Friday, 22 February 2019


After six years of respite, Frankie Stubbs reformed Leatherface, it was inevitable because he needed to give musical expression to all of his thoughts. And before the skull burst, Leighton (guitar), David (bass), and Andrew (drums) were mobilized and out of over nineteen new songs, six were sent to BYO Records, who fell heartily off the chair, creating the idea of this mini-split serie, which immediately changed their minds and immediately a new fresh band was found for the flip, Hot Water Music from Gainesville, Florida which was formed 1993 by Chuck & Chris (both lead vocals & guitar), Jason (bass) and George (drums). Here's a perfect review by Jack Rabid (All Music Guide): "This split LP, recorded in three days in 1999, seems as miraculous as it is a godsend. Because they were one of those truly astonishing modern groups that spontaneously combusted in the midst of an attenuated creative peak, Leatherface's unexpected 1993 bust-up seemed particularly cruel. Thousands of scattered souls openly mourned when the news came down that the punk/post-punk powerhouse had vanished. Perhaps after listening to the sea of old live recordings and B-sides, Leatherface's members realized what they'd thrown away, buried what hatchets needed burying, and pulled a Lazarus. The sound of this new recording recalls the spark, the lift-off, and the balls-out clear smack of Mush and The Last. Though Frankie Norman Warsaw Stubbs' vocals are mixed just a little too low to totally match those older detonations -- you have to go down into the two guitars a little to find him, making the words harder to get -- it's still such a corker, it completely corrects the muddy mixes on Stubbs' Jesse and Pope albums. And though this record also finds the quartet retreating to a stylistic territory closer to Mush and Minx, backing away from the more adventurous turf of The Last, it's too intense and exciting to even remotely quibble with. That this unexpected recording is a reality is that rarest of things: a long-shot wish fulfilled. More recent American emo stars Hot Water Music surprisingly put up a good fight, trying to be in the same ballpark with Leatherface's ashen attack, but they lack a singer of Stubbs' caliber to be appearing on the same LP as him or a tightness in playing that takes one's breath away. Better to try them on their own records, because out of this context they would sound rather powerful." With that, all has been said and I recommend you to buy this fantastic melodic killer record by two fantastic bands.

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