Monday, 21 October 2013

Youtube Video Marketing: How I Save Time and Money While Creating Youtube Video

Youtube video marketing can either save or waste your time and money. The trick is to find the most effective and cheapest way to create youtube videos. So read on this article to find out top secret of popular video marketers on how they save their time while creating youtube videos every day.
Youtube Video Marketing Trick # 1:
Keep your video short. This simple trick really works when it comes to creating tens of videos in an hour or two. In this way, you save your time and work more productively at a time making tens of youtube videos in minimum time. The more videos you create and upload to youtube and other sites, the more traffic and sales you will get from your youtube video marketing.
Youtube Video Marketing Trick # 2:
Have you ever tried to hire a freelancer for outsourcing youtube video creation? If you tried you know how much each video costs on a average.  Let’s say you order single video for the cheapest price: . What if you order 10 videos a day at this rate? It would cost you 0 a month which can be spent in a smarter way.
But I’ve a better solution which I myself use and am very satisfied with. I apply the number one article to video converter for creating youtube videos for my daily video marketing campaigns. In this way, a single video costs me a lot cheaper. Besides, I can generate professional videos in no time even if it is 3.00 am night.
- See more at:

Fixing Ad Disabled Videos and Commercial Proof Rights Warnings

When monetizing each single video you upload to your channel, and specially when mass uploading videos, even if they don’t have any type of content used that can be claimed, or having used copyrighted material, you might find yourself getting the dreaded message in your associated email account, “More information needed to consider your video monetization request” and “Your video has been disabled from revenue sharing”, the first has a chance to get re-enabled, the latter doesn’t.
If you are partnered with a network, this issue will continue to happen, but you avoid the problem of getting your Adsense account banned.
Below we dissect the messages and what to do in order to start making some bucks of your uploaded videos once again.

YouTube Email Notifications

These are the notifications you receive through email, each time a video gets disabled for monetization or requires further proof to get enabled.
More information needed to consider your video monetization request
Dear “user”,
Thanks for submitting your video “Video Title” ( for monetization. We did not approve this video for monetization because the content in your video and/or the metadata may not be advertiser-friendly.
Please note that YouTube reserves the right to make the final decision whether to monetize a video, and we may disable monetization for partners who repeatedly submit ineligible videos.
As next steps, please read our Community Guidelines before enabling another video for monetization.
The YouTube Team
Whether the metadata (probably tags, description and title) and content is atcually reviewed by a human is highly unlikely, unless you have a hugely popular channel that is. They certainly randomize videos when rejecting them for monetization specially when it comes to mass video uploaders and when the video length is too short. Also, pay attention to the phrase “partners who repeatedly submit ineligible videos”.
More information needed to consider your video monetization request
Dear “user”,
At this time, we are unable to approve your video(s) because we do not have sufficient information regarding your commercial use rights.
We may consider your video(s) for further review provided you verify that you are authorized to commercially use all of the elements of your content. This includes all video, images, music, video game footage, and any other audio or visual elements. Learn more
Please note that YouTube reserves the right to make the final decision whether to monetize a video, and we may disable monetization for partners who repeatedly submit ineligible videos. All videos are subject to our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines, and may be removed from the site if they do not meet those standards.
Please submit your additional information below:
“Video URL Requiring Proof for Monetization”
Remember that a variety of factors, such as video performance, may affect review time. We may not be able to process every submission, but we continually monitor these factors and prioritize accordingly.
As you can guess, the more relevant your channel becomes in YouTube, the highest the chances of actually getting your video reviewed and approved, which most of the time simply never happens.

How To Get Your YouTube Video Re-Enabled for Monetization

If you see the ! warning instead of the white $ icon that reads “Not Monetized. Click To Provide Proof of Commercial Use Rights.” Then proceed with the following steps to get the video reviewed.
  • Click on the ! icon or the edit button of the corresponding video.
  • Click on the “Monetization Tab” once in the editing screen.
  • Click on “I can provide proof of commercial use rights”.
  • Now, from the dropdown menu, choose the option that fits your video the best:
    • My Video Contains Only My Original Content
    • I have an online license for some or all of my content
    • I have written permission to use some or all of my content
  • Finally, the most important step on this process is to provide the details in order to get your video enabled for monetization. That includes the software you used to record the video, hardware as well, soundtracks used (which of course should always be royalty-free and not copyrighted if you aim to make money from it). Below you can find the suggested info, according to youtube, that must be included in order to have a chance to finally getting your video re-enabled for ads.
  • Explain in the text box below how you own commercial use rights to your content. You are welcome to use the suggested information as a starting point. However, it is up to you to provide all necessary details. Please note that YouTube may need to ask you for additional information
    Your song/musical piece
    Music composer/publisher
    Your music label (if any)
    Link to software license terms (if any)
    Name of the track
    Artist of the track
    Direct URL of the track
    Video game or software name
    Link to online license terms
    Primary source establishing public domain status
  • Click on Save Changes.
  • Once you go back to video manager, you will see that the status now reads “Pending Review” with a greyed out $ icon instead of the ! warning. Now you need to wait, maybe a day, or maybe months, until you get lucky and that video gets reviewed. Again, the more relevant your channel is, the more likely your videos will get a preferential treatment when it comes to monetization requests.

