Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Schema.org + Notepad++ = 💘

I love Notepad++. Since i use Windows this is my code editor of choice (there are 4 years, befor i was a Mac-fanboy using TextWrangler). It is free, stable, customisable (visually with themas, and with user defined languages), extendable with rich plugin repository, has active development team, so it gets offen updates. One day i thought, there could be something better beside of Notepad++ and searched. What i found, was an article about 15 most popular code editors and a poll - look at the poll results, you know, what was my decision;)

Since 2011 i love Schema.org too. I extensively use microdata on each site i get in my hands - my own record is 125 microdata classes and properties in a single web document (detail page of a books online shop), and no single one is spam, all of them are existing and useful product informations.

Getting married

It was just obvious i decided to optimize my handwork and make Notepad++ and Schema.org vocabulary working together (and, last but not least, to create a free additional value for all, who have similar needs).
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