metasploitable 2 Exploitability Guide on the Rapid7 website  but beware…there are spoilers in it.
   To contact the developers of Metasploit, please send email to