Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Wenja Grammar: hu-

Past, Present and Future

Here's an answer to an email we got. If you have suggestions or questions, please let us know!

Wenja are very “present” and not usually concerned with the past or the future. This is also true of their grammar. Wenja has only one verbal tense. Past, present and future are implied from context and/or additional words like adverbs.

Hars gwanam. I kill the bear. / I am killing the bear.
Hars gwanam. I killed the bear.
Gashjas hars gwanam. I killed the bear yesterday.
Shayar hars gwanam. I will kill the bear tomorrow.

The past may be (but doesn’t have to be) marked by adding the perfective unaccented hu- prefix before the verb root. You might use this in ambiguous situations where it is not clear from context that it’s in the past, and where it’s important to indicate that the action has been completed: 

Hars hu-gwanam. I killed the bear.
(It’s over, it’s done with, we don’t need to worry about that bear anymore!)

This type of marker is called an aspectual prefix. It is added to the beginning of a verb to indicate how the action relates to time.

Wenja Language: majish

Smarkaka, salwa!  Shaja alya Winja kam-kamya warshtas warhamas : majish.  Majish is the basic word meaning "big, large, great" and is often yelled in the context of the Udam -- majish yawdan "big warrior"!  Just think of those heavies that take 10 arrows to take down.

You'll also hear majish in the thanks of the very grateful Wenja that you save, hearing things like Tiyi majish charda "You have a big heart" or Majish charda-ha yawdata "You fight with a big heart."

And where does this word come from?  PIE *meǵh2 'great, large, big' (note the funny h2 sound is a guttural sound, likely the "Darth Vader sound"), source of Hittite mek, Sanskrit mahi, Latin magnus, and Greek mega.  It's also continued directly by English much, with a variant mickle (a Scottish form).  So English magni-tude, Mega-man, and much all derive from PIE *meǵh2.  Pretty successful word.

Tu sakwan prasti!

Monday, 7 March 2016

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Wenja Language: salwa

Smarkaka, salwa!  "Salwa" is a word that we've used quite a bit in the last couple weeks in our Wenja lessons, though it's never been explicitly discussed.  Meaning "all, whole, entire", salwa is another word you'll hear frequently throughout Oros, both in the open world and in the cinematics.  Salwa Urusim, if you will.

Take the following scene with Tensay, where he discusses your vision of the Izila apocalypse.

Tensay: Nay. Shancha Urusis. Shancha salwas!
             "No.  End of Oros.      End of all!"

But salwa is also used in another context, one that is perhaps even more common. For this meaning, let's examine a quest that you receive in the open world.

Random Quest Giver:  U shrawman yaka, Takkar. Wadar salwa daha, ha pafi.
                                     "Heal the river, Takkar.       Make the water safe for drinking."

Here we can see the other meaning of salwa: "safe". Though it may seem strange at first, think of the English word whole, which means both "all" (the whole shebang) and "safe" (I feel whole).

This use of salwa as both "all" and "safe" is something we can observe in the related words in the IE languages. PIE *sólwo- (< *solh2wo- via the Saussure Effect) is continued by loads of words in Indo-European, including Sanskrit sarva- 'every', Greek. hólos 'whole; safe', and Latin salvus 'safe' and sollus 'all'.  For Greek hólos in English, see words like holo-gram and holo-cene, Latin salvus is the source of English save as well as salva-tion.

Tu sakwan prasti!

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