Monday, 3 December 2018

Best niches for your blog post, profitable niches | 2018

Well starting a blog needs a specific topic or niches. It is first step for any blogger to begin in blogging and it should be chosen wisely. Because the niche that you will choose should be of your interest Otherwise later on you will regret it, you will face difficulty to write on the topic that you hadn't interest on. In now times many of the Bloggers starts to make blog on technology, or entertainment or news, but they should be aware of  this that these topics are already having so much competition in market and competing for beginners seems like next to impossible. So it is rocemmended to choose the right niches for blogging with medium competition and high CPC. These niches will not only rank but will also generate good money with good CPC. So if you are having problem in choosing the right niche, we have sorted out the some of the best niches, which have medium competition and will easily rank.

1. Food
Those who have interest in cooking or making different kinds of recipes and wants to start a blog then this can be a good choice. Because who doesn't love food and everyone loves it and many people make search on different kinds of recipes. So if you have enough knowledge and you know how to make recipes and other cooking hacks, you can pick this niche. And noteworthy point is that it has many sub categories like, keto diet recipes, muscle building recipes, fatloss recipes. So if you want to start micro niche blogging, you can also pick these sub categories to start on micro blog, which can be easily rank able.

2. Travelling
If you are traveller and discover new and interesting places then this niche is for you. You can write about the destination that you have discovered, the interesting thing about the places, you can advise other people about  do's or don't at such places through your blog. The great thing about this niche that this will help audience to know about the places without getting there and if they are planning they can reach too.

3. Art and craft
Art and craft is also great choice. If you have interest in art, you can write on it. You can help other through your knowledge by sharing on through your blog. You can suggest people about drawing hacks, DIY projects, calligraphy and other types of craft on your blog. If you wants to start micro blog in this category you can use calligraphy, DIY projects, as your micro blogging's topic.

4. Gardening
If you love to do gardening and have enough knowledge and want to share with others, you can, through you blog. Yes, you can write on this topic also. This niche has great search volume with medium competition. So if you have interest in it you can take this as your blog's niche. You can write on best variety of seeds that one should use, best fertilizer according to you, and any other plants related knowledge.

5. Fitness
Fitness can also be a great topic to start on. Here also, many sub categories can be formed for micro niche blogging like, fatloss, supplements guidances, toning specific body part like- love handles. This niche has vast scope. If any fitness freak or lover wants to generate revenue through blogging then there is no topic which can be proven best  for them excepting fitness.

•The niche that we have suggested, should be chosen according to your interest, if you will choose without having an interest, you will be able to start but it will not be able to survive for long time and later on you will regret it. And if you will do hard work which means writing regular articles on your blog with unique content with great SEO optimization you will be able to rank which will enable traffic on your blog and will help to generate great revenue.

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