When A video gets “Rejected for Monetization”, there’s no option to get it reviewed, simply because the monetization tab is gone. You might consider taking down this video and re-edit it getting rid of all the stuff that might have been the cause for getting rejected, if any.

A YouTube Analytics Guide for Beginners

If you’re just getting started with your own youtube channel, but are serious in your mission to make money with it, then analyzing and viewing accurate stats from your own account is mandatory to see if your videos are indeed good enough and matching the right audience.
The bad thing is that YouTube Insights only shows stats for the last month, and does not allow you to download your statistics for the entire channel history. Also, the data shown will always have a delay of at least 3 days, so you won’t get the latest visitor tracking info. Below we dissect and explain each section of youtube analytics.
In a few words, YouTube Insights allows you to know whether you’re doing a good work with your videos or need to improve the quality a lot in order to view improvements in subscriptions and sharing.
Mind you, once you’re in a partnership, the channel earning stats will not longer appear in your YT like it used to when you had Adsense associated to it. Each partner has their own control panel where they show the earning reports (see the complete list of youtube partners here).


Despite having a general engagement report on the analytics homepage, you will have a chance to get a detailed look at the left sidebar section. Click on “Views” and you will see a chart displaying views for the last month, whether in a weekly, monthly or daily view. From this page you can also verify the list of countries where the views are coming from and the total watched minutes for the last month.


Youtube, unlike any other tool that monitors your website’s activity, can give you a failry accurate demographics report, since they do count signed in users to do this. The main chart gets a chart for the male/female distribution and below you have a report giving the age distribution divided by countries.

Playback Locations

The playback location is a fairly good indicator of why your views and earnings do not correlate, since many devices like the youtube app for iOS devices (or consoles like the Wii U) does not display ads. It is divided into
  • Mobile devices
  • YouTube watch page
  • YouTube channel page
  • Embedded player on other websites: This feature now has its own section, and details most of the websites embedding your videos, quite good if you have a single page compilation instead of looking at individual videos stats.

Traffic sources

Another section you simply cannot miss if you want to monitor where your visitors are coming from, most of the sources below have their own page displaying more focused statistics (even though they only list up to 25 results, maybe a premium version with unlimited results would be widely accepted amongst pro youtubers).
  • Mobile apps and direct traffic (unknown sources): Views of unknown referrer on mobile apps and direct traffic on the YouTube watch and channel pages. Possible origins of direct traffic include email and instant messaging clients or copying and pasting a URL into the browser.
  • YouTube suggested video: Views from thumbnails appearing on the side of the page of other videos or on the end screen of a video.
  • YouTube search: Think of organic search keywords but for YouTube’s search engine only.
  • Embedded player (unknown sources): Referring pages for videos embedded on other websites are unknown. See which sites are embedding your videos in the playback locations report for an individual video.
  • Homepage feeds and subscriptions: Views from the various feeds on the YouTube homepage and subscription features
  • Google search: Yes, your videos do receive visitors through regular Google searches. They offer you a brief list of keywords.
  • YouTube – other features
  • External website
  • YouTube – other features: Includes YouTube video annotation and Spotlight (featured videos in the user’s youtube homepage)
  • YouTube channel page
  • YouTube advertising

Audience Retention

Estimated average minutes watched per view for the selected content, date range and region. You will notice that the most important data given is the average view duration percentage shown right next to the raw time number, the closer to 100%, the better.

Engagement Reports

Subscribers: One of the most used reports; shows subscribers lost, gained and the net change, it also displays a list of the videos that get you the most subscribers.
Likes and dislikes: Better used when you include both likes and dislikes in the same chart.
Favorites: This graph should always show mostly added favorite videos, if the amount of removed favorites is high, then there’s something seriously wrong with your videos.
Comments: These reports shows comment stats and the top 10 list of videos receiving most comments.
Sharing: Facebook and Twitter shares done from YouTube’s own sharing buttons get included on this report.
Annotations: This feature allows you to link from within your own videos to other videos or websites, or simply giving information snippets that can be quickly added. Both Click through rate stats (The percentage of clickable annotations that received clicks.) and Close Rate stats (The percentage of annotation impressions that were closed by the viewer.) are given

List of 3rd Party Tools to Track Your Youtube Channel Activity

The quickest ways to check your channel subscribers and views growth, including average and estimated earnings (the latter not accurate though) are using Socialblade and Vidstatsx YouTube tools. These tools also have their own ranking system, which is indeed quite good.
Socialbakers, Statsheep and Channelmeter work the same way, but always need to have the channel “searched” a first time in order to get it added to the database, so you won’t find stats from previous months.
None of the mentioned trackers have access to demographics information, or video engagement, they are mainly used to check if your account is growing or not, and of course, the only way of looking at other channels besides yours. Finally, remember that the views counter in your channel homepage gets frozen quite often, when such thing happens, the 3rd party tracked will show 0 views for that day.

