Wednesday, 11 December 2013

AUD/USD 12th December 2013 Monthly Reports

AUD Primary cycles and breakout patterns (Dilernia Principles) suggests the AUD will continue down towards the 2014 yearly lows. We've just recently seen Secondary support come into play around .8870 and swing back up into the 50% level @ .9730 (#3)....

 My view is that the Primary cycles will now come into play and push the AUD downward, as part of a Primary break & extend pattern (Revious Report)

AUD Primary cycles

Primary Cycles continue to play out as expected, with an overall trend bias to continue down into the 2014 lows, and the next long-term BUY zone.

Any short-term buying, and the expectation is that the 2014 yearly 50% level will form resistance, until those lows are reached.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

arithmetic operators in java

Question :
Write a java program that demonstrates the use of arithmetic operators.

Answer :
In this program we perform basic calculator functions like addition, subtraction, division and multiplication, which clearly shows the using of arithmetic operators in java.

1:  import;  
2: import;
3: import;
4: public class CalculatorDemo {
5: public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
6: {
7: int a,b,c;
8: float s;
9: BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
10: System.out.println("Enter first number");
11: a = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
12: b = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
13: c = a + b;
14: System.out.println("Sum :"+c);
15: c = a - b;
16: System.out.println("Difference :"+c);
17: c = a * b;
18: System.out.println("Product :"+c);
19: s = (float)a/b;
20: System.out.println("Quotient :"+s);
21: }
22: }

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read a string in java

Question 2 :
Write a java program for read a string from keyboard and display it.

Answer :
In this program we accept a string from the keyboard and print that string on the output console.

1:  import;  
2: import;
3: import;
4: public class ReadStringDemo
5: {
6: public static void main(String args[])throws IOException
7: {
8: BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
9: String S;
10: System.out.println("Enter any String ");
11: S = br.readLine();
12: System.out.println("Entered String is : "+S);
13: }
14: }

read a string in java

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first java program

Question 1 :
Write a program in java for print a greeting message .

 This program demonstrate how to write a simple java program print a greeting message on the output console.
1:  public class FirstProgram   
2: {
3: // Create the main method here
4: public static void main(String args[])
5: {
6: System.out.println("this is my first program in java");
7: }
8: }

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Sunday, 8 December 2013

Help to ROTC:Ethernet to become fully open-source

The creator of the nice, but pretty niche, freeware game (but with Creative Commons licensed assets) Revenge of the Cats: Ethernet has just informed us that he started a Indiegogo campaign (target US$ 1500) to liberate the game.

The current version still runs on an old closed source build of the Torque3D engine, but with the somewhat recent move to MIT licensing, it has now become possible to go fully open-source.

According to the author:
All I need is about a month's time and some cash to make it happen.
So lets give him the help he needs ;)

The only not so great part of it is that the Linux port of the Torque3D MIT engine is not yet available. Several people are slowly working on it, but after a failed attempt to crowd-fund it, there seems to have been some setbacks.
But optimistically speaking, this could give it the needed push to also motivate the finalization of a working Linux port.