Nowadays Security is going to be an ongoing challenge for not only hosting providers but also for us as users. Here, we seek to highlight five easy tips to protect your website from hackers in order to secure important data. Let us dive in and know how, shall we?
Keeping your software updated
As a site owner, who has built a website with the help of a web development team or on your own through a third party platform, it is important that you ensure all the software on the website is updated..
Building more layers of security
Many hosting providers are upping the ante when it comes to securing their hosting environment. For instance, cloud hosting providers have started tightening the screws around WAFs (Web Application Firewalls) to inspect incoming traffic, weed out malicious requests, protect the website from SPAM, brute force attacks and cross site scripting. Earlier, WAFs mere mainly available as hardware appliances but with technological advancements they have been converted into Security-as-a-Service model.
Switching to HTTPS
HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) is a safe communications protocol that is used to transfer sensitive information between websites and web servers. Once you move your website to the HTTPS protocol, you are essentially adding a layer of TLS (Transport Layer Security) or SSL to your HTTP making your users’ and your own data extra secure. It is not necessary that HTTPS is a mandate for any online transaction.
Make admin directories tough to spot
Hackers are quite smart when it comes to finding routes to access your site’s data. One point of entry is admin directories. Hackers use scripts which scan directories on the web server for give way names such as admin or login, only to enter the folders of your website. One way to protect these files is to rename them by picking innocuous sounding names.
Using strong passwords
This is one of the most important ways to secure your website from getting hacked. Usage of strong passwords is not only suggested by the platform provider but also by cloud hosting providers and other web hosting providers. It is an effective strategy to not just mitigate but also eliminate brute force and dictionary attacks.