This question and the next overlap slightly - if an attacker doesn't (or can't) build custom malware, they may be more inclined to use RATs (freely available or not). Building a RAT is definitely more trivial than building or writing custom malware.
However, don't be fooled. If an attacker is strongly motivated, it's not a question of if they'll get on the network, but when. Take appropriate defensive measures.
A rather surprising result, seeing 11 of the respondents either skipped, or didn't know what Application Whitelisting is. (and as such, how it may be bypassed)
I can definitely recommend you to check out Casey Smith's
Catalog of Application Whitelisting Bypass Techniques.
Extra comments... provided by some of the respondents yielded additional tools and information:
Lateral movement methods:
PowerUpSQL, CrackMapExecWin, smbexec, PowerSCCM, Kerberoasting, CobaltStrike (after obtaining admin creds for another system), WMI, Password reuse.
AV bypass:
PS Empire, PEspin, Shellter, and even manually.
Web app pentesting:
metasploitHelper, Dirb, dirbuster, Kali2.
PowerShell tools:
Compress-File.ps1, BloodHound, PowerLurk, PowerSkype.ps1, PowerOPS, PowerForensics,
Credential dumping:
mimikittenz, go-mimikatz.
Password brute forcing:
Nmap NSE "brute"-category scripts, patator, Invoke-SMBAutoBrute.ps1, HashcatOCL.
RATs and malware:
Empire, Meterpreter (Metasploit), ADC2.ps1, ThinkPwn, manwhoami/Bella, tinymet/Ultimet, CobaltStrike beacons.
ConclusionYou may wonder if every attacker will use every tool on this list. They may well do so, or not use any of the tools and scripts discussed at all, and rather write everything tailored to your environment.
Also keep in mind that an attacker's TTPs may change over the course of weeks, months or even years. However, some tools will always be popular and withstand the test of time.
What's next?
I definitely advise you to either subscribe to feeds, or follow people on Twitter - both red teamers and blue teamers. Often, they both provide a unique insight which in turn will help you to defend better as well. Don't hesitate to share your findings with the community!
Try to think like an attacker. Leave nothing out. Know your own environment.
I'm not sure where to start.
Why not start by checking out a real live intrusion that happened, featuring APT29? There's an excellent presentation out there by Matthew Dunwoody and Nick Carr here:
Lastly, check out JPCert's excellent report on lateral movement here:
Still in doubt? Start Googling some of the TTPs mentioned above and check out their functionality - and shortcomings!
What about PowerShell and all its misuses?
If your organisation has no need for it, disable PowerShell by configuring
AppLocker. Note that PowerShell has many valid usages as well, such as logon scripts. There's a short blog post by Michael Schneider here that touches on this very subject:
A story about blocking PowerShellIf you do want to use PowerShell, I advise you to upgrade to the latest version (currently v5) and turn on all the logging! A blog post worth reading:
Greater Visibility Through PowerShell LoggingAnd the last one in regards to PowerShell is a very recent blog post written by Ashley McGlone:
Practical PowerShell Security: Enable Auditing and Logging with DSCWhat about AV and how it can be bypassed?
AV should never be your only layer of protection. Next-gen or not.
What about... ?
Where there are attackers, there are defenders and vice versa. Use Event Logging. Use Sysmon.
I'm a red teamer, where can I find more information?
A recent post by Artem Kondratenk offers a ton of resources and insight:
A Red Teamer's guide to pivotingCan I use this data?
Of course! As long as you mention the original source, which is this exact blog post. You may find a direct SurveyMonkey link to the results
Thanks to all the participants, and to you for reading!
Please do comment with your feedback or questions or anything else you would like to discuss.