Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Wenja Grammar: Plurals & Animacy

In languages like English, there is usually a way to differentiate singular nouns from plural nouns.
Wenja, Wenjas
bear, bears 
leaf, leaves 
BUT fish, fish
In Wenja, plural nouns look exactly the same as singulars.
Winja = Wenja, Wenjas 
hars = bear, bears 
balya =  leaf, leaves 
payska = fish, fish
However, if a plural noun is the subject of a verb, in special circumstance you'll see the plural marked on the verbs. To understand when, you must first understand animacy.

Wenja speakers view the things within their world as either living (animate) or non-living (inanimate). For the Wenja, anything animate has a soul.  Animate nouns are people, spirits, gods, and animals. Inanimate nouns are objects, such as rocks, weapons, and food.

The key point is that Wenja only use endings on their verbs when the subject is animate. The only things that can be inanimate would be in the 3rdperson. For the 3rd singular, since there is no verbal ending in the paradigm for animate subjects, the verb will look the same whether the subject is animate or inanimate. So, the only difference you would need to worry about would be for the 3rd person plural subjects:

3rd person plural subjects:
Mara harha.                        The apples rest.                  (Inanimate) 
Chwan harharsh.              The dogs rest.                      (Animate)
3rd person singular subjects:
Mara harha.                          The apple rests.                (Inanimate) 
Chwan harha.                       The dog rests.                    (Animate)

Monday, 18 April 2016

Wenja Language: frashta, frashni, fraja, shrash

Smarkaka, sakush! Tan-ra nakway kraybay bidam, ma Primal "Gwayfa Santaha" lijam. Say-saywa, ma taw-tawsam! Palhu sashwal pa, "nati"s hu-warhamas.  Ya si-gwar sahi, Takkar sa warha. Cha Takkar alya warshta warha: frashta. Shaja sis traya brashtar-warshtas-kwa warhamas: shrash, fraja, frashni-kwa.

Hello, friends! I apologize for not writing anything, but I've been playing Primal on "Survival Mode".  It's super hard, but I'm loving it! A couple weeks back we spoke about nati "no longer". It's what Takkar saying releasing his beast. Takkar says another word: frashta "right, correct". Today we'll talk about it & three related words: shrash "yes", fraja "to target; guide", and frashni "queen".

Let's start with the less common, but more straightforward words. The words frashta and frashni are taken from the verb fraja "to target, aim at; direct, guide, rule". Both show the common alternation of -j- to -sh- (fraj-ta- --> frashta, fraj-ni --> frashni). The original meaning of frashta is "upright, guided" and the frashni is the "one who rules".  Of course, in the context of Far Cry Primal, we're talking about Batari here.

So how is shrash connected to all of this?  Well, originally shrash WAS frashta, just spoken so many times it got slightly modified. The strong "sh" sound took over the less-audible "f" sound, and the final syllable was lopped off. This was all done on purpose; more common words tend to undergo more changes than less common words.  Just think of the English word "and".  You usually pronounce this word as simple "n" (In n' Out, fish n' chips, etc.)  But the same reduction isn't seen in words like "sand", "hand", "band", etc.  They cannot be reduced to sn', hn', bn', etc. That's because "and", as a common word, doesn't play by the rules.  The same is true of shrash.

And where does this come from in PIE?  A very common root: *h₃reǵ-, which had the same meaning as Wenja fraja. We still have this word in words dealing with royalty (regal, royal, etc.) as well as direction (the board of regents, registration, etc.).  Those words are borrowed from Latin, however.  Do we have any direct descendants in English? Yes, indeed! In fact, our word right is from the same source as frashta.

Dark Souls III v1.03-v1.03.1 Plus 28 Trainer

Saints ROW III ZIMOS voices

-This Mod Brings ZIMOS Style Voice for CJ.
-Voices are Not Totally like Zimos's Voice.
-I just add Zimos Voice effects(Phaser) in CJ Voices.
-It's 75 % like ZIOMS's Voice.
Author: Rakesh_nama

How to Install ? 
Install these voices with Saat.
firstly copy the voices into directory where you have placed sounds where these extract copy these folders into this folder then open Saat and then open SPC_PA and save and PAIN_A and then save.
done the mod is installed.
just put all folders in Modloader Folder.(Modloader Required).

Please Rate This Mod & Don't forgot to make comment!

Enjoy! ^_^

Saints ROW III ZIMOS Voices

The Division SweetFX Mod Graphics v0.3