Friday, 19 December 2014

Freebase shuts down! Your free Google-proof way into Knowledge Graph closes at 31.03.2015

Freebase closes
Everybody, who tried it, knows, whether it is possible and easy to publish an article about a business in the Wikipedia, specially if the business is far away from being in Fortune500, or Fortune 5k, or even Fortune 500k;) But small, local businesses, like individual entrepreneurs too, have an absolutely legit wish and need to get own websites into the Knowledge Graph...

The only free, public way to create a Google-proof web entity is (not much longer) a Freebase entry. Well, smart people create at least 2 entries simultaneously: first for the person, and second for the business entity, with the person entity as an author for the business entity. I wrote an article about an entity creation with a Freebase entry, which was highly spread and liked. But today is a day for the bad news:

Freebase will close in the nearest time!

And, from 31.03.2015 on Freebase will be available only in read-only status: no more new entries, no more edits. Freebase database will be then integrated into the Wikidata. I relate with it to the yesterday post from Freebase Google Plus account, where the closing and integration road map is detailedly described. In the mid 2015 Freebase will be shut down as the standalone project. But what means putting Freebase out of service for all of us, who wants appear in the Knowledge Graph, but haven't enough mana to appear in the Wikipedia?
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