Gaming Videos in YouTube & Adsense, Allowed or Not?

This is the most frequently asked question made by YouTube users that upload video game walkthroughs, after monetizing them through the regular Youtube partnership by using the Adsense Publisher Network. Monetizing videos this way is certainly not adviced for the long-term, the reasons are detailed below.


YouTube allowed the creation of Partnerships and Networks mainly for one reason, they wanted to get rid of handling the copyright claims themselves and outsource them to third-party companies. This is why YouTube does not want ANY of its users making money of video game walkthroughs by using Adsense.
FALSE STATEMENTS COMMONLY READ IN FORUMS: You have surely read that you need some sort of written permission from the company that created the video game if you planning to monetize it. In theory, if you are using the recorded playthroughs for commercial purposes you should, however, most companies, if not all, are more than glad to receive free publicity from users [Notice that if you get into a partnership with a YouTube network, you will have that permission stuff sorted out right from the beginning, since it's the Network the one that handles copyright claims]. Getting your Adsense account banned from YouTube is not because you are recording walkthroughs, but because of click fraud made by the users themselves.
Now, if you still want to monetize gaming videos through a regular Adsense account linked to YouTube, then read what Google has to say about it.
THE OFFICIAL WORDS FROM YOUTUBE ON THE MATTER. Video Game and Software Content. It’s important to remark that it all comes down to the video game publisher and they handle content permissions. Our advice is, if you see that the video game belongs to a company that tends to report videos or that they are very rare within YouTube, simply stay away from recording and uploading, just stick to games that you know are from companies that have no trouble with them.
HOW YOUTUBE DEALS WITH VIDEO GAME VIDEOS NOWADAYS. If you have dozens of videos hosted with Adsense monetization, you will see them turned off ($ icon goes grey) automatically. This is mostly to “encourage” you to partner with a gaming network. Yes, earnings won’t be as good as handling ads directly through Adsense, but you won’t have to worry about video monetization getting turned off all the time, or even risking a disabled accountYou can always send an email to the publisher asking for more information on the matter, but take into account that their response will most likely be political, and they’ll tell you that is not allowed to use their video game for commercial purposes through YouTube.
If you start receiving permanent emails from youtube regarding rejected monetizations like the one below, just stop and partner through a network.

At this time, we are unable to approve your video(s) for monetization because we do not have sufficient information regarding your commercial use rights. We may consider your video(s) for review provided you verify that you are authorized to commercially use all of the elements of your content.
Failed Logins and account approvals on hold are not related to the niche, just in case you were wondering.

How To Monetize Multiple YouTube Channels with a Single Adsense Account

This is a very common question, specially amongst users that have gone pro and began building separate channels for different video categories, you never want to mix a battlefield walkthrough with a cooking lesson. Do you remember how you got your first youtube channel account attached to your Adsense account?. Fist of all, yes, you can indeed monetize multiple channels with a single, existing Adsense Account through a regular YouTube partnership.
However, you can’t do it the right moment you create a new channel. You’ll first have to build subs and views until you are sent an automatic invite to monetize that specific channel, that means you can’t initially apply for a partnership, rather, you are invited to it in the first place. Unless of course, you want to join one of the many partners out there (which will sure reject you if you have an empty channel).

Keep reading below to find out more about the process and details to link multiple youtube accounts to a single adsense user.

This is the email you must receive in order to start linking your YouTube Channel

Each associated YT email address will receive the same exact message when it’s finally ready to join the YouTube partner program.
YouTube: Your account is now enabled for monetization
Congratulations “channel name”,
Your account is now enabled for monetization. To help you get started, we created the following resource to guide you through your account, our policies, and provide tips to growing your audience.
You can manage your videos and opt them into monetization from your Video Manager. Also, visit the Creator Hub to learn about the latest creator news and resources.
Have fun and good luck,
The YouTube Team

Setting Up Your YouTube Partner Account After Getting The Invite

  • After you receive the invite in your YouTube associated email address, go to and click on “Get Started”, the link is located on a blue bar at the top, which will appear only once your account is ready and approved to be monetized.
  • Read the guidelines and click on next.
  • Then choose the option “Use an Existing Adsense Account” and fill in the fields that match your adsense account details. Each field must be exactly the same as the one you have in your Adsense account.
  • Finally, accept the Terms of Service
  • Done, simply repeat this process for each new YouTube channel you want associated with the same Adsense account.
Below there’s a video that sums up the process described above.