How to make high cpc by using adsense auto ads on your blog
Hey! Bloggers a good news to all of you that you can increase your adsense income by introducing new and best auto ads on your blog. On february 21, 2018 the adsense team launched google auto ads for everyone. Now just you all will have to use new auto ads unit to your blogs after that you will see a different way of showing ads on your blog and site through that way every blogger will see a big hike in his adsense income it is promised by google adsense.
Benefits of adsense auto ads
·Optimization: using machine learning, auto ads show ads only when they are likely to perform well and provide a good user experience.
·Revenue opportunities: auto ads will identify any available ad space and place new ads there, potentially increasing your revenue.
·Easy to use: with auto ads you only need to place the ad code on your pages once. When you’re ready to use new features and ad formats, simply turn them on and off with the flick of a switch -- there’s no need to change the code again.
How to increase your adsense earning by using new and best adsense auto ads implementation on your blog
Google adsense has been introduced adsense auto ads, a powerful new way to place ads on your site. Auto ads use machine learning to make smart placement and monetization decisions on your behalf, saving you time. Place one piece of code just once to all of your pages, and let google take care of the rest just see your account earning.
Getting started with adsense auto ads
Auto ads can work equally well on new sites and on those already showing ads. Have you manually placed ads on your page? There’s no need to remove them if you don’t want to. Auto ads will take into account all existing google ads on your pages.
Already using anchor or vignette ads?
Auto ads include anchor and vignette ads and many more additional formats such as text and display, in-feed, and matched content. Note that all users that used page-level ads are automatically migrated over to auto ads without any need to add code to their pages again.
Know how adsense auto ads works for you automatically what? Auto adsense will work automatically
yes, auto ads will now start working for you by analyzing your pages, finding potential ad placements, and showing new ads when they’re likely to perform well and provide a good user experience. And if you want to have different formats on different pages you can use the new advanced url settings feature
2.In the left navigation panel, visit my ads and select get started.
3.On the "choose your global settings" page, select the ad formats that you'd like to show and click save.
4.On the next page, click copy code.
5.Paste the ad code between the < head > and </ head > tags of each page where you want to show auto ads.
6.Auto ads will start to appear on your pages in about 20-30 minutes.
And now finally you will see your earning increased day by day and if you are a blogger than you should use it as soon as possible and you just heard about it so do it immediately.
Get Google AdSense High CPC Keywords List of 2018, now you can increase your Adsense earning if you use these keywords in your blog post, if you want to get ‘Adsense High CPC’ then this article will more beneficial to all of you.
As we all know most of the bloggers using google adsense to monetize article because Adsense of of the best way to earn money from your blog if you dont have adsense acount then you can make it your self.
Sometimes Adsense gives 50$ per click but you need to use very expensive and highest paying keyword in order to get high cpc, i have already read an article about the same topic where i have seen all highest cpc adsense keywords list and today I showing latest and updated list of that article to get increased your cpc.
Adsense have different types of Advertiser some of them paying 100$ to google and google paid 50$ to their publisher as per click but you must need to show highest paying ads on your blog, so get highest paying ads display on your blog post you have to use Google Adsense High Cpc Keywords
If you are running indian blog and having indian traffic only then you will not get high cpc in beginning so you can try ‘Affiliate Network’ which is best if you have Good Traffic and after all you want to get high cpc than you will have to get traffic from us, Canada, uk and other outside countries.
Many beginner blogger not researching any keyword so they are searching about how to increase traffic, how to boost adsense earning, so guys please remember if you write article by searching keyword then definitely you will get high traffic and able to earn lots of dollar from AdSense, you just need to choose a perfect keyword before you write article
Google AdSense High CPC Keywords List of 2018
You might be seen most of the time Adsense show ad related focus keyword, suppose you written an article about ‘Affiliate Marketing’ topic so adsense will show ads related affiliate marketing on your blog
The same thing you have to do, you just have to write article by using high cpc keyword so that adsense will show highest paying ad on your blog and you will be able earn highest cost per click
Now you may ask how to increase earning by using above keywords? let me tell you my friend if you use above keyword then you can earn more at less click
How to Increase AdSense Earning by Using High CPC Keywords?
Normally you can generate 5$ by 60 clicks or little bit more so here you will get cpc only $0.5 which is very low, but if you got $1 cpc then you can earn $60 at the same click and same traffic
So would you like to earn 5$ at 60 clicks or 60$ at 60 clicks, absolutely you want to earn 60$? am i right?
Lets see if you got $3 cpc per click then how much you can earn
·3×60 = 180$ Per Day
·7×180 = 1260$ Per Week
·180×30 = 5400$ Per Month
So hope you understand how you can easily increase your adsense earning by using Google Adsense High CPC keywords
Latest running adsense high CPC keywords
Many more keywords available, here i am going to add them, check them out and once you found a good keywords which you think you can write an article with this topic just start writing on your blog
25.Dedicated Hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting ($53)
26.Dayton Freight Lines ($99.39)
27.Donate Cars Illinois ($98.13)
28.Dallas Mesothelioma Attorneys ($94.33)
Now comes the main problem most of blogger don’t know how to use keyword in blog post, i will also share this here so that you no need to ask anyone else about it
How to Increase Adsense CPC by using this high cpc keywords
If you are using highest paying keywords then adsense might be show high cpc ads on your blog but if you are not using then you can start using it from now
You can use Semrush or Ahrefs to find good cpc volume keyword, but this both tool available for paid version, you can also use ‘Google Keyword Planner’ which is free of cost for everyone