Saturday, 27 October 2018

PVC - Emile Berliner 1981

Before I switch to the next record, first a little anode why I'm angry, the laundrette near my house is the reason because it should be open at 9:00 and the Assholes are not there!! Forty-five minutes waiting for nothing and a phone call will not reply... what the fuck is this? Customer service, ignorance, no desire? This is the third time now and I have really better things to do than standing stupid in the landscape on a Saturday morning (it's the only time I can do my laundry). You see at this little example that you can't rely on anyone and how nice it is to be independent. But sometimes you just need others and usually it's okay, but such a behavior is not acceptable to me. I will try again later cause I must wash and hope the morons are present. - - - - Now to this record which was on my wanted list for a long time, the debut album by PVC on Plastic Records. Started out as a punk band from Oslo/Norway which was active in the early 1980's. The band consisted of Rune Martinsen (bass), Jørn Loe (guitar), Hans Christian Andersen (drums), Nils Petter Jensen (guitar) and Svein Dahl (vox). After the first two singles (listen) they became more a new wave band with some punk tunes and they recorded their debut album. After this they had some major line up changes and became more electronic new wave/post punk. Ten decent mid-tempo numbers with a great female voice that fits an opulent brunch and blows any trouble (hopefully) awayAlso on Bloodstains Across The World. Enjoy!

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